Introducing Fitness Blender Questions – FitnessBlender

by YouTube Team

We excited to announce our new project, Fitness Blender Q & A Vlogs! You guys shape Fitness Blender; you ask the questions & we will deliver the most honest, accurate answers. Leave questions on our Facebook page @ or in the comment section below. Make sure that your question hasn’t already been asked; vote for it (thumbs up!) if you see a question you want answered.

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Note: All information provided by Fitness Blender is of a general nature and is furnished for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Fitness Blender harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims.


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Wigle van der Meulen February 12, 2014 - 8:00 am

Hi, i have a question. I have Fibromyalgia and i do exercises that i learned in the hospital for it to keep strong. But after a few years these are getting boring. I learned there that i have to start giving 80% and then build it up. Things are going good. But i have been pregnant and my belly needs to become thighter. I found a video of you guys wich i am doing every day. That i can handle 🙂 Do you have tips wich videos are best for me so i can switch sometimes. Thank you very much.
Greetings Nathalie from the Netherlands

Mai Steffen May 28, 2014 - 1:28 am

I've watched your videos and I haven't heard this question yet. My question to you guys is,

How long do I have to wait and let my muscle recover before I can workout again?

I just started working out and my muscle are sooorree! aha. But it's a good kind of sore. Some days it takes almost a week for my muscles to recover. Which makes me sad cus I want to get a workout in but can't cus it hurts and I am afraid of injuring myself even more.

So, what are your guys recommendations?

jp104 August 25, 2014 - 4:46 pm

I'm so glad that I found Fitness Blender!  You guys are so giving and so adorable!  I love that your videos are simple, detailed and not chatty or "trying to be cute."  And that you guys have the qualifications to teach!  I'm a stay-at-home mom without the luxury of a car or being able to drop off my baby at a sitter or daycare to work out at an expensive studio or gym.  My question is, do you have cardio videos that don't require shoes?  My baby and I share the same carpeted area (living room) where he crawls and where I exercise.  I prefer not to wear shoes in the house.  Thank you for all that you do to keep the world fit and happy and feeling better!

Lexi S. September 17, 2014 - 3:24 pm

Hey, I have a question. I want a flatter stomach. How do I get a flat stomach? I hear so many different things? Please answer!

Aya Hesham October 17, 2014 - 3:43 pm

YOU GUYS are the best team ever 🙂 I just wanted to know what workouts i should follow as i have much weight in my lower body comparing to  the upper body, i just want to get fit, you can just make videos to know what workouts are suitable for every body type ( pear shape body,apple shaped , hour glass,….) and really really THank you for everything 

Kimoya Stewart October 22, 2014 - 1:47 am

Hi guys i am new to fitness blender so iam not sure if this question has been asked before, this one is for kelly, as a female how do you work out during menstruation? whenever that happens i stop working out then my whole activity plans get back tracked and i take a while to start exercising again and by that time is that time of the month again and the cycle goes on, no pun intended.  

Nika Matvejeva November 21, 2014 - 7:42 pm

I like you and your videos. As a resault, i do sport (with you) every day ) You bring in my life new and healthy habit. Your energy and the way you do it make me feel happier and more harmonic. Thanks to Youtube which give me (and  other people) possibility to know you! You are wonderful! (Nika, from Latvia)

Bess N. March 10, 2015 - 8:26 pm

Hi! I love your videos, and your workouts are fun and engaging. This doesn't necessarily need a video to answer, but I'm younger, and don't want to worry about losing weight. I just want to stay healthy, active, and make sure to develop good habits. Do have any tips on how to do this? Or just general advice for types of workouts and training for your younger viewers? Thanks!

K. A. March 14, 2015 - 3:31 am

I'm trying to gain muscle and weight in my legs and glutes with the main focus on increasing the size of my glutes. Which of your exercises are best for this goal?

Lucia March 19, 2015 - 7:58 pm

You guys are great! Thanks.

