Bigorexia: Never Big Enough – Nick’s Strength and Power

by YouTube Team

#Bodybuilding #MuscleDysmorphia #Bigorexia
In this video we discuss the stages of Muscle Dysmorphia/ Bigorexia.
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Nick's Strength and Power November 10, 2018 - 12:55 am

Comment Below : Which phase are you currently in?

Devin Reese April 5, 2020 - 12:46 am

Jacked and fat phase….and full natty.

Devin Reese April 5, 2020 - 12:49 am

Bodybuilding is a religion like so much else. At first youre converting, then youre learning Hebrew to read the bible….then your writing your own holy book….in Hebrew. Many other things are too. Even landscaping and gardening are approached with fanaticism. I approach drinking wine sometimes with this, and wine connosieurship.. If yoy don't know Beaujolais Nouveau is the best, forget you. If you don't know your Kevin Levrone and Arnold forget you.

עומר סלומון April 5, 2020 - 1:56 am

Holy shit this is true Im in the third

iRobot15O6 April 5, 2020 - 2:00 am

Well, all I want is to be Big, to bulk up, and to be strong
But not to show off

Moodymongul April 5, 2020 - 5:11 am

imo, its a mental health thing. A form of mental issue that can be positive in other walks of life (or, never exposed due to life style) Sure we all critic ourselves in training ..but some in this situation act irrationally so. Then, you have the 'cycles' used. There are not known for cultivating good mental health. And, if you already have a previous mental issue ..these 'cycles' can make it ten times worse.
We should look at the differences in how a psychopath (or a sociopath) workout in the gym 🙂

BokitoTheHolyOne April 5, 2020 - 7:57 am

You’ve really cleared things out for me man. Thank you😁

Ld 2k April 5, 2020 - 11:05 am

These stages are accurate, im not even lifting and I recognize all of these behaviours on myself. Not as extreme but still.

Maciej Derela April 5, 2020 - 1:18 pm

That's one of the reasons why I decided to try calisthenics, it just seemed more of a sport than bodybuilding. I mean in calisthenics your goal is to get better version of yourself, you can't really get it any other way than with training

no name April 5, 2020 - 1:36 pm

This is so fucking accurate

Alexander Padilla April 5, 2020 - 3:42 pm

Good video

Shaggy 10% Power April 5, 2020 - 5:18 pm

Well, glad to know im not at any of these stages. I recently bought a set of dumbells to train inside because of corona, and it is really fun! I guess Im not in these stages simply because I do this to stay healthy indoors, and my reccomandation for new people is to take breaks of 1-2 days in between workouts!

Scott Williams April 5, 2020 - 6:45 pm

I don't want to gain size… At least, not much size. I care about speed and strength gains.

Private Pyle April 5, 2020 - 9:09 pm

I wish I had this

Brahim April 6, 2020 - 12:21 am

yes but it was more complexed because it was realted to height

Mladen Ilic April 6, 2020 - 3:30 am

Well fuk im in all 3 stages

Mladen Ilic April 6, 2020 - 3:35 am

Im so confused I whant to get bigger but I dont whant to have a big belly(and I have a little belly fat).So should I eat more and workout at home(because of the corona),or should I eat less and try to lose fat and then try to get bigger,pls help I dont know what to do,and does lack of sleep infect my gains because I really mesed up my day and night

Riccardo Zardi April 6, 2020 - 6:08 am

this is wht you should choose calisthenics, your main goal is to get strong, the second one is to get big (and many times people only want to get strong)

Raheb Rahman April 6, 2020 - 6:13 am

Guys just do martial artist and automatically u become a boss because you are killer .

Northern Survival April 6, 2020 - 7:33 am

Good video man
A lot of truth in it
Now biggest crossfiter in my town 💪🏼

Alexander Broeker April 6, 2020 - 10:23 am

I'm between phase 3 and 4 definitely not looking forward to the last phase😂

Jack Stephen April 6, 2020 - 5:52 pm

Kinda sad really how people feel they need to take that leap.

