Deadlift: WORST MISTAKE That Will Tear Your Bicep Tendons! Tips To Avoid & Help Recover! – ScottHermanFitness

by YouTube Team

I hate to admit it but this dumb mistake is how I injured myself and it has taken me over a month to get back on track.

Learn from my mistakes Nation and if you have any type of bicep strain right now, I have some great techniques at the end of the video to help you with recovery! #HTH #SHFAthlete #ProjectGains

(0:48)- Tips To Avoiding A Bicep Tendon Injury When Deadlifting

(3:31)- Complete Chest Tendon Tear- No More Benching!

(8:21)- 315lbs Deadlift AMRAP! Then Biceps & Abs! Muscle & Strength Gain HARDCORE Workout!

(10:08)- Injury Recovery- Icing
(11:45)- Injury Recovery- Foam Roller
(13:38)- Injury Recovery- Thera-Cane


There are plenty of things to worry about when performing a deadlift, but it seems like most of everyone’s attention always goes to their lower back. But what you should be focusing on is your biceps. Believe it or not the most common injury when perform a deadlift is a bicep tendon strain or tear and if you don’t take the following pre-cautions your biceps could be at risk.

The Mistake!
Now let’s talk about the set-up for a conventional deadlift. Your feet are about shoulder width apart and as you reach down and grab the barbell your chest is up and there is no flexion (rounding) in your lower back. Now let’s take a second to look at our arms. If you are using a double overhand grip, then you really have nothing to worry about, but if you are using a switch grip we may have a problem that can be easily corrected.

No matter what grip you are using, you want to make sure your arms are fully extended for two reasons. Number one, you want the barbell to travel the shortest distance possible. Number two, a slight bend in your elbows places the entire load of the barbell on your biceps as if you were about to perform a bicep curl.

This is how I injured myself about a month ago. I pulled a 515lbs deadlift, which was a new record for me, but left my biceps in pain. I was lucky that I didn’t tear anything, but even now the strain in my right arm still bothers me, especially down through my brachioradialis.

Perfecting Your Deadlift Form To Avoid A Tear
What we need to do now is engrave in your brain the proper set-up when deadlifting to avoid this bicep injury. For me, because I never focused on locking my arms out before each lift, it did feel strange at first. With that being said, you may need to lower the weight as you practice your form. A small price to pay to avoid a terrible injury that could keep you out of the gym for months.

You basically want to feel like you are flexing your triceps as you grab the bar. Pretend your arms are solid steel rods and your hands are hooks. This way when you grab the bar there is no chance of a slight bend in your elbows. Also, when using a switch grip, you need to make sure your hand placement on the barbell is EVEN. A common mistake is when someone goes from using a double over-hand grip to a switch grip that they forget to check their hands to make sure they are still an equal distance apart from each other on the barbell. So instead of evenly displacing the weight, one arm takes more of the load and an injury becomes inevitable.

Something else you need to look out for, and this is actually the main reason why I injured myself, is that when you “pull the slack out of the barbell” you don’t jerk the bar up and down and then go right into your lift. This makes it very easy for you to “bounce” which will cause you to bend you elbows and if they are bent as you go into the lift the entire load once again will be on your biceps. If you are new to pulling the slack out of the barbell, spend some time practicing this technique before you attempt to pull a personal record. Remember, always keep your arms locked and push through your heels to pull the slack out.

If you are someone who bounces the barbell off the ground, you are at a high risk of injury as well. Think about what happens when you bounce the weight. Not only are you throwing muscle damage out the window, but the bounce will cause you to have a bend in your elbow as you perform the next repetition.


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Armin Smith May 24, 2015 - 4:28 am

I love your humility man; hats off to you. Great trainers/fitness instructors teach from experience. Stay humble and continue thriving!

Chillin Games May 24, 2015 - 3:02 pm

Hahaha nice dbz shirt, you could totally be a goku!

ShuffleSounds May 24, 2015 - 4:46 pm

Scott, I am trying to increase my max bench, are there any tips you can give me?

Sets & Reps

Anything will be useful,

Thank you.

