Fit, Fierce and Fabulous | Body image & weight loss advice for teens | TiffanyRotheWorkouts – TiffanyRotheWorkouts

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This show was created to answer all of your fitness, weight loss, body sculpting and self image questions. This episode is dedicated to teens who need to improve their body image, lose weight and start to take control of their lives and feel good about themselves. Music by Benjamin Bidlack available on itunes.

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About Tiffany Rothe:
Tiffany Rothe Workouts are brought to you by the fitness guru Tiffany Rothe. Tiffany’s workouts are fun and effective 10 minute routines that you can mix and match to help you lose body fat, tighten your butt, shrink your waist and firm your back and arms! From core workouts to cardio exercises, Tiffany shares workout plans and workout routines that will for sure have those unwanted calories burned! Subscribe now to be the first to get the new workouts!​​​


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TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:23 am

eat lentils, ground turkey, turkey breast, black beans, tuna, sardines etc 🙂

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:24 am

Yay!!!! congrats, Taller is in God's hands though 🙂

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:24 am

you should join my INNER CIRCLE FitClub I will give you a food plan and a workout schedule that will keep you on the weight loss plan.

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:25 am

Wow, you made my day! I am happy the message really resonated with you. I live by that standard and it makes your life so much better 🙂

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:26 am

Do 4 -5 a day and it will come off 🙂

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:27 am

IF you notice a difference in the way you feel and the way your clothes fit, focus on that. No one walks around with their weight posted on their forehead. It will melt off but it should not be your focus. Focus on feeling good and giving 100% to your workouts and that is how you get results that last.

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:28 am

If you want a more specific plan you should really join my INNER CIRCLE I can give you a food plan and workout schedule that always gets results!

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:29 am

Yes you can workout during your period and during the first week of pregnancy.

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:29 am

do beautiful booty, butt like a brazilian and ballerina beauty.

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:30 am

reduce your bread intake, eat lots of raw fruits and veggies and only drink water 🙂

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:31 am

I never allow myself excuses, I just do it.

TiffanyRotheWorkouts August 14, 2012 - 4:31 am

keep a success calendar of how many days you stay consitent with your eating and workouts. It will help 🙂

KG2k12 August 14, 2012 - 5:24 am

I'm 18, I'm pretty thin because of my height, and I always get questioned on why I want to lose weight. But I do, so I was wondering what advice do you have for people who aren't overweight or having problems but still would like to lose weight? And what's the BEST thigh toning/slimming exercise?

Life4Beyonce August 14, 2012 - 1:50 pm

How can I get rid of the little lower belly pooch and get it flat ? I really love doing all of your workouts Tiff they're fun 🙂

Kokila August 15, 2012 - 12:58 pm

Hi Tiffany, I'm 20 this year & i just wanna ask you something regarding my weight. I'm 5' ft tall & i weight 90 lb. Am i underweight? I used to be 108 lb before i began working out. I exercise 2-4 times a week(depending if i've time) & eat 6 meals a day to keep my metabolism going. But alot of my family members & friends think that i'm too skinny. I started exercising coz i was reaching the borderline overweight mark.

Sandra batson August 15, 2012 - 10:08 pm

Hi Tiffany, I am a 37 year old female, I have tried for many years to loose weight recently after a strict fast I realised I had dropped a few pounds and I started to search you tube for some exercises, thank God I found you, I have lost almost 20 lbs since I have been exercisng with you. My tummy is still big (although it has reduced alot) and I want it to reduce feven faster , I really want a flat tummy, what do you recommend?

An Ann August 16, 2012 - 11:34 am

Dear Tiffany, I'm 18 years old and my dream is to become a singer. But first I have to get a nice strong healthy body. I found you after a few work out videos and guess what, yours are the best ever! It was inspiring, so effective and I like your voice. Thank you so much for your efforts, I have been doing 2,5 hours per day combining your videos and the others.
Best wishes for you 🙂

Shabby August 17, 2012 - 7:13 pm

On average how many calories does each workout burn?

Samira Mohamed August 26, 2012 - 6:03 pm

HI Tiffany!
I was wondering how long it would take to lose about 25 kg?

nirvanoso67 September 22, 2012 - 10:11 pm

Q mamada esta con madre

babeess pg October 2, 2012 - 7:51 am

hi tiffany, im an 18 year old girl… i love to exercise… i love to eat healthy but everytime i try to maintain it… i couldn't, my weight seems to bounce back everytime… and when it does.. it doubles… currently my weight is 62 kg last year i was only 54.which before that is 50. but i must say i am really inspired with your vids… had been doing it for 2 weeks… my q is how often should i exercise and how can i maintain? i am afraid that i will constantly gain weight.

Sarah Elizabeth October 9, 2012 - 7:22 pm

Hi Tiffany, I'm 13, 5'6, and i weigh 199 pounds. I am very active and i love to play volleyball and softball. Do you recommend any workouts that would make me more toned and that could also improve my sport performance?

