The BEST Split For Size & Strength (3 Full Routines) – OmarIsuf

by YouTube Team


3 Day Split- Full Body (70-80%)
1. Squat 4×10
2. Bench Press 3×12
3. Deadlift 4×6
4. Bent Over Row 3×12
5. Lunges 3×15
6. Seated DB Press 3×15
7. Bicep Curl 2×15

1. Squat 4×5
2. Bench Press 3×8
3. Deadlift 5×3
4. Pull Ups 3×8
5. Hip Thrust 3×10
6. Overhead Press 3×10
7. Face Pull 2×15

1. Squat 5×3
2. Bench Press 4×5
3. Leg Press 3×8
4. Lat Pulldown 3×8
5. Incline Bench 3×8
6. Bulgarian Split Squat 2×10 (per side)
7. Skull Crushers 2×12

4 Day Split- Full Body (80-95%)
1. Squat 3×10
2. Bench Press 3×12
3. Deadlift 3×5
4. Bent Over Row 3×12
5. Lunges 2×15
6. Seated DB Press 2×15
7. Bicep Curl 2×15

1. Front Squats 3×5
2. Overhead Press 4×6
3. DB Romanian Deadlift 3×10
4. Straight Arm Pulldown 3×12
5. Dips 2×15
6. Pallof Press 2×15

1. Squat 3×5
2. Bench Press 3×8
3. Deadlift 5×3
4. Pull Ups 3×8
5. Hip Thrust 3×10
6. Overhead Press 3×10
7. Face Pull 2×15

1. Squat 5×3
2. Bench Press 3×5
3. Leg Press 3×8
4. Lat Pulldown 3×8
5. Incline Bench 3×8
6. Bulgarian Split Squat 2×10 (per side)
7. Skull Crushers 2×12

5 Day Split-Full Body (80-100%)
1. Squat 3×10
2. Bench Press 3×12
3. Deadlift 3×5
4. Bent Over Row 3×12
5. Lunges 2×15
6. Seated DB Press 2×15
7. Bicep Curl 2×15

Total Sets: 18

1. Front Squats 3×5
2. Overhead Press 3×6
3. DB Romanian Deadlift 3×10
4. Straight Arm Pulldown 2×12
5. Dips 2×15
6. Pallof Press 2×15

Total Sets: 15

1. Squat 3×5
2. Bench Press 3×8
3. Deadlift 5×3
4. Pull Ups 3×8
5. Hip Thrust 3×10
6. Face Pull 2×15

Total Sets: 19

1. Leg Curl (or Glute Ham Raise) 2×12
2. Ab Wheel 2×12
3. Bent Over Row 3×8
4. Overhead Press 3×8
5. Lateral Raise 2×15
6. Bicep Curl 2×15

Total Sets: 14

1. Squat 5×3
2. Bench Press 3×5
3. Leg Press 3×8
4. Lat Pulldown 3×8
5. Incline Bench 3×8
6. Bulgarian Split Squat 2×10 (per side)

Total Sets: 19

Total Weekly Working Sets: 85

How to progress week to week. For each program, a basic 4 week template can be effective.
Week 1: Perform most movements at RIR 3 (keeping three good reps in the tank)
Week 2: Perform most movements at RIR 2 (keeping two good reps in the tank)
Week 3: Perform most movements at RIR 1 (keeping two good reps in the tank)
Week 4: Deload (perform most movements at RIR 4 and consider dropping 1 set per movement is fatigue is too high)

Repeat this wave and attempt over time to use more weight



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OmarIsuf January 7, 2020 - 4:49 pm

This is a FUCKING CHILDREN'S CHANNEL. The 3 full routines:

1. 3 Day Split: 2:39
2. 4 Day Split: 7:24
3. 5 Day Split: 11:26

luxmai luxmai January 19, 2021 - 3:30 pm


Chastize February 8, 2021 - 2:28 am

Great video omar.

Markus Benjamin Eriksen February 20, 2021 - 8:59 am

Hey Omar! I must just thank you for good information. I really like this approach. On week 3 at the 3 times a week program. Started using creatine also. Results are soo good! I can send you before and after pics after 2 months if you like, no homo😄

Alessio Augugliaro March 16, 2021 - 12:30 pm

nicee omar , gonna use itttt love u man

عبدالرحمن محروس March 26, 2021 - 2:01 am

حبيبي يا عمر

عبدالرحمن محروس March 26, 2021 - 2:09 am

Thank you

rafath chowdury April 29, 2021 - 1:00 am

Squatting 4x a week wtf

Rakesh Mohanty April 30, 2021 - 2:46 am

Can anybody tell me if I follow 4 day full body split is it ok to do squats in consecutive days coz I don't allow 24-48 hrs of rest to that muscle group for example if I did 3×10 squats to failure on Monday then again I do 3×5 heavy squats on Tuesday is it ok to do so

NoOne IsReal May 3, 2021 - 3:29 pm

If you ask me, it's really hard to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time, but website called Agoge Diet is great for that. They also calculate your BMI and calorie intake for FREE and provide you with diet meal plan and training plan.

NoOne IsReal May 3, 2021 - 3:31 pm

I worked out for a long time but didn't get results because of a poor diet. I then found a website called *Agoge Diet*, finally I started seeing results

Byron Myers May 12, 2021 - 12:55 am

Never understood how people could lift the same body part 2 days in a row without being on gear.

Ryan Monacelli May 30, 2021 - 6:35 pm

That’s hilarious

Aquior Magno July 19, 2021 - 4:35 am

you should put this into a playlist

huspus July 23, 2021 - 8:55 pm

if you only you knew that in the next 3 months, the planet went boom ahahaha

Alberto Chang July 29, 2021 - 9:18 am

This is so fucking helpful man. Thanks for your videos!

tim Gazsy August 26, 2021 - 6:18 pm

Called the number, dudes not worth it!

NatMesh September 16, 2021 - 7:46 am

Amazing video and for you to give this knowledge for free is very generous, appreciate you brother! 🙏🏾

The Progressive Athlete September 20, 2021 - 1:26 am

Hi, mate love the video! Are your "Squats" mentioned in the 4-day split unloaded as opposed to your front squat?

Ash Ash October 20, 2021 - 4:20 pm

The worst split ever
Plz people don’t listen to this guy
Omar I advise u of cutting your hair
And getting a real coach
Good luck you really need it

Jasper Playz November 26, 2021 - 9:30 pm

Quick question, don't exactly understand why you have to deload after 3 weeks.

Kristijan Danilovic labudovic November 30, 2021 - 11:52 pm

When should you go for a pr?
