1 Mile Walk n Talk: What Does A Healthy Lifestyle Look Like? Walking At Home, Inspiration – jessicasmithtv

by YouTube Team

Please join me (and Peanut!) for our latest installment of our “1-Mile Walk n’ Talk” series — today we’re talking about some of the key components of a healthy lifestyle and how to best take care of ourselves for maximum health and wellness (big thanks to Nicole for her great topic idea suggestion!). If you need a boost of motivation or a dose of inspiration, join us for this basic, indoor walking session anytime – rain or shine!

Links to the studies, quotes or facts mentioned in the video:

1. “25 Random Facts About Sleep” via National Sleep Foundation

2. “Sleep deprivation spurs hunger” via CNN Health

3. “Sleep deprivation may cause people to eat more calories” via Science Daily

4. “Exercise is the ‘Best Preventative Drug’ Against Many Health Problems via University Herald

5. “23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?” via Doctor Mike Evans

And don’t forget to let us know – what does YOUR healthy lifestyle look like? Share with us in the video comments below! And, we’re always looking for more topics to talk about, so please let us know – what else should we walk n’ talk about? We love reading your comments so please share your great ideas and suggestions with us.

Thanks for walking and talking with me (and Peanut!) today!

Feel free to keep moving if this got you ready for more – check out our playlists here on our channel (thanks for remembering to SUBSCRIBE!) for tons more options 🙂

Like our round mat? You can find links it and the other equipment we use in our videos here on Amazon:

Get Peanut’s “I Don’t Sweat I Sparkle” T-Shirt:

Connect with us after the workout for more fitness, tips, motivation and more!






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Penny Moore April 21, 2018 - 12:25 pm

vegy's are healthy

The Bra Doctor April 21, 2018 - 1:23 pm

Thanks so much Jessica and Peanut! I shred this to my Facebook Page. Trying to motivate Friends and Family! Making small changes you can stick to builds into adding more healthy changes. How I wish I could have this video on replay in our waiting room! Trying to teach my patients that they are not training like an Olympian! However, we NEED proper sleep time and daily regular movement, outside of work, to be fit and flexible as we gather more birthdays under our belt (ie: get older!!!)! Hugs for all the great videos! I love your channel!!

Maria Sliwa April 21, 2018 - 2:44 pm

Thank you Jessica and Peanut 🙂

Kelly R April 21, 2018 - 3:09 pm

Good morning, what a great way to start a Saturday. Jessica I am looking at doing my very first 5k this spring/summer and I’m wondering if you might do a video on warming up / preparing mentally the day of .I know it’s not a really long distance but it is daunting to me. I’ve been working towards doing this for almost a year. Thanks again for the video

Cheryl Anne April 21, 2018 - 3:36 pm

I love this concept but I’m subscribed and this has not shown up for me other than today so I had NO IDEA you were doing this

Bam Boo April 21, 2018 - 6:02 pm

Oh my, Peanut is adorable. Thank you.

Salena April 21, 2018 - 6:55 pm

Hey Jess, what's a good fitness routine for the 40+ crowd? It seems to be a little harder to lose weight since I hit my 40s.. especially the mid section 😖

HJ KayEl April 21, 2018 - 9:01 pm

I think Peanut embodies a HEALTHY lifestyle, hehe!

minimize 0 April 21, 2018 - 10:52 pm

Thank you Jessica, I’ve been motivated by your videos since about a year ago. At the same time around, I changed my diet to a mostly whole food plant based diet. I mostly do HIIT and strength training by following you on YouTube. I’ve been suffered from psoriasis for almost 25 years before all this lifestyle changes, but now, I can consider that my skin condition has been improved 80 percent, and it is doing better and better everyday. I absolutely agree with everything that you say in this video. 💯 true. Thank you once again for your coaching! You literally saved my lives and heal me. Thanks

Page Borger April 22, 2018 - 12:36 am

I loved this. Your talking about sleep was very refreshing (see what I did there). For me a big part of healthy lifestyle is avoiding alcohol. Huge drinking culture among women my age (40s). Lots of marketing of alcohol to my demographic.

Bana A April 22, 2018 - 1:17 am

I love these walk and talks. 💓

Amanda E April 22, 2018 - 11:00 am

Love your workouts, and I love Peanut, what a cutie!

Sara Gretlein April 22, 2018 - 12:52 pm

Great walk and talk! Completely agree that sleep is at the top. When sleep deprived you might not feel like exercising and then your nutrition may be compromised as well. Love all of your workouts!

Ann Goodman April 22, 2018 - 1:48 pm

I would love a Walk and Talk about exercise/movements as we age. At 70 and with osteoporosis, I can't do the same high impact exercises I could even do 10 years ago. I continue to do as much as I can for as long as I can. How can we adjust our exercises to match our ages?

Heather Kuhn April 23, 2018 - 2:36 pm

I'd call sleep the base of the pyramid. It's the foundation on which everything else rests.

