I Went OFF Birth Control For 3 Months…Here is What Happened – Love Sweat Fitness

by YouTube Team

OMG there’s some MAJOR TMI here, but had to share all the things that have happened with my body since I went off birth control 3 months ago! Have you girls experienced any of this or other crazy things? Join the FREE 8 week LSF Summer Shape Up Challenge! ♥

♥ Kopari Love Melt –
♥ DIM – (Eemoves estrogen dominance, fights cancer cells, regulates hormones)
♥ Glutathione – (Powerful antioxidant, good for acne and removes toxins)
♥ Calcium D- Glucarate (Removes toxins from body) –

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Disclaimer: Love Sweat Fitness recommends that you consult with your physician or do your own research before beginning any exercise program or using any advice given. It is important that you be in good physical condition/health and be able to participate in the exercise and be informed of your personal health conditions to make the best choices for YOU.

By participating in any workout or workout program or taking nutrition/health advice such as this, there is always a possibility of injury. If you do take part in this workout or any LSF workout program, you agree that you do so at your own risk. You also agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and will assume all risk of injury to yourself. You also agree to release and discharge Love Sweat Fitness and Love Sweat Fitness, Inc. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Love Sweat Fitness and Love Sweat Fitness, Inc. negligence.


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Love Sweat Fitness July 11, 2019 - 7:28 pm

Have any of you girls experience and good or bad stuff going off birth control?

Alyssa Dipadova June 4, 2021 - 1:43 am

When I went off after 3 years I lost a ton of hair.

Nahomi Rivera June 7, 2021 - 11:40 pm

I love your channel so much it motives me alot ❤ 😆 I struggle with hypothyroidism too😵

Jessica Iawphniaw June 29, 2021 - 12:19 pm

Is it ok to take half of the pill and quit it

LunarBaby 22 July 11, 2021 - 3:11 pm

I know I’m late to the game but I’m here to say that I got off the pill for so many reason, one being that I was always exhausted. And I was sleeping like 8 hours a night. I couldn’t wake up in the morning, and then by 2pm I would have to lay down. My digestion was all messed up. And one of the worst things I experienced was terrible night sweats. I would wake up drenched in sweat. It was horrible. I also felt no motivation, probably because I was so tired all the time. But I went off the pill and it’s been about 2 weeks now and I feel so much better already.

Katherine Evans July 15, 2021 - 2:52 pm

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InvisibleWoman July 19, 2021 - 1:24 am

i've had blood clot with combined pill when I was 20 and never smoke, never drink, was super healthy with no disease etc., should I be worried about progestin only pill maybe be causing blood clots if im in late 20s now?

Aimee Nichole August 4, 2021 - 9:52 pm

Thank you – I'm on Day 1. And this has been encouraging!

Jordyn.Jean89 August 16, 2021 - 6:54 pm

I’ve been documenting my journey.. it’s only been 3 weeks after 17 years of BC and my body is a bit out of whack.. my skin is very oily and I’m getting acne in spots I never did.. my libido is in overdrive and my breakthrough bleeding has been non stop and cramps have been insane.. I hope the negative aspects clear up cause my skin has been amazing for 2 years and seeing this acne right now has me feeling low. 😔

redheadkiss80 August 19, 2021 - 10:55 pm

Im in a conflict right now. My main reason i want to be on birth control is to not be pregnant. i do tend to forget to take things so im worried about taking the pill, on the other hand, im sensitive to a lot of things, and i know the shot is definitely more potent and a lot more side effects so im worried about that. i got the pills but i cant take them yet until my period is over. but i still dont know to take the shot or the pill. i also recently lost 100Ibs so im worried about the shot because of that too, i dont want to start gaining a bunch of weight.

Leah Thornhill August 22, 2021 - 8:49 pm

YES. So dry. Caused pain with intimacy. And it’s frustrating when he is so ready to do something and I’m just like 🥴. NEVER in the mood. I WANT to be though so it is so aggravating. We are newly weds too so that sucks that we can’t have the kind of fun we are suppose to be having because I can’t function properly for it to even happen!

Grace Trombly August 25, 2021 - 12:48 pm

yesterday was my first day in almost 2 years not taking the pill. you are bringing me so much hope thank you for this video

Mary August 29, 2021 - 6:03 pm

I work out every day, twice a day, but my mood swings, anxiety, and depression mood is terrible, I'm quitting today! Six months and its just getting worse. I used to want sex everyday with my husband but now, i don't feel urges like before, when I feel is overwhelming, i used to be stable and healthy with my sexual life, but now is all or nothing, 8 or 80. There is no balance like before

I wish my name was Clementine September 2, 2021 - 5:16 pm

My birth control didn’t really help me with my cramps so I’m quitting to see if my depression gets better.

Alexandra September 4, 2021 - 4:39 pm

When you get cramps how long before do you get them before your period ? Currently been 2 weeks off birthcontrol and started to get cramps but my tracker says i have 11 days left to get my period. Need advice !

Wilna els September 7, 2021 - 7:29 am

I got pregnant after leaving the pill after 4 months and my son is 11 now I'm thinking of the pill again coz I'm having problems so I think birth control is scary and can cause problems

Nicole Stanton September 8, 2021 - 5:21 pm

Am I the only one that has terrible mood swings and feel completely different? 😭 I stopped taking bc about 3 months and a week ago and the past 2 weeks have been horrible for me emotionally. And i had my period the first 2 months but now I haven’t had in almost a month

Grace Campbell September 12, 2021 - 3:46 pm

You don’t know how much this video helped me

The Struggling Housewife September 25, 2021 - 11:40 am

do you know someone by the name of Heather Lindsey? You two look just alike.

Gday mates October 27, 2021 - 4:45 am

My skin is so much worse when I go off birth control. The cysts come back after the 3 month mark. I've tried to go off a few times but cannot stand the pain in my chin from the cysts.

Rosie Yang November 4, 2021 - 12:00 am

Love the video advice! But hoenstly also love the community of women in the comments sharing their stories about going off/on BCP. I just finished my last pack Saturday. What’s the first couple of weeks like for people? Bc I’m expert I bloating or gut issues. Is that normal?

Xandyr November 29, 2021 - 4:47 am

It's good to hear that things like fatigue changed after the first month being rough. I'm obsessively researching womens experiences to put me at ease rather than just thinking it could take months. I'm in the first month since getting off and it IS rough!

Nicole Turner Music December 7, 2021 - 6:13 pm

Glad I came across your video and thought it was cool you mentioned you read the book, “Beyond the Pill” .. me too I’m still reading it and have been off the pill for a month and still looking to know what to do to get through this transition. Thanks for sharing!

Holly S December 30, 2021 - 7:12 pm

Going back and forth if I need the supplements or not. Anyone have any insight on the supplements she recommended? I really don’t want my acne to come back when I stop the pill

dyanna r January 18, 2022 - 12:46 am

i have hypothyroidism and i was on birth control depo provera i’m just getting off it. i was always questioning is it the bc or my thyroid? because both have similar symptoms i hope that soon i’ll feel better and have more energy!

Claudia Goodwin February 15, 2022 - 3:10 pm

How often do you take those pills? Do you still take them? Or is it just for a few months after going off of birth control?
