Unhappy and unmotivated… – blogilates

by YouTube Team

Have you ever felt unmotivated to workout? Have you ever just wanted to unfollow every “motivational” social media account because you are tired of seeing everyone hit their fitness goals when you can barely get enough willpower to get your butt off the couch? Have you ever gone into a binge eating episode only to finish feeling drenched with guilt? I have been there too. I get you. In this first episode of Dear Cassey, I am going to share my personal experiences with you and my advice for anyone going through these fitness struggles right now!

…and just so you know, Dear Cassey is an advice column that I started on my blog that I’m hoping will turn into a series on YouTube! If you have a burning question you would like featured in a future episode or blog post, please leave it in the comments!!

Today’s featured letter:

Dear Cassey,

I’m hoping for some advice or maybe just some feedback to help me with understanding my current situation and motivation. I’m overweight, and I always have been. I’m unhappy with how I look, and I hate taking pictures because I’ve totally let myself go (worse than I already was). I’m at my heaviest and know I need to do something about it… but for some reason, I don’t have motivation? I go to the gym and stop workouts early. I start workout videos and sit on my butt instead of doing the moves. I binge eat even though I know how bad it is for me…. if I’m so unhappy, why am I not more driven to do something about it? Where can I find some motivation? Right now I’m just finding all of the motivational accounts I follow UNmotivating and disheartening, because I see others doing it and putting in the effort, and I’m just not. What’s wrong with me?!

Unhappy and Unmotivated

To read more Dear Cassey posts on my blog, go here:

Download the Body by Blogilates app:

My outfit & yoga mat are from:

Here is where I get all of my music! Epidemic Sound:


Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor, entrepreneur and online personality. As the creator behind Blogilates, the #1 female fitness channel on YouTube, she’s transformed millions of lives through helping them achieve their strength and weight-loss goals. She focuses on making fitness fun and the results are evident. Cassey’s unique format, POP Pilates©, which launched as a workout video on YouTube in 2009, has become a live fitness class that can be taken at gyms all over the world with over 3,000 POP Pilates classes being taught monthly. Her authenticity continues to shine through, making her one of the most relatable fitness icons online and beyond. She’s also the author of the best-selling book, Hot Body Year Round and is the designer of her own activewear line, POPFLEX.

With a wide range of free workout videos available, Cassey’s channel focuses on ab exercises, butt & thigh exercises, arm exercises, pilates, cardio routines, fat burning workouts, high intensity interval training workouts (HIIT), stretching and flexibility routines and so much more!


Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Blogilates and oGorgeous Inc. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Blogilates’ and oGorgeous Inc.’s negligence.


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Mansi Anil Faldu October 19, 2020 - 11:07 am

Dear Cassey,
I always feel you as my motivation. I have now start to do your workout regularly and it feels sooooo goooood (physically, mentally and socially). When I feel like I am tired of any move in workout I motivate myself with a trick. Well it's not a trick but you may tell it is😉. If the move is of a min and I feel exhausted after 30 secs I tell myself that I haven't even reached half and need to continue; and if 10 secs are remaining and I feel exhausted I tell myself that it's just 10 secs I can complete it. I keep thinking like this like about my entire workout and guess what I complete it without unnecessary break🥳🥳. Thanks Cassey for keeping me and many others like me motivated 😄

Kyla Johnson October 19, 2020 - 4:00 pm

Love these kinds of videos!

Genever Oppong October 20, 2020 - 12:44 pm

Literally glowing

Bao Anh Nguyen October 20, 2020 - 2:03 pm

i got through that for 1,5 years. I hate doing workout and always felt unhappy. But now i'm back because of no reason, i just want to make my life better, useful and happier, not for everybody else. Thanks Casey!!

Priscilla Leung October 21, 2020 - 5:21 am

Love this very much! Cassette, you’re so true and loving.everyone here is comforted by your kind words when you say “it’s okay to…”. It frees us from the guilty feeling. A BIG hug to you! 🥰

Tess Flood October 21, 2020 - 4:23 pm

wow i only just realise it’s pronounced cassy and not cay see if that makes sense

Maggie Z October 21, 2020 - 5:05 pm

I love how you broke this down and removed the judgement from Unhappy and Unmotivated's letter. I've been feeling a lot of the same things lately and it helps to hear that actions aren't good or bad they just are what the are. You also inspired me to re examine my "why" for exercise and write it down. Thanks!!

Shannon MacGregor October 21, 2020 - 5:27 pm

Cassey is the big sister we all need 😭❤️

Courtney Luk October 21, 2020 - 8:22 pm

What should I do with my life? How can I find myself again?

