Patrick Moore VS Sergio Oliva Jr + Eddie Hall Crossfit World Record + Can Dexter Win the Arnold? – Nick’s Strength and Power

by YouTube Team

#EddieHall #DexterJackson #Bodybuilding
Patrick Moore VS Serigo Oliva jr- 0:08
Patrick’s Response- 2:38
Mt Opinion- 4:33
Wesley Vissers is a dad- 9:33
Victor Martinez update- 9:33
Can Dexter Win the Arnold?- 10:42
Eddie Hall sets new Snatch World Record- 14:53

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Maciej Merchelski February 28, 2020 - 5:48 pm

I love the package Patrick brings to the stage and I think it would be amazing if judges leaned his way

Michael February 28, 2020 - 5:51 pm

Eddie's out here doing straight leg snatches

AM 105 February 28, 2020 - 6:01 pm

how old is patrick moore i’ve tried looking it up but can’t seem to find it

EuropaWill February 28, 2020 - 6:25 pm

Sergio is a bit sour on the fact the new guy is overshadowing him in media coverage and buzz. Patrick's physique isn't perfect, he needs to bring up his chest so it doesn't look so flat for instance…but he has a lot going for him and his balance and symmetry is exceptional overall. I'm sure Sergio wants to create some hype for himself by drawing attention to them both being at around the same placing providing a fully stacked Olympia. Fine for him and i'm sure there will be a point in the Arnold where they'll be standing side by side, and then Sergio will get his wish. To be compared with the guy everyone is talking about and see how he fares. I'm guessing Patrick will look better and more polished. But Patrick is right, just worry about yourself, and bring it at the Arnold, talk is cheap.

Antonio Laborte February 28, 2020 - 6:30 pm

Arnold Classic (Ohio) Prediction Top 6
1. Ramy
2. Dexter Jackson
3. Cedric McMillan
4. William Bonac
5. Patrick Moore
6. Sergio Olivia Jr.

Comment your top six below

carsten nielsen February 28, 2020 - 6:43 pm

Patrick trained 5 yrs. going into 6? If so, then that s like Phil Heath booming into bb faster than Trump can make a wall tilt.

S Kumar February 28, 2020 - 6:45 pm

Beast has been my fav. Strongman as face face looks so innocent with his unrivalled static lifts 💪🤫

kiwijohn01 February 28, 2020 - 7:29 pm

Gotta love Eddie Hall

Mateos Lopez February 28, 2020 - 8:03 pm

Breaking Records and Breaking Hearts. LMFAO!!! you are Hilarious! 😆🤣😅

Chris Dent February 28, 2020 - 8:16 pm

I DID IN FACT enjoy it👍🏼🎨

jajaJoey February 28, 2020 - 8:55 pm

I like Sergio for the fact that he's real when it comes to the state of bodybuilding and the fitness industry. Few things I don't like about him is he's real loud when he trains and sometimes he comes off real sour. When one or two of those things happen in a video with him I immediately change the video haha.

Alexander Bellack February 28, 2020 - 9:32 pm

Snatch, not clean and jerk 👌

LuciTulcea February 28, 2020 - 9:33 pm

Jr. missed the point and all he succeeded to do is show his envy!

Matej Ravas February 28, 2020 - 10:04 pm

Patrick’s got one of the most creative and fluent stage routines i’ve seen in a long time

Gambarizing February 28, 2020 - 10:14 pm

Sergio sounds like a high and mightier version of Phil Heath.