Herbert Rafael April 7, 2020 - 12:31 am

Anyone just reached fase 3?

Boose April 7, 2020 - 3:50 am

In the thumbnail the reflection actually has a bigger waist that the real guy

abcdef ghijkl April 7, 2020 - 11:56 am

Its funny how 15 years ago everyone looked like Justin Bieber. Everybody had that haircut. Good Video man!

Aksana dia April 7, 2020 - 1:46 pm

Lets look at this from a biological standpoint, I stand with you 100% in what you say but try thinking of it like this.

We're ''made'' to mate, reproduce and make more with our shared DNA, not saying you can't love an adopted kid or such but your brain still want your DNA to go further.
When a guy see another guy who is taller he ALWAYS think ''fuck you'' its a natural trigger, it hits when someone clearly taller shows up and we can talk of napoleon complex but guys 6''6 I know have this as well when they rarely see someone who is taller.
When you look at what women look at in men the most it goes Butt-crotch-pecs-smile-eyes measured with microcameras tracking what their eyes look at in testing.
BUT they also pretty much every time look more at taller guys even when they look worse as of why most tall guys do not bodybuild or go for a nicer body, they get girls regardless.

Just like that, with the natural biological ''comparison'' gene we all share with exception of people with some mental disorders or illness. Will make you for the rest of your life compare yourself to others, wether they are younger, hotter, taller, thinner, better skin or longer legs.

I don't ''toot my own horn'' but I have 46 inch legs on a tall body, OK face and happy with how I look but no matter how happy I get I will always look at someone else in a bit of the comparison gene, when we take fillers, surgeries, botox or other your brain goes ''Oh hey you did an improvement! here, have some dopamine'' and this happens as easily as when you dye your hair even or just put on makeup too.

What I mean is when your brain rewards you for improving your looks for all the reasons listed above you're left with the fact that you will always need to change how you look a little to feel good, wether its a new top, new cosmetic fillers or botox or gaining more muscle, it is dangerous to get addicted to looking not great, but looking better than you do today. what you can do is always find someone or something else that makes you happy and makes you feel good enough to not act on the thought of ''not enough''

with that said, working out is also proven to boost mental health, IQ, emotion well being and more so its no strange thing your brain wish you to do it more often when it gets in routine.

ALSO I had no idea you were 25, I thought you were like a super young looking 32-ish year old because you're never dramatic, arrogant or mean so that we see it.

Soy Sauce April 7, 2020 - 4:00 pm

I think bigorexia is odd because I want a lean physique. I don’t want to look like a meatball full of chemically enhanced muscles. But I guess everyone has different goals

ADOBLO April 7, 2020 - 4:32 pm


Ondřej Vitík April 7, 2020 - 7:35 pm

It's true people should not exercise that much. It's usually viewed as cool by public, they are admired and encouraged but going to gym every day is unnecessary for your health and takes significant amount of time. It also creates the mindset of need for change. You don't need to change, you don't need to exercise excessively or eat some fancy unnatural overpriced food. You are perfect the way you are.

Farfalla April 7, 2020 - 7:38 pm

0:44 makes me think of All Might

WowaxD xd April 9, 2020 - 9:07 pm

Fuck this im taking steroids

Adrian April 9, 2020 - 10:06 pm

After being called skinny and weak by most of my fat Co workers I thought about doing steroids even though I've only been working out for 3 months so far. I've already gained 10kg of weight, but nobody notices it. I'm still a skinny twink. My bones are thin, so my only way to ever be respected is by getting on gear I guess.
Fat guys get so much more acceptance and respect than skinny guys.

Mr Bogdanoff April 9, 2020 - 11:51 pm

im stuck in the too lazy not giving a fuck phase

cyuiyu wyguiyui April 12, 2020 - 5:05 pm

Why dont all the short guys get a par of stilts ?

Disgusting Jeremiahs April 14, 2020 - 1:37 am

This has already been broken down by Dom in the video evolution of the lifting man