=) ScottHermanFitness

B Carpenter May 25, 2015 - 2:41 am

Great video .. I do Crossfit and I am just recovering from golfers elbow tendonitis  .. I also would say try the Theara-Band FLEXBAR.. It totally helps with recovering faster with sports injuries of the tendon.

Michael Last May 25, 2015 - 8:54 am

scott, a deadlift question – went to the gym today with the intention of pulling 160kg which would have been a PB but i would have lost any semblance of form… should I have just done it? or should i go lighter focus on the form?

Anthony Prince May 26, 2015 - 3:42 am

Good video Scott thank you. A cue I recently learned on my own with help from Chris Duffin videos to pull slack out that really works for me, stand with shins ~2" from bar then I reach down to bar and grasp it, lock my hips and knees at a level needed to touch shins to bar then I straighten/set my back (pressurize/tighten my abdomen, obliques, low back, shoulders, lats, etc.), just by doing this I already have tension on bar and slack is gone, not to mention I'm tight through out my whole body and spine is neutral. Found I have so much more strength this way. (Solid foundation) will be sure to lock my arms too.

Brandon G. May 27, 2015 - 12:28 am

Great video. I have been subscribed to your channel for awhile and this is your best video yet. It's honest and very helpful. Dealing with injuries is mentally and physically exhausting. Preventing them and healing them is so helpful. Not hiding your injury is very honest and showing us how to prevent it from happening to us is outstanding. Great job, keep it up. Thanks.

Albert bp 7 May 27, 2015 - 12:30 am

Hi Scott. I'm Albert, from Catalonia, Spain.

Just wanted to say a couple of things. First of all, that I'm wathcing you from the other side of the world and you've really helped me a lot to improve myself. Seriously, you should be proud of you, so true-hearted congratulations for your job.

And second thing, I have a simple question for you that I really need you to answer me.

How could I defintely sort out my asymmetry issues between my two biceps and pecs? My right zone is clearly weaker (and it's kind of weird cause I'm right-handed) . Adding more reps hasn't worked thus far.

Thanks in advance man, and above all keep it up like this.

Link May 27, 2015 - 3:48 pm

Hey man, I was wondering if you had any good exercises for the forearms? My biceps and triceps are getting bigger but my forearms arent 🙁

Mrinvited May 27, 2015 - 9:22 pm

I'm wondering of buying supplements, but my parents are kind of against it. I've been training for like half a year, and I see some minor improvements, but no at much as I've hoped for. Any good arguments that I can use that might change my parents thoughts?

Greg May 28, 2015 - 9:25 pm

Unfortunately for the record, overhand grip isn't safe (as Scott mentioned too) I strain my bicep yesterday :/ 

Well, I need a deload anyways hehehe

badazz t-shirt BTW

Mac May 29, 2015 - 2:42 pm

I usually do the over/under grip, just feels more natural to me.  I will bear in mind I don't make this mistake.  My issue is with my grip… sucks.  Got 315 up the other day and I could barely hold on to it… and when I'm repping 225, I  usually stop around 6-8 because my grip just won't allow it.  Love your channel dude.

TeacherPhilEnglish May 29, 2015 - 3:05 pm

That's an extremely important tip, thanks Scott

Mr. Kanti May 29, 2015 - 5:40 pm

Bitch I look like Goku.

matt benjamin May 29, 2015 - 11:23 pm

How can you be taken off of your emailing list?

Nathanael McGhee May 31, 2015 - 5:55 pm

hey do you lift every day or 5 days a week?

William Granville June 3, 2015 - 3:10 pm

What is the purpose of the switch grip on deadlifts? I don't deadlift nearly as much as you but it just seems awkward to me to use the switch grip but yet that seems to be how everyone does the lift. Does it have something to do with lifting heavier then I am used to?

Daniel Bletard June 4, 2015 - 8:05 pm

Hey Scott i'm 15 a little bit overweight and i was getting into fitness and i wanted to know if to warmup should i use the tredmill for 15 mins or just do what you do and lift smaller weights for the muscle im working?