Gambarizing February 28, 2020 - 10:27 pm

Also, crossfit clean and jerks look weird compared to traditional olympic style clean and jerks…

Sene M February 29, 2020 - 12:33 am

Sergio Oliva jnr could pass as Phil Heath's twin

Big Zach25 silverback365 February 29, 2020 - 1:41 am

The fact is he didn't beat akim smh but your not raving about him and let's be clear just because you hit a vacuum pose doesnt mean you have a great physique the pose isn't even judged

NAZZ C February 29, 2020 - 3:38 am

Dude Sergio sound like a fan n not a competitor….. … Moore is kicking ass and killing some of these big gut pros out here …. you can’t hate when u don’t even compete sorry NAZZ out

kidtmac56 February 29, 2020 - 4:46 am

JR beats Patrick

Elias Tetelbaum February 29, 2020 - 7:00 am

That Eddie nigga is so strong he doesn’t even give a fuck about clean n jerk technique he just front raise that shit😂😂😂

Sb Sb February 29, 2020 - 7:07 am

Patrick Moore is the true winner

The Dome February 29, 2020 - 11:34 am

Sergio is mirin at Patricks waist I guess

RunWhilstYouCan February 29, 2020 - 1:22 pm

So when is Eddie Hall being added to the Marvel film franchise 😃 would he be a hero or villain?

The Swole Dad PITBULL February 29, 2020 - 1:58 pm

Pat could be be as high as 6th because there are alot of guys on that list will lose to him purely out of structure alone

Brandon s February 29, 2020 - 4:47 pm

Sergio just sounds mad at his placing 😂😂 can’t downplay the potential of Patrick Moore !!!

Nathan Young February 29, 2020 - 5:33 pm

Its not a feat of strength its endurance

Tia Gen February 29, 2020 - 9:27 pm

Patrick seems to be more steroids than brains, jesus. At least his genetics are pretty nutty. Wouldnt mind that physique lol

Dr. Dro jondro March 1, 2020 - 12:33 am

Yo IDGAF what Patrick places he looks better then almost every single one of em if the best! Dude looks so pleasing to the eyes…physique flows so we'll…his physique reminds me of the golden era which is by far the best era of bodybuilding ever!!! He prolly won't place to well but he deserves to win it if he comes in shredded!

DystopiaX March 1, 2020 - 6:23 am

Funny Sergio always acts like he hates drama but is always the one stirring it up with his big mouth.

Pondjumper1 March 1, 2020 - 9:00 am

Eddie is a Legend …awesome entertainer

Alleister Nash March 1, 2020 - 4:30 pm

You should focus on natural bodybuilding more we have stellar physiques at the top level and unfortunately we need someone with enough popularity to help shed the light. Instead we get men like you, the rock, etc who just constantly promote IFBB and there is nothing wrong with that but my god people apparently think us nattys are just failed ifbb pros or something. Almost every top natural can hit a vacuum to an extent and never has a gut.

Ray Jones March 2, 2020 - 5:46 am

Dexter loves this sport waaaay too much. This old fart has won every ifbb contest there is and still whooping BBs half his age at 50 yrs old!! What does he have left to prove to anyone or anything? Let it go Dex! Ride off into the sunset!!

Michi Häupl Danke March 2, 2020 - 11:42 am

Olivias comment solely depends on Moores' placing at the Olympia, which was in itself not justified

MrStruderz March 2, 2020 - 2:14 pm

Patrick Moore looks phenomonal and has the type of physique the fans want. What ever his placing at the weekend he will only keep getting better. They are both great bodybuilders and are the future of the sport.

Fah Que March 2, 2020 - 6:07 pm

"To be fair…"

You start watching Letterkenny, Nick? Your "to be fair"s have gone up like 575%

Brubaker Man March 3, 2020 - 3:01 am

Ramy Dexter Bonac then any order Sergio Beyeke Cedric

Kanwal Preet Singh March 3, 2020 - 2:10 pm

Sergio Jr reminds me of cocky Phil Health..

micky garcia March 4, 2020 - 7:15 am

Wissley vissers is going to be such an amazing dad

Abel Prieto March 5, 2020 - 7:14 pm

Listen .what sergio said …you are a drama quen.. Sergio said the true ..

Juan Gonzalez March 14, 2020 - 10:42 am

Fuck Sergio Oliva from everyone from Texas. Patrick all the way
