Chef Buff Shoutdown Volume 3: Protein Powder, Meal Frequency, Spot Reduction, My Race – OmarIsuf

by YouTube Team






Topics covered: muscles exercise diet nutrition muscle weight weights “weight loss” “fat loss” bodybuilding routine bulk cut routine lifting fitness weight workout gym chest sixpack body flexing training health supplements creatine nutrition tips advice bodybuilder beginner IF “bodyweight” strength diet food fit howto “workout advice” “lose fat” “chef buff” conditioning tips


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MrMano54 January 27, 2013 - 3:24 pm

I use whey isolate body fortress vanilla flavour
I avoid doing switch grip
Body fat % fuck it once you look good to yourself
My chest line getting long an deep honey equal yummy

Johnny Shah January 27, 2013 - 3:28 pm

I am confused about lifting protocols and tempos I have been following 4010 tempo lately for like a month and the results are good but i am unable to lift much weight as i used to. Now for how long should i follow this tempo and when should i switch to other tempos like 3010 or 6-2-1 or 20*0.What is the standard protocol/tempo that should always be followed no matter whatever the workout program is or in general.
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work of spreading knowledge.

Ruisleipae01 January 27, 2013 - 4:31 pm

Nice can you sent a link please!:)

Lorean Twist January 27, 2013 - 7:28 pm

What's your opinion on Clenbuterol for CNS stimulus and fat loss?

jeff ferguson January 27, 2013 - 7:37 pm

Lol clenbuterol is deadly as fuck,good luck not killing yourself on that shit

Miro Mayne January 27, 2013 - 8:48 pm

I'm sorry bro I do not remember the name of the video or whatsoever. Go to his channel and type some keywords, I'm sure you'll find it.

Miro Mayne January 27, 2013 - 8:50 pm

I do not know that much about the tempo topic although I've viewed some video on it. But I'm gonna give you a broscience answer anyway: just do whatever gets you to pursue progressive overload. I think we kind of complicate things when we go too deep. But then again, I'm just a beginner, maybe I'm talking bullshit. Just my opinion. Progressive overload and decent/proper form is what I focus on.

MrBeefcake290 January 27, 2013 - 9:31 pm

You didnt mention meal timing!

Sεnsεi January 27, 2013 - 10:19 pm

who cares about ethnicity? damn it, PRIVATE life. damn it.

Deangelo Brooks January 27, 2013 - 11:57 pm

Aye cheff buff, i have a question, ive been training for a couple of years as a teen, and since i'm in football my back and chest are pretty developed. I have a similar goal as you in terms of 2013, i also want to develop my arms further. What is your training regiment like? How often do you train biceps and triceps? Do you train them together?

Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga January 28, 2013 - 1:25 am

I'm at the weight I want to be, I have loss 160 pounds, I still have fat to burn off, my question is can I burn fat with out losing weight. I been cutting for 17 months.

HUNDO PE January 28, 2013 - 2:21 am

Why do you fucking care…this isnt a channel on "How to be a certain ethnicity…wtf?!?? haha

christian ulloa January 28, 2013 - 3:32 am

CHEFF BUFF !what is the best abs exercise ??

Lordanthony9 January 28, 2013 - 4:51 am

Hey cheff buff you should really put Q&A I saw this an other videos but i assumed they were cheff buff shout outs which dont get me wrong or cool but just didnt catch my eye! keep up the good work now time to hunt down the 1st and 2nd vid 🙂

Phill January 28, 2013 - 1:09 pm

BOOOOOOOOOOOOM *Explosions and shit*

Phill January 28, 2013 - 1:18 pm

I've been training consistently now for 8 months and while I've seen gains in muscle my weight is still the same (On a scale) I'm not too sure what this means? Is it good, or bad?

Mark Sabbas January 28, 2013 - 4:29 pm

Did you reference Gilgamesh purposely if you are Middle Eastern? Great tale.

OmarIsuf January 29, 2013 - 1:37 am

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask

OmarIsuf January 29, 2013 - 1:37 am


OmarIsuf January 29, 2013 - 1:37 am

It means probably good

OmarIsuf January 29, 2013 - 1:40 am

I referenced it because its a great tale my man

Tarek Elhadary January 29, 2013 - 4:00 am

i love this series!

Yeeeooo000 January 29, 2013 - 3:43 pm

so why exactly do you not recommend GVT. since poliquin is so highly respected and i know people that do it im just curious

Mindaugas Murauskas January 30, 2013 - 4:20 pm

Hey man, could you tell us what you think about coffee and creatine together?

