Opinion: When to Use Steroids – OmarIsuf

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coryjohnschenkel March 25, 2014 - 9:32 pm

Hgh takes at least 6 months before you see results.

Mike Robles March 31, 2014 - 10:26 pm

Please put that hoodie back on your site, if not, can you please send me alink on were to find it, love that hoodie

André Castro April 1, 2014 - 6:09 pm

if you use steroids dont mean that you want to be a monster o.O

Jimmy VanBuskirk April 3, 2014 - 12:44 pm

Those r good points. On injury I've used small doses n healing,& it did help. So , I think on injury from work , car wreck, bull ridin, or any injury that may @ some point require surgery the drugs help w/proper diet & ton of water

trever0798 April 7, 2014 - 3:06 am

Bam! and he still cant shutup.

gizme123 April 9, 2014 - 11:34 pm

why is steroids bad ? can someone explain to me like im an idiot

Scoop Jaxson April 10, 2014 - 11:31 am

Lol weed is my steroid hahahaha no joke tho weed gives me a crazy awesome mind muscle connection

Liam Darlow April 11, 2014 - 2:11 pm

I don't disagree with steroids personally I wouldn't use them being a boxer it would be stupid. This video is brilliant and edumacation is the way forward:)

xsilentbulletsx April 11, 2014 - 7:10 pm

like rich piana says, steroids allow you to train harder and longer, HARDER AND LONGER. they let you recover faster so you can work HARDER

MoniTbitu April 18, 2014 - 7:52 am

You should have mentioned the side-effects of steroids.

My father is an emergency medicine consultant, and every couple of weeks to a month, he gets at least one or two bodybuilders in their twenties or thirties who suffer cardiac arrest beyond resuscitation from the use of steroids. So the side-effects of steroids are potentially fatal, which is the main reason beyond all else why no one should use them. But if they do, then they should be extra careful and do plenty of research before doing something as risky and dangerous.

Carlos Mantilla May 29, 2014 - 2:27 am

what a delight to listen and learn from this uncommonly wise young fellow.

Account 87 June 24, 2014 - 10:24 pm

Great stuff omar, people are gonna use it no matter what, might as well be educated about it

Keefrica June 27, 2014 - 6:06 am

GOOD stuff bro! very well said!

Christian July 13, 2014 - 1:08 pm

Some of these "fake natties" are scam-artists. Scum. Sad people. Borderline evil.

preciousmetals168 July 28, 2014 - 1:35 am

56 people have got tiny cocks and slap their gf's about 🙂

Andvari August 11, 2014 - 5:29 pm

I want bigger balls. Should I juice?

VoidraMusic October 30, 2014 - 2:36 am

does tribulus terristrious type testo booster supplements work in place of steroids? because their suppose to increase your bodie's production of testosterone

Clickbait Cabaret November 9, 2014 - 11:48 pm

I'm in my 50'S now and I've been lifting since the 1980'S. I did my first steroid cycle in 2012 and it was incredible. It took me 20 weeks to push myself to another level of development previously unimaginable training naturally. I trained harder than I ever had in my life, ate clean and got plenty of rest. In other words I trained as I had been naturally, just harder and recovered faster because the steroids made that possible. Once I developed the physique I wanted to create I went on testosterone with an estrogen blocker to maintain and held nicely at that level for well over a year. Then I went off for over a year. (That part kinda sucked)I researched every drug I was taking, learned how to stack them correctly, learned how much was just enough for my body before side effects became a problem (In my case the biggest side effects were psychological) and I had a legit, out of the country supplier with clean, pharmaceutical grade drugs. I did it right and I got the results I wanted. I recently made the decision to go back on gear and started a 20 week cycle 8 weeks ago. The jump in my strength, stamina, sex drive, body fat loss and over all positive mood has been astounding. A few of my Coworkers have asked me if I've gone on anti depressants and have even joked I must have a hot, young girlfriend because I'm in such a great mood all the time.(Roid rage isn't a given kids) For me the use of gear has been an out and out God send and I'm quite pleased with where I'm going with my physique again. If you think it feels great to make gains when you're in your 20s, wait until you're in your 50's and do it. After you've learned money can't buy happiness, hot sex won't solve all your problems, all your old friends are falling apart and you've truly learned to appreciate what it means for a man to be strong and look great. It's fantastic. A few important points to consider with my story. I'd been training for decades before I did my first cycle so I had a solid foundation to build on and I know how to train effectively, I did my home work so I knew what I was putting into my body and I'm in my 50's so for me gear is more akin to hormone therapy than anything else and I dose light. If it's quality stuff and you know what works for you, it doesn't take much to get the results you want, provided you're not trying to be the next Kai Green or Big Rommy. If steroids are something you want to try be sure you know what you're doing and be ready to push yourself harder than you ever have in your life because you'll have new found capabilities you didn't have before. Steroids don't give it to you for free but they'll give you the power. That's for damn sure. 

