HIIT Bodyweight Workout — Fast, No Excuses At Home Cardio Workout – FitnessBlender

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alma iniguex October 29, 2012 - 4:25 pm

Wow this was an awesome workout,,,, amazing!!!!!

JustMarilyn November 6, 2012 - 10:07 am

nice legs! I can do to have more calves? please!!

J J November 9, 2012 - 5:55 pm

Did anyone notice the beautiful background? :O

Josie Rylands November 25, 2012 - 10:55 am

I've only sampled a few of the videos on this channel, but already very impressed. Been doing YouTube workouts for a few months now, trying to do them first thing in the morning whenever I have time, and I'd kinda come to accept that all the fitness channels were all full of really patronising/falsely cheerful/whiny-voiced trainers who were utterly punchable, and tried to make their videos more exciting with bad music and shouty porn titles like "HOT SEXY BOOTY MELTDOWN". You're the exception!<3

FitnessBlender November 25, 2012 - 3:27 pm

Thank you so much! We have over 170 full length workout videos and we put out 2-6 new ones every single week, so I think/hope that you will be happy here 😀

April Welles December 3, 2012 - 2:31 am

I agree with the above post. Including that you, Fitness Blender, are the exception. You have wonderful videos. I went from a size 10 to a size 8 in 3 months of following your videos. Due to an unforeseen change in my family I stopped working out for about 2 months. But I am starting up again, and am enjoying your new videos. It looks like you are in Eastern Oregon along the Columbia River. Again, thank you for your excellent work out videos. Wonderful job! They do work! 😀 Thank you.

April Welles December 3, 2012 - 2:33 am

It would have helped if I read all of the comments. You stated you're in the Gorge as I wondered. LOL. Thank you again.

FitnessBlender December 3, 2012 - 2:49 am

Thank you so much!

FitnessBlender December 3, 2012 - 2:51 am

Thank you April!

Nwando Horton February 22, 2013 - 6:10 pm

I thought I could do this video twice through, back to back….yeah right! I'm ready to cave in and die! Lol. Brilliant video! Thank you guys for your awesome workouts!!

Lovely5646 April 16, 2013 - 10:07 am

Omgosh that jump squat thing! I feel like im about to die. Could only do 5 minutes this time…next time better

Damith Liyanage April 21, 2013 - 6:17 am

If you seriously want to burn calories quickly, you should do a google search Trim Fat Maximizer. That might help you get the body you deserve.

mama yapa April 26, 2013 - 1:38 pm

Hiya, have you seen Slim Body Maximizer? (just google it) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With Slim Body Maximizer, you will discover how to lose weight quickly.

sunil shrestha April 30, 2013 - 8:45 am

My coworkers laughed when I told them I would burn calories with Zippy Fat Loss, but then they saw the results. Google Zippy Fat Loss to see their reaction. (You should see their faces!)

عيسى رغدي May 23, 2013 - 5:01 pm

Hi, have you experienced Blazing Fat Loss? (Google it) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With "Blazing Fat Loss", you will discover how to get rid of fat fast.

Sergio Ledesma July 29, 2013 - 6:49 am

That beautiful place!

Alexis Lopez August 4, 2013 - 3:32 am

Didn't think it'd be as hard as it was for under 7 minutes, but it was killer 😉 loved it /hated it. My body will thank me for it later. Tiiiired 🙂

Ms. Bingm September 3, 2013 - 2:00 pm

I love your workouts, does this really burn 700-1000 Calories?

Raj koppula October 5, 2013 - 7:10 pm

if you dudes wish to get ripped quick without wasting a single additional minute in the gym, then you really want to look closely this video SIXPP.COM

Not only does God play dice but… he sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen.

nick280981 October 24, 2013 - 10:25 pm

Hi there, have you experienced Crankmax fat loss? (check on google) You will discover the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With "Crankmax fat loss", you will discover how to burn fat fast.

rina usin October 26, 2013 - 6:53 pm

Wow. Great vid.

My buddy was formerly flabby. He went from 283lbs of fat into 217 lbs of pure muscle mass. I couldn't believe it! I just registered myself as I wanna beef up. He made use of the Muscle Building Bible (Google it)…

ilhamrfe12 October 28, 2013 - 3:28 pm

My coworkers laughed when I told them I would get rid of fat with Legion Fat Loss, but then they saw the results. Google Legion Fat Loss to see their reaction.

Rebecca Munoz January 7, 2014 - 7:01 pm

How many calories would you say this burns?

Melanie han January 10, 2014 - 4:45 pm

Of you check the website, this burns about 50-80 cals I think, but they sat that it has a great after burn, and you should do this about 4 times a day 🙂

Bonnie L February 2, 2014 - 8:01 pm

OMG I'm dying, high knees was the worst. I absolutely hated it during the workout but I'm proud I've done it. Thanks for sharing, guys!! xxx

NykeDIGITAL October 23, 2014 - 4:30 pm

that jump squat was painful!

good workout.. 


Laura DePo January 7, 2015 - 3:48 am

I end my at-home yoga session with this to maximize after burn. Thanks guys! 

Corrina Delongchamp February 18, 2015 - 8:23 pm

Believe it or not, but this is my lazy day workout! When I don't want to do a 30+ minute workout routine, this one is great for getting in a really tough workout within a short time frame! Plus I LOVE the scenery 🙂

Fayha M May 21, 2015 - 9:53 am

Eeeks… I could do only 1 set, I was too tired to start with the second set… Maybe I will do one set of 3 mins only for a few days until I'm ready for more!! 
This is killer !!

Amy-louise Witte July 18, 2015 - 1:23 pm

I love this workout for when I'm too sore to burpee, finish it off with a good 15 minutes of toning yoga and a cool down, awesome when you're limited on time!

Dr. Dave July 20, 2015 - 11:34 pm

I love this exercise.  However I don't have the time to do it 4 times throughout the day.  Sometimes I do it twice back to back.  Do y'all have a similar workout to this but a little longer?  I usually do this workout before one of yall's strength workouts.

hugospiegel April 6, 2016 - 3:43 pm

Awsome landscape, great view, in deed. And Kelly is just beautiful. Thanks for the workout!

Kat N July 1, 2016 - 3:52 pm

Uh, that was a nice one. Great finisher ♥

Carmine Monaco March 2, 2017 - 9:45 pm

Do this 4 times a week I lost 1 pound in 3 of these videos

Jen Kumar May 14, 2017 - 3:24 pm

Where was this shot? I love the scenery. I like this much more than beaches, personally. I'd love to see more exercise videos in these kinds of locations. Beautiful!

Tawnee Gunderson August 24, 2017 - 5:59 pm

The jumping exercises really do me in. Great workout and beautiful location!

Constanza September 15, 2020 - 12:34 pm

I live how simple and fast this is. And the scenery is lovely !!

Olivia's Catastrophe October 2, 2020 - 10:32 am

I did an arms and abs workout with weights and wanted a bit of movement that wasn't heavy focused! Thanks for this quick one x