Cheryl Bower April 23, 2018 - 8:47 pm

Loved this walk and talk used it as a cool down after strength and cardio. My question is now that I am in my 50's I find my clothes not fitting and no matter what I do I can not lose the extra weight 🙁 I have worked out since my 20's and never had this problem before . I have a good diet I eat mostly vegetarian. I do cardio and strength training, I just finished walk strong 6 week DVD's phase II. Just feeling frustrated any suggestions. Thanks

Jackie Mc April 24, 2018 - 5:21 am

This is excellent I did it as my lunch was cooking in the oven to get my step count up for the day. I found it by accident as I usually get a YouTube message to let me know when anything new of yours is uploaded. Following you since 2015 has certainly changed my fitness and lifestyle. Sleep is definitely the foundation as well as the quality and quantity of food we eat and keeping active. Keeping active is really easy with both your YouTube and professionally produced videos. Clicking on one of your videos is always a wonderful surprise… love them. Thanks so much Jessica

frogribbit44 April 25, 2018 - 5:45 pm

Jessica are there any online health websites or people that you like to follow?

Wendy E J April 26, 2018 - 2:41 am

thank you for another fantastic walk and talk just enough for me 🙂 …..especially loved peanuts'input 🙂 LOL

Jessica Northcutt-Swain April 26, 2018 - 4:13 pm

Very good walk and talk! I've been with you for about 4 years now. About this talk, I'd like to mention, as well, that people may find that they need to update their workout/nutrition plan every few years. I used to eat back my calories I burned and now that doesn't work for me. I get a set amount each day and then I burn a different amount each day, depending on if I do cardio, strength, intervals, or stretching.

For a new segment of walk-n-talk, I'd like to talk about how to change moves to fit various issues and what is best. For example, I can't lift my arms over my head right now and normal cardio isn't a problem for me. However, what could I do instead of overhead presses (and other strength training moves) that still works the same muscles. I'm sure others could chime in about particular problems they face or you could just think of common ones 🙂

Lori Lippert April 26, 2018 - 8:36 pm

Great Walk n' Talk video, Jessica! What does a healthy lifestyle look like? Contemplating this, I realize that the answer is different for everyone. The answer was different for me 10 years ago and even 20 years ago. I'm in my 40s now. My healthy lifestyle includes daily yoga, walks with my husband, family meals at home, adequate sleep and a semi-consistent meditation practice.

H Lance April 27, 2018 - 1:24 am

Hi! I just have to say that I love the workouts you put up and that they can be done really at any level of fitness. I have found that I can find a video that you have done that I really enjoy no matter what level of intensity I am looking for or amount of time I have to do a workout. Thank you!

P.S. I also really like the workout pants you wear in this video. Could you tell me where you got them?

karen grose April 27, 2018 - 3:45 am

so glad I found your site I loved the talk and walk I did today

Johnnie Simões April 28, 2018 - 9:50 am

Hi Jessica,
I agree with you. Although I give these kind of advice to my fitness classes. I love sweets and when I feeling anxious I crave.
I'm fitness instructor at the age of 56, although I teach only for 12 years. I went through menopause and this unbalance my self confidence. I don't want to be a role model to my pupils anymore. At this stage I'm don't enjoying my classes as I used to.
I watch your videos to self motivation and to add new movements to my classes. You are an inspiration.
Sorry the foe some English or grammar mistakes.
Give me some advice. Love your positive energy 🙂

Anne Blommaert April 29, 2018 - 7:57 am

grat video, it trains the body while training the mind as it's making me think about my (healthy) lifestyle

Robin cowan May 4, 2018 - 1:57 pm

Thank you Jessica and peanut for the info and the exercise!

Crystal Davison May 4, 2018 - 4:01 pm

Love seeing new walk and talk videos, I had hernia surgery a month ago and these have helped me more than ever to slowly ease back into it. <3 thank you, Jessica!

Kay Tee May 5, 2018 - 7:17 am

I really enjoyed this one especially Peanut's speech bubbles! I always appreciate your positivity and balanced approach.

Rachel May 6, 2018 - 8:45 am

I am so glad you started with sleep, I sleep 9 hours a night almost every night. I do use ear plugs to fall asleep and stay asleep (this might be a tip for light sleepers).
Besides that I try to eat healthy, whole foods, vegs and fruits. In the weekends I pay not so much attention to this part, but that is okay, it also makes me happy to eat chocolate or croissants 🙂 I drink only tea and water, no fizzy pop or fruit juices. I do not smoke or drink alcohol (maybe 4 times a year).
I exercise everyday, I cycle 20 minutes, take the stairs and walk and in the evening I try to do a 30 minute workout, but sometimes 15 minutes is all I have time for, but I am moving! Or I do some gardening instead. I have a desk job and should be moving every hour, but that is difficult…
So I try to do my best.
One tip for others: pair your chocolate / cookie with a veg (so eat some carrots or cucumber), this way you won't eat as much and at least you get in some vitamines. Ofcourse the best is to eat no cookies, but in case you really need the cookie 🙂

Missy Bentley May 8, 2018 - 10:47 pm

I love this concept. I was able to get 15 min of movement in & "chat" with a friend instead of just sitting & watching videos. Good stuff! I'd love a talk about staying healthy on the go. I'm never in the same spot, so it's hard to plan lunches and hydration.

