CT Fletcher Shows Push Ups! – CT Fletcher Motivation

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This is a video from a few years back that has CT Fletcher showing how to do some push ups, but not some regular push ups! He show’s you The Crucifix and his very own Deep C Diver push ups, watch this and give it a try!


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Jonathan Diaz November 28, 2013 - 1:47 am

You are the biggest liar. I bet you can't do one of those push ups CT did.

Chris Maldonado November 28, 2013 - 5:21 am

CT you inspire me!!!!

Omar November 28, 2013 - 8:15 am

msg to youtubers, stop wasting your time on craig dean. Cant believe you guys!

dnkx November 28, 2013 - 2:27 pm

the second push up impressed me more 🙂

BobbyBurnz4 November 28, 2013 - 5:40 pm

crucifix wasn't tough but them dam deep c bullshits was nut bustin

Reilly Brown November 28, 2013 - 7:58 pm

Damn only two years ago! You're the man CT

TheRealChuckSwing November 29, 2013 - 8:25 am

Do you all even understand what you're looking at? This is a all around gym push pull lift athlete. How many times do you see a man that's competed in POWERLIFTING BODYBUILDING and CALISTHENICS? Frank Colombu and who ??? CT is a legend a inspiration. he's actually inventing new movements, wtf are you doing ? Sitting in his thread talking shit if you feel he's a liar then why watch.

richard paz November 29, 2013 - 6:23 pm

I was waiting on him to cuz Lol, life is over bye.

ThisIsPhami November 29, 2013 - 11:11 pm

No cursing? Maaannnnn….nice video tho

skatesquam November 30, 2013 - 4:07 am

he did not invent that i was doing those awhile ago and im sure people did it way before me. duhhh. people jsut dont do those cause of the limited range of motion they;re not very hard if you can do 70lb flies your good. 

Life So Determined December 1, 2013 - 12:52 am

great structural integrity for being that big! that's got to be hard with all the muscle mass

Jesse C. December 1, 2013 - 8:25 pm

Bally Total Fitness lol

kas120587 December 1, 2013 - 10:56 pm

damn yoo

Alexander B December 1, 2013 - 11:44 pm

Holy shit didn't know the crucifix and the deep c were his. Boss

Within FIT December 2, 2013 - 2:41 am

Oh damn! CT "The crucifix." Will for sure try!

ryan duffy December 2, 2013 - 10:36 am

50 and over wtf?!?

keith h December 3, 2013 - 12:22 am

wheres the f word and f word ohh and d mother f ing f word

Courtney Rae Sweeney December 4, 2013 - 5:38 pm

So crazy how censored you were for that CT still loved it 

BuildaBeast43 December 7, 2013 - 11:15 am

l like the New CT Better

Ubercubertuber December 8, 2013 - 2:06 pm

Fletcher-sama what are the benefits of crucifix and deep "c" river push ups ?

NotizRulez December 9, 2013 - 7:03 am

A man or woman can become any size he or she desires, by gaining a lot of weight and turning it into muscle, then gaining more and more weight and repeating the process. You can gain weight from food, and genes play a huge role, CT obviously has superior genes, superior as in giving him bigger bones, muscle fibers and things of that nature. You don't have to be on steroids or something unnatural to become large. Just because someone of a smaller size sees someone bigger, doesn't mean they are on roids, just because that person can't reach that level of size. Most people who are small aren't dedicated enough to reach that size, otherwise they would. Plus who cares what everyone else does with their own body, just care about yours. If you hate then you obviously hate yourself when you look in the mirror, or you just want to comment for no reason. CT works hard, eats hard, man he even shits hard for any "hater's" concern. Work hard as CT, eat as hard CT, and then you never know you might shit as hard as CT and wake up a side walk crackin motherfucker! 

p3nguinish December 9, 2013 - 9:05 pm

Those are tough! I only did a few of each. When I think of push ups I think of using the chest muscles, but I  felt my abs/core more than anything. Thanks!

Oscar Axe December 10, 2013 - 10:00 am

He sounds like a street version of Morgan Freeman.

Amir Anbarestani December 11, 2013 - 9:28 am

Well I'm a big Fan of CT but that "Deep C" push-up is pretty much the Jack Lalane famous pushup!

Benjamin Knoll December 11, 2013 - 4:20 pm

I've never even seen the second version before. Sweet.

Святослав Алексеев December 14, 2013 - 10:13 pm


WTFPWNRYAN December 16, 2013 - 2:20 pm

Did 3 sets of 25 of crucifix pushups and did 50 Deep C Diver push ups w/o breaking a sweat. Give me something difficult.

oshozo December 24, 2013 - 12:12 pm

you were too nice back then,,, I like mean CT way betterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Isawdai green January 7, 2014 - 1:14 am

Everybody shut the fuck up!!!! 

EverdayMuscle&Fitness February 5, 2014 - 9:30 pm

incredible voice you have CT for film, TV, broadcasting

Араз Бакиров February 20, 2014 - 11:20 pm


NPC #133713371337 February 22, 2014 - 4:01 am

All of these fucking bed wetters in the comment section….for fucks sake…I bet you bon bon eating mutha fuckas think I'm on steroids and I've only been body building for 2 years. He has that mass because he's been lifting for YEARS. However, genetics does play a key role in muscle gains, but it can be overcome (to a certain extent).

Nubular Gaming March 2, 2014 - 3:03 am

Wow i love this push up, its hard to do, but it rocks

D-O-Double-G April 16, 2014 - 7:50 am

I been doing them over 10 year you didnt come up with that i just started doing thay shit out the blue to push my self,just like I would stand up with the wheel and every time i would go down and roll out i would jack my arm under me and do a push up on the wheel before i come back up just to push myself & to be doing something every one else wasn't doing in jail!

tony yayo May 6, 2014 - 6:01 pm

lol god damn ct

Abdulla Y May 18, 2014 - 5:08 pm

He Didn't Even Curse Once, That Scares Me…

Lucian Semper July 20, 2014 - 1:09 pm

How efficient are these for actual gains?

Tyler not the creator August 26, 2014 - 6:14 am

Your working out like Jesus died.

Katie Mcreynolds November 6, 2015 - 1:18 pm

so nice😍😍

Bleek Cartier June 12, 2016 - 8:11 am

This man is so legendary in my eyes

keegan shepherd November 15, 2016 - 12:26 am

Was able to do the crucifix, who the f*ck can do a deep "c" diver?

Jr. Rivera May 23, 2017 - 10:21 pm

Damn that was difficult

Eric June 7, 2017 - 4:45 pm

jack lalane pushup!

Lampron Audrey June 13, 2017 - 5:45 am

The ct fletcher is hard asfuck

flex rodriguez December 6, 2017 - 1:40 pm

Good man

Aquarius January 2, 2018 - 2:53 am

That crucifix one is more of a front delt shoulder workout, but still a very difficult movement to make none the less

17 June 3, 2019 - 12:08 am

that is very hard to do! But I bet when he looks back on all the videos he has made saying he was drug free that I bet he is ashamed bc he lied. He said on youtube before that he did take some and he didn't like it and he didn't recommend people doing so.

Joshua Bowser January 15, 2020 - 1:46 am

He had yet to admit roids and almost killing his wife on them. Now dude is fighting daily to live. Crazy

Omar soussi March 14, 2020 - 5:11 pm

1:56 you can hear the floor cracking.