TiffanyRotheWorkouts December 21, 2012 - 7:13 pm

That is right! You are gettinf Fit, Fierce and Fabulous and you are proud of it!

drmmer101 December 21, 2012 - 8:18 pm

you are such a wonderful role model! your advie in this video inspires me and feeds my soul!!! thank you so much Tiffany you are so helpful!!

Sahej Sran December 23, 2012 - 1:51 am

is that fine to quite dairy product in pregnacy? plz explain.

Laurene Goh December 23, 2012 - 10:08 am

Hi Tiffany, I'm 16 year old girl. I'm 4"9 and 130 pounds. I've removed sweets and sodas in my everyday diet, also, drinking lots of water, with excercises at least thrice a week. But my weight haven't been showing any improvement. Do you have any suggestion for me?

TiffanyRotheWorkouts February 26, 2013 - 8:54 pm

Hi! when you open my channel, on the left hand side you will find Playlists. I created different playlists for different body areas. Or, you can go to my website and download free weekly schedule.
Regarding food plan and achieving your fitness goal – join my INNER CIRCLE FitClub! There will get everything what you need for your journey towards your new shape and health! Visit my website or send request for more info to customerservice at tiffanyrotheworkouts.

TiffanyRotheWorkouts February 26, 2013 - 8:57 pm

yes, be focused and patient. We can not expect our bodies to change over the night. Dont worry, results will show up! Just continue with good and healthy habits! 🙂

TiffanyRotheWorkouts February 26, 2013 - 9:01 pm

Hi, please join my INNER CIRCLE FitClub !!!
I will give you complete food plan and workouts schedule and much more! Visit my website or send request for INNER CIRCLE info to customerservice at tiffanyrotheworkouts.

Hanna Kaizer March 5, 2013 - 11:45 am

Hi Tiffany! I'm a 15 year old girl. I swim for 2 hours 6 days a week, and do other workouts such as running. I have been doing this for 2 years now, but I haven't lost any fat. I don't look at the weight, because I know that my muscles weigh a lot, but do you have any tips for what I can do to reduce my body fat? I love your videos 🙂

Francesca Horton March 17, 2013 - 8:52 pm

Hi Tiffany! I am 13 and I really want to know a healthy diet plan because , although I am a healthy weight, I have a stomach pudge and also like a mini double chin ( I HATE it!) I don't know if the chin is just genetics but it's really getting me down! So i really need to lose overall weight to see if i can just tone all over my body. What diet would you recommend and which exercises would be more effective? I really need help whenever i tell my mom she just tells me i'm fine but I feel so fat

Korryn Brown April 3, 2013 - 4:53 pm

hi Tiffany i'm 13 yrs old and i have been doing 3 of your workouts each day for 2 weeks and i'm already seeing results thx

TiffanyRotheWorkouts April 4, 2013 - 9:47 pm

I would recommend you several things. First to respect your body and be positive and grateful for what you have. Don't hate it, Love it! You do not need diet if you eat clean and healty! Replace carb food with food rich in proteins, stay aways from sugar, white flower, sodas and eat a lot of veggies, fruits, raw or boiled..
Download and follow my Free Workout Schedule (tiffanyroteworkouts com).

TiffanyRotheWorkouts April 4, 2013 - 9:48 pm

The workouts vary from 100 to 150 calories per 10 minutes. Check out my video Fit, Fierce and Fabulous Frequently Asked Questions for more info.

Oatshini June 11, 2013 - 4:45 am

Hi Tiffany, I started doing your workouts 6 months ago and the results have been amazing. Moreover I feel confident about my body and my curves, something that I wasn't used to before.Thank you. I'd like to know whether it is safe to do your workouts before breakfast and how long should I wait to workout after eating a small snack? Thanks again.

joosy poky June 18, 2013 - 11:41 am

hola tiffany !! tengo 20 y despues de mi bebe volvi a mi peso normal pero mi abdomen quedo flacido y con muchas estrias, quisisra saber como endurecer mi abdomen a como estava antes era muy plana, y q coidas me servirian, gracias

Ana Maria June 20, 2013 - 9:10 am

Hello Tiffany! I'm 15 year old and I have 60 kg and 163 centimeters. I want to lose weight- 10 or 15 kg. In morning i don't eat too much, at the noon too and i try to don't eat after 18:00 pm. And of course do exercises(2 of your videos and others) for 2-3 time per day. How long it will take? and if you have for me some adices please tell me!! i really need your help. Thanks

all4weightloss30 July 25, 2013 - 12:54 am

Hello TiffanyRotheWorkouts

Can I ask a favor? I really enjoyed your video Fit, Fierce and Fabulous with…………
It was really informative. I wanted to find out if it was okay to repost your videos to my channel? All credit for the videos will still remain yours, and I will not edit the original video, unless you give me permission to do so. I can even keep the links in the video, as this will give you additional exposure. If this is acceptable to you, please let me know.


Sydney Bundred February 10, 2014 - 5:37 pm

