How do I stay motivated to work out if I’m not seeing any results? | Fitness Motivation – jessicasmithtv

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“How can I keep myself motivated when I don’t feel like I’m seeing any results?” – _courtneyhope

Great question Courtney! Here are my top tips on staying motivated with your workouts even if you aren’t seeing any results yet:

1. Stash the scale for awhile.
Usually when someone refers to “results” they are looking for weight loss. But the truth is, you are probably experiencing plenty of results that just aren’t showing up on the scale.

I recommend staying away from the scale for awhile, especially when starting a new workout regimen. It’s an easy way to get discouraged! Why? Your weight can fluctuate by as much as 10 pounds due to water composition.

Here’s an excerpt from an article I wrote for

“Water makes up approximately 65-90 percent of a person’s weight, and variation in water content of the human body can move the scale by ten pounds or more from day to day,” says Jeffrey A. Dolgan, a clinical exercise physiologist at Canyon Ranch in Miami Beach, Fla. This is one of the main reasons diuretics are so popular—they flush the water out of your system, resulting in only a short term weight “loss”—but they don’t help to change your body composition in any way.

Sometimes your workout can actually cause a rise in the number on the scale, but that doesn’t mean you’ve actually gained weight. “A person’s scale mass is a combination of muscle, fat, bone, the brain and neural tract, connective tissue, blood, lymph, intestinal gas, urine, and the air that we carry in our lungs. Immediately after a workout routine, the percentage of mass in each of these categories can shift as much as 15 percent.” Intense workouts cause variability on the scale due to factors like hydration status, inflammation from muscle damage repair (we call this delayed onset muscle soreness), even the amount of intestinal by-product or urine and blood volume, Dolgan says.


2. Find something you really enjoy. Stop making exercise something you “have” to do, but something you “want” to do.
I’m often asked what the best workout is for weight loss, or the best time of day to workout, and in my opinion, it’s pretty simple – consistency is the #1 key to getting and maintaining results, so the best workout is the one you’ll do, and the best time to do it is when you’ll actually get moving.

3. Stay in tune with your body’s natural ebb and flow of energy and work with it, not against it.

4. Focus on the bigger picture.
Losing weight on the scale really doesn’t mean anything except that you are lighter! Instead, focus on becoming stronger, more fit, more agile, etc. And don’t forget to appreciate what you have right now and what your body is already capable of!


Got a question for me? Leave it for me in the comments and I may answer in an upcoming video.

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Walk With Me - By Kate September 4, 2014 - 10:08 am

Very well said !!!

Petra S September 4, 2014 - 10:41 am

Thanks, Jessica, for your great advice. I'm ignoring my scale already for a long time, but since I'm working out regularly with your videos and DVD's (which means nearly every day since January this year), I can really see and feel the difference. I didn't go down with clothes size, but I see my body getting into shape, abs and thighs for example, which gives me a great feeling, and this is a big motivation for me, just to look into the mirror and see the changes. But as you said, it didn't happen over night. As a plus, I just enjoy those little sweet treats without feeling guilty like before 🙂

karina batres September 4, 2014 - 2:08 pm

very wise and sound advice for everyone: thanks Jessica, keep up the good work!!!

karina batres September 4, 2014 - 2:10 pm

By the way, if anyone likes dancing try flamenco, its a cardio workout.

Lacey Conrad September 4, 2014 - 4:47 pm

This video is a perfect example of why I love you!! You are so positive and really make fitness more of a lifestyle and mind set than many of the channels out there.This video actually came at a perfect time for me because I was starting to struggle with my own motivation, but as always you have inspired me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wise words. <3 

S September 5, 2014 - 2:11 pm

Your motivation is the Best.  Thanks for all you do..  You really keep me going too.  I actually hid my scale about a month ago and it has helped my stress on loosing weight.  You are so right, it is so unnecessary to worry about. Feeling great and looking great it what I am focusing on. 

