What Rich Piana’s Death Taught Me – OmarIsuf

by YouTube Team

[Rich Piana]

Turned off monetization for this video as it is a sensitive topic and hopefully I want to convey my point correctly.



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OmarIsuf November 18, 2018 - 7:55 pm

Agree? Disagree?

Is it time to eat a tub of Ben & Jerry's?

Asad Ali February 4, 2019 - 8:39 am

What I learnt from Rich Piana's death is that i should'nt take the natural road to bodybuilding, it's way too dangerous and has serious side-effects. I'm on gear now, thanks Rich Piana.

Snoop Don February 7, 2019 - 1:27 pm

Loved the first example of genius you used Jaco. New found respect

Larvitar Dratini February 7, 2019 - 10:51 pm

Does he have a big ass watch on each arm to avoid imbalances? Jk I doubt he cares about that

Brown JEEZUS March 1, 2019 - 5:58 am

Rich died to achieve 0% bodyfat, gotta confuse logic, right babe?

Brady Stewart March 17, 2019 - 2:12 pm

No offense but your picture with caption " sorry this is what peak performance looks like " is incredibly delusional and not true at all. You can achieve a lot more and be a lot bigger natural.. just because you aren't there doesn't mean it's not achievable. The video is more about your ego than anything else.

Oculed1 March 19, 2019 - 8:05 pm

I miss Rich, I liked getting home and seeing a new upload from him. His existance gave me a strange feeling of security as if by him still being alive while doing the things he was doing to himself made me feel like anything bad i was doing health-wise couldn't possibly be all that bad in comparison. And then BOOM he was gone just like that. His death proved that people are not invincible. I want my Rich Piano back so I can justify neglecting my health.

Fitness Genius April 8, 2019 - 8:50 pm

Rest In Peace Rich Piana

Keviv Tawar April 15, 2019 - 1:49 pm

A healthy lifestyle is a path of moderation .

Tech N Sketch Imagery May 16, 2019 - 5:27 am

Great way to looks at it. Enhance, not consume, your life with fitness or anything for that matter.

thomasdhdh May 16, 2019 - 11:49 am

He died because he did so many things you shouldn't do in the long run. Hes heart and liver where twice the size of a other man hes size. No toxicology was performed. So the cause of death was never known. But i mean, cmon.

Mig Ram June 1, 2019 - 3:09 pm

Did Rich Piana used Synthol?

Bon Sheedy June 11, 2019 - 12:49 pm

Oliver Sachs was a lifter
"What fools we were"

Chris Black June 30, 2019 - 2:20 am

Don't juice out of your mind

Isaac Fleming July 4, 2019 - 11:09 am

Steroids = insecurities

Robbi D July 29, 2019 - 2:41 am

Dude stop DANCING around the truth. The guy had 20 bottles of steroids in his apt when he died, which means he was a CHEAT! Plain and simple. He took DRUGS to get what he couldn't get naturally. He was a Fake and fakes shouldn't be idols- period. What did it profit him? If he's saying and pushing something that hurts your body his message was flawed and wrong. What the hell is wrong with you? You can't split hairs and have it both ways dude so stop with the PC speech. The guy is dead due to drugs! Either it's good or bad no in between. You're ridiculous for trying to hold us responsible for these obsessive dudes who mistreat themselves. We don't kill anyone. Idols kill themselves!! So what the hell kind of nutty statement is that? Trying to sound all deep and philosophical I guess. Tell me, did I force Rich to put a needle in his arm or a pill in his mouth or powder up his nose?? No! HE did that all on his own. So that's bullshit! He wasn't living up to our expectations. He was living up to his own image that he worshipped way too much. His own body became his god. You sound like the typical liberal who blames everyone in society for your F'd up decisions instead of the people make them. All this for big muscles and to be cool or looked up to. Well remember this, its hard to look cool playing in a box with your arms folded across your chest. Did any of the people in his life try to stop him from doing this to himself? Did they give him and altumatumn to stop it they were leaving out of his life? Where were these friends and who ever else when he was destroying himself? Ill tell you, riding the life high off what he was doing. Why don't you blame them?This is the same guy who was on camera yelling big a all over the place. Did we force him to di that as well. This is YOUR idol I'm talking about here dude. The guy you worship. Nothing is worth pumping drugs into your system. And he has no one to blame for where he is but he himself. Again, he bragged about it not caring about the negative influence it had on others. No one put a gun to his head and forced this guy to run toward an early death. He did that all on his own so yes, we take great offense at your accusations about your idols being killed by the public. And if that's not what you meant then why did you say it?! So sick of grown people like you guys who do what you choose and then whine like babies when it's time to pay the consequences for your actions. It's called being an adult. Maybe your generation should try it sometime.

