Is running the best way to lose weight and get in shape? – jessicasmithtv

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Is running the best way to get in shape and lose weight? Find out my opinion in this week’s Q & A vid! (Sorry about the sound in this one guys – still working on the selfie video skills!) Leave me a comment below with your question and I may answer it in an upcoming episode 🙂

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Brooke H June 25, 2014 - 8:31 pm

What do you suggest for some younger teens who are trying to lose weight and get a stronger body

Adelle June 25, 2014 - 8:53 pm

Really loved this casual chat. You are so personable it's fantastic. I am so inspired by your channel.

Marie-Annick Bordeleau June 25, 2014 - 9:02 pm

I agree with you on that one….I feel better since I listen to my body more. 

Michelle B June 25, 2014 - 9:46 pm

Totally agree! You don't want to dread your workout – you want to look forward to it!

M L June 25, 2014 - 10:29 pm

Thank you SO much for this! 😃

Question: How many calories should we be burning per workout? What do you recommend as to how many calories to burn per workout and how many days a week should we be working out in general. You may have answered these questions before, sorry for asking again lol

PinkSugarMix 1357 June 25, 2014 - 10:50 pm

I'm with you I love walks

kitty c June 25, 2014 - 11:31 pm

I absolutely hate running, it is so boring. Ive also heard that the constant bouncing when running can cause skin to sag on the face and body and loosen eventually, if done all the time over the years. I do think walking is better for the body. I find changing up my workouts often helps me keep different muscles toned.

Fatma Saeed June 26, 2014 - 12:13 am

Thanks for the video I love walking as my medical condition don't allow me too run.  I am from UAE, the weather is so hot so I prefer to do walking at home and especially used your workout that include walking. 

Ruth June 26, 2014 - 2:02 am

I am so happy to hear someone say walking is just as good as running.

Maria Del Mar Mota June 26, 2014 - 3:27 pm

I totally agree with you. I love walking and working out with you, that´s the point: finding something that you enjoy doing. xxx

bayerngirl63 June 26, 2014 - 8:31 pm

I couldn't agree with you more! I used to be a runner, I haven't ran in over a year due to a heal spur/PF.Now I go for long walks outside. I love all the different types of cardio option you offer on youtube. Of course, I have all your workout dvd's to mix it up. Thanks Jessica! 

MissJones1223 June 27, 2014 - 1:54 am

I agree, thinking about calorie burn as well as caloric intake can lead to obsession; i know, it happened to me. I find that when you just eat healthy foods, and do workouts that you like, things fall into place. 

Vanniechan June 27, 2014 - 8:25 am

HEAR HEAR! Fun exercise!!! Like your videos!!!

Claire Scribner June 27, 2014 - 1:48 pm

Thanks for mentioning the importance of flexibility.  I've been working with a physical therapist to recover from an ankle injury that occurred when I was trying to get back into running.  He helped me see how tightness in my hamstrings and hips combined with not enough stability muscles lead to a running form that was hurting me.  I found you in my search for barre work-outs to help my leg stability improve and I'm loving those and the rest of your channel so much!  I really like the new Q&A Wednesdays, too!  Thank you for putting up all of this inspiring and free great stuff!

Miranda Mariah June 27, 2014 - 3:45 pm

Great video 🙂 I recently got to 40lbs loss and through my get healthy/fit journey, I have found I am a runner and just absolutely love it. I do have many days where I just feel I can't run so I make sure to walk the same amount as I would run and many times I find myself walking more. I think listening to your body is the most important rather than over doing it and focusing on calories and how much you need to lose! 

Amy F June 30, 2014 - 11:30 am

I have a possible question for Q&A wednesday.
I have degenerative joint disease in my low back and osteo arthritis in my right knee (from being an avid runner in my 20's, go figure!)…
Anyway, sometimes when I am doing your videos I begin to feel pain and I want to keep going. I always do the modifications that you show (thank you for those by the way!). Do you know of any cardio that is comparable to running (at least for the legs?) My legs have never been in as great shape as when I ran…although they are getting back there with your videos (honestly, your ballet barre and metabolic ones rock!).
Thanks Jessica…you are my favorite person to workout with!