AJ AJ September 6, 2014 - 3:59 am

Greatly put, Jessica! Thank you for this advice I really needed. I am grateful for finding you in January. You have kept me fit to keep chasing my 2 1/2 year old Grand daughter I babysit. I am doing SeptStrength and your Walk On DVD challenge together, that is how far I have come. My husband bought a Smart TV for me to get me out of the computer room for my exercise. You are also on the Fitness apps from Exercise TV! Thank you for your motivation. Your cuing is clear, variation is great and you are fun! I feel like part of the family exercising with you, Peanut, Mom & Sis!

Mary Huiatt September 6, 2014 - 4:24 pm

Thanks so much!  Great information and motivational in itself.  Your enthusiasm and energy really shines through!

Robin September 6, 2014 - 6:01 pm

Thanks, Jessica! As always, you make so much sense and everything you say really resonates with me. In addition, I can personally attest that everything you say is true. I never enjoyed exercising in the past and only started back about 15 months ago because I wanted to get healthier and lose some weight. I stumbled across your first walking DVD and, from there, your YouTube channel. Exercising with you is fun and I have come to look forward to doing it pretty much every day. I really listen to what you say and apply it to my exercise routine and life in general. Consistent exercise, and healthy eating, has helped me lose and keep off almost 60 pounds. I never dreamed I could be this fit and healthy again. I encourage anyone who might have their doubts to give it a shot. If I can do it, so can you!

kdeily September 7, 2014 - 12:46 pm

Jessica, another amazing answer.  Your perspective is so valuable.  I agree with everything you said.  I love these video chat sessions and think they are wonderful.  You are so positive and that is what people who may be struggling or want to give up need.  I have 3 additional comments, I loved your suggestion for having your go to fun workout for days you have low energy or motivation, but additionally, try just working out for 10 minutes…that is huge for me.  You have such a wide variety of 10 minute workouts, that there really is no excuse to not just try one.  The 2nd comment for motivational boost, may not be seen on the scale, but in a medical test such a bone density, blood workup or even a BP reading.  When I see positive changes in these results, it gives me a boost.  3rd is if there is a consistency maintained in working out, the rest will follow.  Over time, the benefits of exercise will show itself, it is not an immediate thing.  If one works out consistently the results will come! Thank you for your wonderful DVDs, your online workouts and your wisdom!

Barbara Strong September 7, 2014 - 2:25 pm

Thank you Jessica for this great advice.  I haven't gotten on a scale in years for just the reasons you talked about.  I'm so glad you talked about that person at the end of the video who was struggling with just taking a step.  I started thinking like that a long time ago when I saw other people either bed ridden or in a wheel chair and thought how they would love to be able to do a walk or lift weights or do a simple exercise video.  The pounds a person sees on the scale is nothing compared to the other benefits a person's body gets when exercising.  My personal motivation for exercising is to have a strong heart and muscles that will protect me throughout my life.

Aussir_dragonartworks September 7, 2014 - 2:32 pm

Jessica, that was an awesome Q&A! Thank you so much. I focus on the scale way too much, it's very easy for me to get into that trap of letting my self worth get caught up in what the scale says. I too have  had times where I am down on myself only to see someone struggling to move or greatly overweight!  Regardless of what the scales says , it's important to keep moving. And thanks to you, I enjoy doing that!! Appreciate your motivation!

Cathy Trulson September 7, 2014 - 8:31 pm

Thank you Jessica for this Q&A! This was exactly what I needed to hear right now when the scale isn't being my friend. lol

J Higgins September 8, 2014 - 2:10 am

Jessica, you are so inspirational.  I found this video to be incredibly motivating and truly appreciate all that you do.  You are an amazing young woman and are such an asset to have in our internet world of health and fitness!

Arline Exconde Raijmakers September 8, 2014 - 3:08 pm

Thank you very much Jessica, been struggling with that, I thought whatever I do my weight remains.. but I notice changes in my body here and there so I guess that suffice. Will focus more on doing the exercises regularly. You are so inspiring and motivating! Thanks for the encouragement and support.