jlushefski January 3, 2015 - 7:11 am

I used Superdrol for four weeks when I was 19 (now 28).  I don't know exactly when it developed, but I got minor gyno afterward and then surgery.  To me, tinkering with hormones and worrying about health and side effects isn't worth it unless it makes a large career/monetary difference.    

I have no ethical problem with gear, but the current state is so stupid.  First you have a large group of haters and losers that accuse everyone of juicing and "cheating."  Then you have a large naive group of fanboys that foolishly believe in their heroes.  Having open discussion and education is important.  

Also, even though there are many fake natty guys on youtube, their results are likely still achievable naturally.  People just don't know what it is to be disciplined and work hard.  I never miss a workout, don't care for "vacation" or holidays, and I eat dessert with extreme rarity–none this Thanksgiving or Christmas; no drinks on New Year's.  But then you get some granola head, who has never had a tough deadlift rep in his life, accuse you of steroids.  On one hand you want to defend yourself, but on the other you want to condescendingly scoff. 

I don't know Matt Ogus and don't care about his "status," but that half-natty video is great.  It's like he's getting off from all those chumps who can't cut the mustard.  

ocantu1987 April 21, 2015 - 6:27 pm

guy tried to sell me some, im 150 pounds haha no thanks buddy. Heavy weights+nutrition only for me.

aseed April 23, 2015 - 6:43 am

Never understood peoples obsession with getting huuge muscles. Looking roided out is fuckin gross. I ain't down with the ronnie coleman look brahs

Brad Stead June 22, 2015 - 8:13 am

HGH isn't a steroid lol

Donald Duck July 27, 2015 - 7:47 am

Great video man, ya gotta inform those ignorant steroid jibbronis

Brass Matrass August 4, 2015 - 12:58 am

Great fucking video, way to go brother

Chip Chipperson September 14, 2015 - 12:33 am

i started using steroids only after 1 year of training. did a short dbol cycle and i was hooked. cutting hard now with test e, tren a, and anavar. love the fast results, lots of hard work and dedication, diet is just as important as working out.

edward torres November 19, 2015 - 1:35 am

Jason Blaha uses steroids??

Alex Thompson January 2, 2016 - 9:56 pm

omar jus do a light 8 week test cycle one day see what happens bro ahah


Hectic1 Tech January 7, 2016 - 12:19 am

I wanna see if i can get my arms to 18 inches naturally and then 20..but im not gonna use em till im over 45 years old unless i somehow become a pro and i doubt that, best i ever got to was 17 inches while i was 18 y's old..training at 27 isnt as easy

Chris Jordan February 1, 2016 - 10:04 am

the average dumb bro won't understand this, but the fact is if you take steroids you are normalizing its use, especially with the people around you. People like to believe its a "personal choice" which it is, yet your personal choices to some degree effect others no one can get around that.  Also, no one knows what his/her genetic limit is, maybe you've hit your "genetic limit" but if you work harder/smarter do something new or change your diet you can continue to progress.

CHIP GAINES February 7, 2016 - 7:36 pm

first thing in the morning

louis santiago February 18, 2016 - 6:36 pm

I think anabolic steroids could be useful to someone with low testosterone or someone in their 40's at the earliest.. Testosterone levels have suffered a plunge already by then, it might vary from person to person. But if you're in your 20's I think most definitely you shouldn't mess with it. What ppl don't realize is how they atrophy your natural test production and not to mention you lose your gains, you don't keep anything, it goes away slowly but surely.

Moustafa Magdy September 20, 2016 - 4:57 pm

do competition level of powerlifting take steroids? I thought this is only for muscle growth and body building but not strength

Катерина Докузова September 28, 2016 - 1:21 am

IF you should use ? no

Martial Arts July 28, 2017 - 12:01 pm

Idk but this guy creepingly resembles niana guerrerro

bungus chan June 1, 2018 - 1:29 am

I finally maxed out my bench, hit the bar for one rep. I am certainly ready for tren.

和生神 November 24, 2019 - 5:38 am

Omar! I come from a future where no one uses the word “YOLO” anymore 👍 #eatyourvegetables