Fade2Dark June 6, 2015 - 5:27 am

YAY I dont use switch grip! SCORE

Mr. Cam Brady June 7, 2015 - 4:41 am

thats what im currently experiencing, took a year off of lifitng went back to the gym the other day incorporated dead lifts and that tendon is super sore, aggravated and painful. Didnt even lift heavy just bc of im just getting back into it, not sure what to do about it

mrnobodyouknow August 5, 2015 - 10:28 pm


leyvua September 24, 2015 - 11:52 am

Scott, i also injured my arm ,(i'm still trough the injury) but the curious thing is that i injured the arm with the overhand grip, not the supine one. Any idea what it would be? I'm sure as hell i didn't bend my arm. The pain feels mostly in my elbow but it also feels kinda weird in the bicep

Bleached December 6, 2015 - 9:35 pm

"I'll just sit in bed and grind this area out nice and slow, and kinda squeeze and get in there deep as I can. I'll try and rotate my arm get in nice and deep ARGH that hurts a lot but actually feels good. You can utilize other knobs on here as well to get nice and deep as well"

Ash G March 8, 2016 - 7:00 am

If one ain't got special designed relaxant tool for the bicep pain, can we use the hand held vibrator to relax the strained tendons?

Krig The Cat Vtuber May 15, 2016 - 1:00 am

After dealing with 405lbs for awhile, finally must have accidentally bent my arm which resulted in a torn bicep. FML

Elite Fitness With Steve July 9, 2016 - 5:48 pm

Great video Scott!!

lntimidating XBL August 27, 2016 - 10:24 pm

Look at that, he actually said BAR instead of BAAAHHHH

GreatWhiteNiko August 30, 2016 - 1:39 pm

What is a "bi ceptendon shrain'?

Joseph Bradford August 31, 2016 - 1:00 pm

I like the Goku shirt.

Abigailistic September 7, 2016 - 3:34 am

Damn. Least I know how I injured my tendon, this was so helpful and I had no idea that you had to lock your elbows when doing a dead lift. Thanks Scott you've helped me since I first started and hopefully I'll be able to meet up at a fitness convention in the future!

Joseph Dioso November 5, 2016 - 8:07 am

Yeah listen he says BAR here and not BAHHHH and BARBELL instead of BAHHHHBELL bruh gotta be fakin something

SwordsHeldHigh November 10, 2016 - 7:27 pm

fuck deadlift

SwordsHeldHigh November 10, 2016 - 7:35 pm

Bounce the barbell. Most weightlifters are bouncers.

Κωνσταντίνος Δέντσας November 19, 2016 - 2:43 pm

Don't use switch grip people! It's not worth it to tear something just to hit a PR. Double overhand and progression!

Dryden Brown February 15, 2017 - 2:27 am

so never reverse grip?

javier lizarazo April 20, 2017 - 11:45 am

in your experience how much weight I could add to the barbell if I decide used a switch grip? can I lift the same weight if I use straps without a switch grip? and if I use a switch grip with straps I will be able to lift so much more weight if I use just one of them or maybe none?

Dave The Rave May 13, 2017 - 2:42 pm

What about a forearm tear I couldn't grip for months

ChechenBorz June 6, 2017 - 1:29 pm

i tore my dick while doing dick Curls……

speedforce YT February 24, 2018 - 9:04 pm

This is what natural bodybuilder looks. Good luck bro. U inspired me

Jimmyhndrx March 3, 2018 - 12:02 am

16:00 bicep dildo my fav new gym equipment

MOHIT KATARIA June 25, 2018 - 7:19 am

I have that biceps tendon injury during deadlift 😢😢😞😞

Dinesh Fulwani October 22, 2018 - 5:24 am

Really good information

K. ARUN VISHWA March 3, 2019 - 7:04 am

Do you flex your hamstring while deadlift??????

נתנאל netanel August 4, 2021 - 8:18 pm

I deadlift 67Kg 10X4 , I don't think its even possible to tendon tear in this lousy weights

נתנאל netanel August 4, 2021 - 8:25 pm Reply