Ali Raza May 3, 2015 - 5:38 pm

it would be great to have a playlist videos for older people with limited mobility who can workout at home with some basic equipment like resistance bands, dumbells, kettleballs, etc

Ginniex3 June 14, 2015 - 5:46 pm

Why do I always feel hungry? I don't do a large amount of exercise, I started working out in January and have been doing a mixture of cardio and toning exercises, I have also started to do HIIT from around March. I constantly feel like I need to eat even after drinking water.

Hannah Taylor October 2, 2015 - 6:12 pm

How can I gauge my fitness level? The PFT helps me see my progress, but I'm wondering how I can have an idea of my how fit I am (e.g., a percentile or something). I don't know whether the number of squats or pushups I can do qualify me as being in the realm of fit, especially since the difficulty of your videos is really based on how hard you push yourself. Thanks!

Kelsey Turek February 12, 2016 - 1:21 am

What exercises should i focus on to slim my thighs all the way around?

susann April 14, 2016 - 2:48 pm

Hi FitnessBlender,
i really love your workouts and approach to fitness, health and fairness.

Watching your Q&A vlogs and training with you 6x/week since over two
years using your programs and freestyle FB videos i have two questions
i'd like to ask;

– I am a huge fan of dairy products not milk but quark (fresh curd) and
yoghurt in their natural form as well as cheese. From your videos i got
the impression that you do not seem to eat dairy at all, is there a
specific health related reason?

– Do you have an opinion about foam rolling? Apparently there are huge
benefits as for recovery and performance. However, i tried it once, but
did not get the impression that is was very helpful, relaxing or
beneficial in any other way.


Bethany Stewart June 2, 2016 - 1:28 am

Could you compare your strength training routines (which use supersets, interspersed cardio intervals, and active rest) with more traditional strength training routines that have longer rest periods? How are the results from each type of training different? Thanks for your time and all of your hard work!

Giorgio Burton July 3, 2016 - 4:11 pm

Hi Kelli and Daniel. my name is Jackie and I wanted to know if working out while I'm on my menstrual cycle will combat bloating and help me lose weight? I always seem extra sore when I do workout on my cycle opposed to when I'm off.

Isabella July 30, 2016 - 7:52 pm

A lot of trainers say it's not possible to build muscle and lose weight at the same time – is this true? They claim you need a calorie deficit for weight loss, contrary to more calories consumed then burned while aiming to build muscle. I'm not talking about bulking up or anything, just building some muscle all around and especially around butt and thighs, but at the same time burn fat all over. What's your take on this?

Issac Hernandez August 31, 2016 - 3:46 am

Was looking through the tube to find some HIIT workouts to do for my 'active' rest day…lol. I did 2 of your HIIT and 1 of your flexibility…What can I say I am addicted to the sweat.

***KELLI are you from Skagit Valley?? I believe I met you a few years back when I was going to college.

Ross Wilson January 11, 2017 - 11:16 am

What's the proper procedure and form for burpees?

ashwini sagar September 6, 2017 - 2:57 am

Can u post a video on how to increase height? I m short and nothing is working out for me….

ZainulAbedeen SediQi March 22, 2018 - 5:31 am

you are the best

Judith Gallardo May 16, 2018 - 1:17 am

Sorry but really I don't know speak well English, but I'll try comunĂ­cate me.
I would like to know if I is possible have a calendar with the correct secuence of different videos. I would like get good benefits for my body.
I hope that you can understand me. Thank you

Paulina Siti June 9, 2019 - 11:55 pm

I'm beginner, which exercise i should begin??

Doug Frizzle April 15, 2020 - 3:23 pm

I just completed 3 weeks of the Strong and Lean fitness videos. What would be a good program next? I like the variety of that 5 day program and was happy repeating it. Now I would like to try something else. I am stronger and better fit now and ready for the next phase.

Majoy Ihago Barredo April 23, 2021 - 5:40 pm

Hello guyz you are so great…