Tara Foxx May 17, 2018 - 10:03 am

You touched upon so many things that work for me! Movement, not killer workouts, are key to keeping my aches and pains away. I do a brief workout every morning but keep it a priority to get up and move a little bit every hour. Also sleep so important, I try to power down about an hour before I want to go to sleep and I sleep much better! Nutrition…well always room for improvement but I do try to eat “real food” as often as possible and allow myself a treat from time to time. Thank you for the positive reinforcement and motivation Jessica!

Joni Price-Flink June 6, 2018 - 10:50 am

Just enjoy listening to you talk about the good things we can do to stay healthy… Agree with it all, have been keeping journals for many years, and wearing step counters for at least the last 10 years… Graduated to watches… I love when they tell me to move even if I've already done well over my goal… I find being accountable helps, but like you said..Everyone is different… Just keep all your workouts coming…

Kris Hodges June 6, 2018 - 6:15 pm

Sixteen months ago my kidney doctor wanted me to lose 7 lbs. and start a walking regimen. I'm 75 years old but I decided to get serious so I started a food diary on MyFitnessPal.com and started walking around my neighborhood. Long story short, I lost 20 lbs. and walked just 20 minutes a day with the help of the food diary. When the weather was really hot, as it frequently is in Florida, I found Jessica Smith videos and walked with her inside the house. I've now lowered my blood pressure so that I am off all my blood pressure medications and my A1C is within normal range. I keep walking because it makes me feel good. I try to walk every single day but sometimes I can't. I don't beat myself up about it because I've made it a lifestyle and I can get back the next day with no damage to my lifestyle. Thanks, Jessica, for your videos, they really are inspirational.

Kai Lee June 15, 2018 - 11:59 am

Thank you, Jessica and Peanut, for stressing the importance of sleep! (Peanut, my sweet Ms. Kitty tries to stress this with me too. You're not alone! ) Anyhow, I'm entering that menopausal phase of life and loss of sleep and weight gain are creeping in. I'm doing my best to keep moving and eat better. What tips do you have to help women of a certain age with gaining good quality sleep?

Deanna June 20, 2018 - 12:59 pm

I would like a walk and talk on how to start weights without injury as we age

Tempting Taanzaa July 15, 2018 - 4:35 pm

Thanks Jessica and Peanut! I love the inspiration and knowledge while getting in a quick walk. As a menopausal woman I am trying to figure out what my healthy lifestyle is. What I considered a healthy balance from a teen to early 40’s completely changed after menopause. So, I have experimented with a balanced diet and increased yoga Pilates. That has really helped with increased muscle endurance, but nothing for weight loss. The old a little less in and more activity out does not seem to equal pound loss. So, I’m day 3 in my plunge into the Keto lifestyle and back to more cardio. I’m trying to keep in some quick yoga poses but I’m experiencing Keto flu at the moment. I enjoy your inspirational subjects to keep going 1-day at a time. I was wondering if you could give any information on low carb lifestyle and how/when to slowly start incorporating carbs back in when goal is reached? Thanks!

Aireal Delgado August 25, 2018 - 4:04 pm

Thank u for this video ,I really need to hear this cause I’m always so ready to give up,I started this past Monday with u Jessica ,I feel more motivated with u and your videos than I ever especially just having a baby ,I started picking one of your 10 minutes and walks a day just one cause I didn’t want to give up but I want to build my strength so I can start doing two videos a day and sooner than later 3 videos a day what do u think Jessica I just really this in my life cause I’ve never cared about my health like I do nw at 37 years old,can u give me some feedback,thanks Godbless

Sharon Courtney September 20, 2018 - 9:34 am

I love this walk and talk, and I'm glad you talked about sleep first. I have learned so much about how important sleep is. I use essential oils to help me sleep as well as to help me live a healthier life overall. Thank you, Jessica.

CR November 19, 2018 - 9:28 am

What helps keep me accountable is thinking that this exercise will keep me healthy and living longer. Also thinking that I don't want to be buying a new wardrobe every year because I let myself go.

Amy Ramos May 29, 2019 - 1:47 am

I think stress is a huge factor as well. I try to reduce my stress.
Thanks for this. I think I am going to incorporate this more in the evening (to prevent me from mindless snacking)

Katherine Nadreau February 7, 2021 - 12:27 am

I'm using these Walk and Talk videos for days where I need to up my step count, without having to take a shower afterward lol. I love that I can do them in my workout clothes, or after I'm already dressed for my day. Just enough exertion to get my heart rate up a little, and an extra 2000 (approximately) steps, and able to get back to whatever my day requires. 15 minutes is nothing and much better spent moving than checking social media…at least in my case.