BRANDSdotcom January 31, 2013 - 2:32 am

Lost fat, gained muscle.

Arturo Zuzunaga February 1, 2013 - 7:46 am

Hello Chef Buff. I just wanted to let you know that I subscribed a few months ago, and I really enjoy the content of your videos, you know a lot and described everything really well. Keep up the great work and videos!!!

OmarIsuf February 1, 2013 - 4:08 pm

Thank you brother!

Csibi Zsolt February 6, 2013 - 10:57 pm

My classmates laughed when I told them I was going to melt fat with the Skinnimaker Diet, but then they saw the results. Go google the Skinnimaker Diet to see their reaction. (You should see their priceless faces!)

Rakesh Gupta February 10, 2013 - 9:30 am

If you seriously want to burn fat quickly, you should do a google search Slim Body Maximizer. They will help you get the body you deserve.

K.S Bisht February 10, 2013 - 1:30 pm

Hello, have you seen Max Muscle Extend? (check on Google) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With Max Muscle Extend, you will discover how to build muscle fast.

NenoKiller February 13, 2013 - 12:32 am

If you are looking to get ripped, you should Google "Smashing Ripped X". That can help you get the body you deserve.

Kunsang Tashi February 18, 2013 - 5:20 am

My family laughed when I told them I would bulk up with "Ripped X Beast", but then they saw the results. Go Google Ripped X Beast to see their reaction. (It was epic!)

spaceshipkhan February 18, 2013 - 11:27 pm

your middle eastern im betting

Common creatives February 23, 2013 - 5:10 pm

Have you heard about "Epic Max Muscle?" (look for it on Google) It is a quick way for you to build muscle fast.

niru sintakala February 25, 2013 - 2:47 pm

It would be a shame for you not to build muscle when these people are able to get ripped so easily using Mega Muscle Method (Google it).

metodi sterjov March 9, 2013 - 6:37 pm

Have you seen "H6x Muscle Monster?" (Go Google it) It is a quick way for you to bulk up fast.

saraswhiteboard March 12, 2013 - 5:42 pm

It would be a shame for you not to build muscle when these people do it so easily with Lean Body Blaster (check it out on Google).

11jupitercowboy8 March 28, 2013 - 8:59 am

Understood and much respect. Also, next time you do a question/answer vid like this, you GOTTA incorporate the cutaway at 4:07 again! That shit is golden. It's like your version of the gong on Silent Library.

Gina Yuliawati April 15, 2013 - 12:18 pm

Hey There! Thanks a lot for this helpful video. By the way, I notice lots of people keep on talking about Proladox Diet Plan (google it), but I'm not sure if it is good. Have you thought about Proladox Diet Plan? I've heard several extraordinary things about it and my mate lost crazy amounts of weight with it, but she refuses to tell me: (

mama yapa April 27, 2013 - 1:11 pm

Hi there, have you seen Blazing Fat Loss? (look for it on google) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With "Blazing Fat Loss", you will discover how to burn fat fast.

Abhishek Varma Pachunuri May 1, 2013 - 2:22 pm

If you desire to lose weight quickly, you should google Zippy Fat Loss. You are bound to get the body you deserve.

Ajay Kumar May 31, 2013 - 5:18 am

Hi there, have you heard about Fat Blast Furnace? (search for it on google) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With Fat Blast Furnace, you will discover how to melt fat quickly.

suwalendro binesh June 1, 2013 - 10:59 am

My classmates laughed when I told them I would get ripped with "MegaMAX Muscle Maker", but then I showed them the results. Go and google "MegaMAX Muscle Maker" to see their reaction. (You should see their shock!)

suwalendro binesh June 1, 2013 - 11:00 am

They laughed when I told them I was going to build strength with "MegaMAX Muscle Maker", but then I showed them the results. Go and google "MegaMAX Muscle Maker" to see their reaction. (It was epic!)

-Tom - December 9, 2013 - 11:25 pm

#3. wtf? answer

Jeremiah Briggs April 23, 2014 - 8:38 am

how often should you train chest for hypertrophy?

Anna N February 4, 2015 - 6:38 am

I believe he is Serbian.

Facts Over Emotions December 11, 2015 - 12:23 pm

His ethnicity isn't apparent in his facial structure or features. I'm a worldly human geneticist who regularly sees people from around the world and I can't tell. Omar might be at least 2 races because I can't pick up on exactly what he is. Is his ancient ancestors from somewhere around India/Pakistan (ancient Gedrosia) though?