Camden Smith June 30, 2014 - 9:13 pm

Jessica just to share with you I was running at the 5 to 6 days a week sometimes seven days a week and I was running 3 to 5 miles a day I'm out of 4.5-6mph depending on if I was warming up. Over the course of the year I literally gained 7% of fat because I was burning so much muscle. So I converted to your metabolic full body workouts my weight is the same however my muscle is up in my fat is down. So I think ppl have to choose what works but if you're eating a NORMAL I STRESS NORMAL, balanced raw diet you do not have a need to burn extra calories quickly. You may just need fat burning and toning which is why i like your full body workouts…but we are all different 🙂 the only benefit i had with running is i felt high afterwards from energy lol

Traci C July 1, 2014 - 3:01 pm

Love, love, love your advice, Jessica!  I have a 9 year old daughter and it's very important to me to get her to enjoy being active and healthy.  We just started roller skating around a beautiful lake at a nearby park and we're having a blast!  We're getting outside, having fun and fitness should take care of itself! 🙂

Andrea Wines July 2, 2014 - 12:01 pm

Is bodyweight training the same as strength training?

Diane Mirich July 3, 2014 - 11:21 am

yep, just gotta keep moving

Joanna Ross July 3, 2014 - 5:23 pm

I love this answer. I'm overweight and know I need to loose lbs of fat. However, I workout to feel better, release stress and improve my holistic self. I don't keep a scale in the house, instead I have specific body goals (loosing the overhand on my tummy and seeing more tone.) To get really philosophical, numbers are a social construct to describe something physical, and aren't physical themselves.  Worry about what is real- how you feel and changes you can see, not the numbers which in this case tell you very little about what is really going on. Hot tip- Tom Cruise is morbidly obese using his weight and the BMI system 🙂 

Garlic Girl July 6, 2014 - 10:12 pm

I totally agree I used to be a runner and didn't really like it.  I was in a running club and the others were passionate about running I could tell.  I was just there to keep my weight down.  Fast forward 2 and a half years after a knee injury and I really don't run much now at all.  I learned later you do what you love and will keep you exercising on the regular.   I wish I had learned this earlier.  

Sana Shehzad July 9, 2014 - 9:20 pm

i walk on treadmill at the speed of 6 for half an hour, is the speed 6 a safe speed to walk on? thanks alot 

Michelle Hennessy July 11, 2014 - 6:38 pm

I definitely shared this on Facebook. All of my friends that all me how I lost the 17 pounds and dropped from 35% to 18% body fat, I tell them all of the time FOLLOW JESSICA SMITH! Get workouts and advice really are the BEST to get you where you want to be! That's truly what got me here, and I'm so happy! I found that I choose to challenge myself even more bc even though I reached that health goal, now I can keep striving for higher and higher fitness goals! And I love it! So thank you, and I'm definitely spreading this around! 🙂

AJ AJ July 17, 2014 - 2:50 am

Jessica how far/long do you go on your daily walk? Is this before or after your other workouts? Do you think strength training should be done before cardio or vice versa?  Or does it really matter? Thank you for sharing all your great advice, motivation and wide variety of exercising! You're the BEST!

De LM December 27, 2014 - 5:12 pm

Jessica, I so love your balanced and down to earth approach to fitness. I have A LOT of fitness DVDs and have done so many programs. It's so nice to have a trainer who is just so sensible. I have just purchased several of your digital downloads. Thank you for the free workouts, they are the only ones I don't dread, but I still work hard. Thank you for your amazing approach! Cheers, from Australia 🙂

Justin Dickinson January 18, 2015 - 6:49 pm

I heard that if you run the same distance and walk the same distance you get the same benefits?  Any truth to it?

Rachel Myers June 10, 2015 - 8:02 pm

Hi Jessica,

Thank you for all the fantastic workouts. I have all of your dvd's and love your channel. I find your workouts really motivating and inspirational.
I wanted to ask your thoughts about strength training, some weeks I really don't feel like lifting weights due to tiredness or stiffness. I also really enjoy belly dancing which uses complex body isolations and resistance. Is this sufficient for developing strength and toning the muscles within the body?
It would be great to see you produce a belly dance workout as you are a lovely dancer so graceful and a great trainer.
Thank you so much.


Jim June 8, 2016 - 11:16 am

Good info…I really like the balanced approach with exercises you enjoy to improve one's chances for consistency….good Intel…

SUA CAPOEIRA & FITNESS November 6, 2016 - 5:51 am

cool content, keep up the good work. much love!

Julia Negrão January 28, 2021 - 9:17 pm

Jessica,, you're great! Your philosophy, your spirit and the way you get us all so motivated to be healthy! Thank you so much!!!