Aurora M September 8, 2014 - 5:07 pm

Honestly speaking, I got a bit discouraged this past month because I felt like I wasn't advancing so much, and that I was stuck… so I subconsciously started to back off exercising bit by bit, and pretty soon I started to "lose" some of the things I gained: my ability to stretch more in ways I couldn't do prior to getting fit, some of my positive attitude, my endurance, etc.

But now, seeing this video (and something amazing in my writing career), helped rejuvenate my passion to sculpt my body in a better way. I'll have to work hard to get it all back, yes, but that's okay; your work outs are always fun and I enjoy going through them! You are always so encouraging in your videos and it really gives me that extra incentive to do better and just have fun with it :)!!

Margaret Hallie September 8, 2014 - 7:14 pm

Thank you Jessica I needed this.    Thank you for your wonderful workouts.
 I have gone though a lot of life changes and you workouts have been a Godsend.
  I have noticed what worked in my 20, and 30's does not give  the same results  now. I am 48 years old and am needing to rebuild my strength and lose 20 pounds  any advice?  
Thank You again ~margaret~

SilverLotusGirl September 13, 2014 - 4:52 pm

I needed to see this.  My jeans are fitting tighter and I'm not sure if I've gained or it's just a fluctuation that happens with weight while exercising, like you mentioned.  However, even if I haven't seen any slimming effects I'm glad that I still try to eat well and that I try to get my physical activity in.  I feel better regardless of it all and this gives me motivation and hope that in time my body will find its natural healthy weight again.

Yogachick September 15, 2014 - 8:05 pm

Is it Ok to work my abs/core every day?

Knit Granola September 21, 2014 - 10:07 pm

Great little motivating talk! I did upper body dumbbells while I was listening to you! Keep it coming! Yay!

Klownkandi1992 November 13, 2014 - 4:12 am

I'm recovering from and eating disorder and gained some pounds. I've been working out, but have relapsed a bit.,,,if I'm eating less and working out, why am I looking more bulky? :C I'm getting discouraged. my waist used to be 23 and 1/2 inches, and now it's 25 Y^Y I will admit though. the last couple minutes meant the most…it means a lot to hear that,…the be happy NOW rather than being happy when I look like a certain size and such. it's nice to hear about someone who's giving fitness advice the soul purpose isn't how you look, or "work out to LOOK better"…makes me reflect on what I CAN do rather than how I LOOK…

Gemita Vasquez December 23, 2014 - 2:12 am

Thank you Jessica for your wonderful response. I've been feeling this way for awhile. I love working out with you everyday. You motivate me and keep me going with your positive attitude and wonderful manner. I am so happy that I found you. I realize that I should not be focused on the weight, I don't even own a scale, but when you work so hard, you want to see some results. I do have to say that I feel stronger and more energetic, which also keeps me going.

LucyDWigglebutt January 6, 2015 - 10:51 pm

Oh Jessica, this is so awesome and gives me reasons why I started a particular fitness program (I won't mention it here) and I burned out after a few months. This program gave me awesome results but results I could not maintain either physically and/or mentally. This program is pretty intense so that is another reason I lost interest even after getting those results. Thank you…THANK YOU…for reassuring me that I am not a lazy sloth but a girl that is simply seeking a healthy lifestyle that I can be consistent with. YOU are making such a difference in my life and I am so grateful. Love ya!

AnimeFreak792 January 7, 2015 - 8:46 pm

Where are the videos for workouts that we can do during out "time of the month"?
I would LOVE to see those and do them! The time of the month is always painful and as soon as it appears, I don't do any workouts because it really makes my cramps and back pain worse.

AnimeFreak792 January 7, 2015 - 8:47 pm

And we gain fat and lose muscle strength as we get older?? I better start now while I can before I'm 25 lol
I'll be 21 this year. I'm glad I found you now 🙂
Thanks for the info.