Cliff Konkle August 10, 2019 - 2:11 am


bmagana August 26, 2019 - 11:35 pm

For what profits a man to win the world if he loses his soul?

jjgbmw323 September 14, 2019 - 12:59 am

Nice Video. I miss Rich – he was inspirational, but took things too far. Peace bro

Bat Eats Moth September 29, 2019 - 3:48 am

I agree. Just be the best you can be. Steroids are the pursuit of something outside of yourself. Pursue something outside of yourself and you end up destroying yourself.

Leontorres13 October 5, 2019 - 10:04 pm

When you mentioned Yojimbo! That is when I knew to subscribe xD best movie ever, Akira Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune ftw!

Bobby Hill February 29, 2020 - 3:32 am

The sooner you start lifting after puberty, the better the effects it’ll have on you as well as how well you eat during puberty as your bones, muscles, and body grows. Some people can naturally bench 450-550lbs while other will never break the 315 mark. If you want to become the best bodybuilder in the world and make a lot of money, go ahead, but you’ll also have to come to terms with the fact that there are other guys that are juicing up and potentially taking decades off of their lifespan to be pursue this sane career as you. Personally I’m going to train hard and eat hard while I still have a bit of time to grow in order to make the best natural gains I possibly can in the future. I’m going to be still be lifting and doing cardio in the future. Pursue your dreams, but figure out what those dreams are going to be before you do something radical. You might not actually want to take steroids. You just want to be the biggest guy in the room, usually, when you walk in it, and my friend, all you have to do is to train hard.

Blaine Roberts August 20, 2020 - 5:18 pm

Totally agree with you! I would rather be average than sitting in a wheel chair at 70.

Greg Thompson October 25, 2020 - 7:57 pm

GREAT PERSPECTIVE!!!! Great job !!!! While watching your video it reminded me of how God calls us to have a BALANCED life … personally speaking , when I was 30 , the Lord chose to ‘shake me up a bit’… lol … He loved me enough to make me realize I had to rearrange my priorities … you see my ‘God’ had a small ‘g’ called the gym lol …I had little time for God and honestly didn’t see the point ….. now I so clearly do ….Don’t get me wrong , I still lift to this day and enjoy the gym immensely but the Lord , in His grace, helped me to no longer be Enslaved to it … there’s a big difference there …It controlled me !!! I don’t think I’m alone in that by any means !!! Now I’m able to truly enjoy it…..When He got my attention I felt Him telling me ‘Greg, I gave you that discipline but stop putting other things (like lifting ) before ME ; You were put here to live for Me not the gym !
He freed me from that slavery!!! I guarantee had I not listened , my wife and children would have left and I would be on muscle ‘enhancements ‘ by now … But now I can truly enjoy it rather than it controlling me … like many people who seriously train I got my identity completely in my strength and appearance; now thank God, I get it from Him ! Thank God because age changes those gym results lmao , And surely He knew that was coming … who knows to what extent I would have gone to , to continue getting those results you get when you’re younger ….

Abhishek Vijayan November 23, 2020 - 9:29 am

That's responsible bodybuilding

NeonNights March 2, 2021 - 8:13 am

What works for one doesn’t work for another, telling others what to do or they should do is telling them what works for you essentially. Some people want the extreme, some moderation, etc. A long life isnt a goal of some, it is others. Some are ok being mediocre, some not. Etc. And we need to stop pathologizing these extremely dedicated people as trying to cover up or distract. Maybe they have a super-powered passion? It takes a level of extreme passion, obsession, dedication or whatever you want to call it to go considerably beyond the normal.

300pzl May 29, 2021 - 1:33 am

Jesus loves you..