Amanda Gregory March 13, 2015 - 3:15 pm

Jessica, you are a huge inspiration on my new fitness journey to a better me. When you spoke about witnessing that man trying to take a step it literally brought tears to my eyes. I started my new journey (and hopefully my last time starting over) on January 5th of this year. People keep asking me how much weight I've lost, and while I have lost a very nice 15 lbs, I tell them that losing weight is not my main goal. I want to make myself healthy so I can live a long and beautiful life. Your videos inspire me to get up and get moving even on days when I just feel like being fat and unhealthy would be so much easier than putting all this effort into living a healthy lifestyle. You may not read this, but I want you to know that you are helping to transform my life and I very much appreciate you. Thanks for these wonderful words of wisdom. Peace and love to you!

lindaluvvv320 March 13, 2015 - 9:26 pm

This made my day thank you

Maria Moreno May 18, 2015 - 7:01 pm

I can't thank you enough Jessica….. I need lose a little over a hundred pounds to be in my ideal weight.. & was so focusing on that, that didnt even notice the other things that were going on on my body, like I feel more energized, I feel more happy, I can do lots of things I couldn't do before I started working out… & I can't affort going to the gym, so I
workout with your videos… and walk! My daughter has noticed a lot of this changes, she's almost 10. Thankyou so much again Jessica. God bless you!

Madame L. June 8, 2015 - 6:38 pm

Thank you for this video, Jessica! After years of yo-yo dieting, I struggle a lot with motivation. I get so hung up on the number on the scale. I couldn't tell you how many times I stepped on the scale, only to be disappointed by the number and then proceed to just give up and binge on crappy food. In that moment, the fact that I am getting healthier through sensible diet and exercise doesn't matter anymore, all I care about is the weight. The worst part of it is that I know scale weight is affected by so many things and that fluctuations are inevitable (I am particularly subject to water retention), yet I let it get me down. Recently I decided that I would stop weighing myself. I actually took an extra step and removed the batteries from my scale, so that if I ever get tempted to "take a peek", I really have to think twice about it. Your answer felt genuine and reassured me that I'm making the right choice. It is so much more important to focus on being healthier, feeling stronger, more energetic, etc.

xkristixx June 14, 2015 - 10:12 pm

I love your powerwalking videos when I am trying to recover from soreness or I just don't have the energy to do higher intensity or kickboxing workouts that day. Those are perfect paired with some other lower impact options!

dawwnnyy August 11, 2015 - 9:09 pm

you are so REAL!

Karina_sauce November 13, 2015 - 5:10 am

Thank u I was so frustrated and being so hard on myself this made me feel so much better

Reshme's Rasta May 2, 2016 - 12:28 pm

but how do you show that to your doctor, regarding weight loss or weight gain in
fluctuations of water

suppose that you are doing everything right and when you go to your doctor for a way in
there maybe 5 or 10 pounds more on the doctors scale

how do you prove to the doctor it's actually water weight

as opposed to actual fat gain

ChocolateBunny Whirlywoo June 8, 2016 - 7:47 pm

im obese and i am so afraid of gaining muscle mass. help me jessica!

Blandyna Williams June 23, 2016 - 10:46 am

Thank you! I'll need to watch this frequently. I'm trying to gain muscle tone, and it just doesn't seem to be happening. I have to remind myself that 24 weeks (I'm at week 5 of your 10 lbs Down, and have done the 6 Weeks Walk Strong series twice) is a very short period of time, and that I should save the personal review for a year, or at least 6 months. I have to remind myself that this is something I'll be doing for a lifetime, not just 30 days or 6 weeks. It is a whole different mindset that I'm trying to adjust to. I appreciate your personal insights and the points about being grateful for what my body can do right now.

shamil rosario November 6, 2016 - 6:58 am

This was great =)

Mandy Garcia June 23, 2018 - 1:24 pm

Thanks jessica great information

Anjali Patil March 29, 2019 - 12:51 pm

Thanks for sharing this video. I was suffering from viral arthritis so I have to stop my work out bcz of inflammation of joints. I gained weight. I started working out again but I lost my previous fitness and flexibility so I was frustrated. thanks for sharing this information.can I do different work out daily.previously I love to bodyweight exercises and hiit but I can't push pressure so I started your walking video to start moving

Cyndi Young August 9, 2019 - 3:03 am

Great advice, wise and practical. Thank you for the beautiful message!🙏🕉