Samantha s October 22, 2020 - 12:52 am

Me rn. Needed this, thank ya! 😚

Vidya Kalra October 24, 2020 - 5:34 am

Casey we want one video every week . Monday motivation with the title and want to see that video on Sunday .

Selene October 24, 2020 - 10:32 pm

To "Unhappy and unmotivated". I felt like it could have been me posing your question.

Kalo Coaching October 26, 2020 - 9:00 pm

TIP for finding your WHY. Like Cassey said it has to be pretty deep and personal so it helps to ask why 5-7 times. For example, why do I want to lose weight? Because x, y, z. Why is x, y, z important to me? Because blah blah blah. So on and so forth. I've done this with so many goals and it's where I find my true motivation xx

Lauren Elizabeth October 27, 2020 - 11:47 pm

Amazing advice <3 Thank you for inspiring me 🙂

Solly Rella October 28, 2020 - 7:40 am

😭😭😭 I want to get rid of binge eating
I am sick of it

Transform with Nadia October 31, 2020 - 8:25 pm

When most people get started, they do WAY too much. Consistency is the most important, even if you don't do much. There was a time when I experienced depression, but I've always been an athlete, so I knew doing some type of activity would boost my mood and my confidence. The only thing I could muster up the energy to do was drive to the gym and start walking on the indoor track. While walking, I often listened to music or audiobooks. Sometimes I stayed for 20 minutes. Sometimes I stayed for an hour. Once I became consistent, I noticed the fitness classes. At first, I just watched for a few minutes and left. The instructor saw me one day and invited me in. I was a little nervous, so I told her I'd come back some other time. I DID come back and I loved the class so much I made it part of my routine 2x a week!

Long story short…Get started with something easy. Jim Rohn says "Easy is something you can do." You don't have to do more until you've built the confidence to do so. And that will come with time. So cut yourself some slack. You're doing the best you can 🙂

PS – That fitness class I went to inspired me to BECOME a fitness instructor. it LITERALLY altered the course of my life. Not saying this exact scenario will happen for you, but I do know that by doing something good for ourselves, we often find inspiration in the unlikeliest of places 😁

linlinpooh October 31, 2020 - 10:53 pm

Wow youtube is gettin scary

Reha Siddiqui November 3, 2020 - 7:57 am

Hi Cassy i love to do workout with you also i have joined Fit on app and enjoy your Pilate workouts, i want you to give me advice how to make daily meal plan for weight loss

Reha Siddiqui November 3, 2020 - 8:12 am

Secondly i have a problem of belly pouch i have done everything to reduce belly pouch some time i feel bloating but not all the time so plz help me to overcome this problem

Athena Barkley November 4, 2020 - 7:36 pm

Dear Unhappy & Unmotivated,
Please don't ever question if something is wrong with you again if you can help it..it's such a defeating thought…I know it's hard, I use to wonder the same thing. If you are wondering this because of what other people are saying or doing, then try to stop paying so much attention to what those people are saying or doing. I know for me this happened because the people who's opinions I cared about were the ones who made me question if something was wrong with me, and we should never do that to ourselves….One thing that has helped me in this journey of becoming more confident in my own skin and stop caring about what people think so much is I read this book…it's called Boundaries I forgot the Arthur tho…It's all in your mindset…and maybe really think about these people and their mindset…it's not always you especially if your thinking a thought like THAT, something, or someone brought that on…I came also to the realization that everyone sees through their own lense which is a compellation of their own beliefs and experiences in life, and if anyone has ever asked you "What is wrong with you?" or made you feel that way, something is wrong with them for simply thinking that it's okay to ask a person that period…I hope you feel better…

난네고등어고양이널만너러온 November 13, 2020 - 11:47 am

This is really…helpful.. I love it so much and thank you so so much Cassey❤️❤️❤️

Video Makers November 13, 2020 - 3:21 pm

You are so strong and so motivated to everything… I wish I could be you.. YOU ARE THE BEST!!

itrytochoosebiasatseveenten butfailed November 15, 2020 - 8:02 am

Just seeing the title, I'd been motivated to do jump rope for 10 minutes, it's still short but it's progress after almost 9 months without working out.

Shona G November 18, 2020 - 1:58 pm

shes glowing

Han Rowe December 1, 2020 - 8:40 pm

I related to this so much. Thank you Cassey x

Pilar Silva December 7, 2020 - 6:38 pm

I was constant a few months ago, everyday I dedicated about 50 minutes to do exercise, but since I started school things have changed drastically. Anxiety has gotten worse to the point where I don't feel motivated anymore, it's so difficult because it makes me feel scared for no reason and I have to deal with lots of intrusive and undesired thoughts. I'm tired and I just wanna lay in bed in a place where I can feel safe, sorry if it's too personal but I wanted to talk about it and if anyone has experienced this, let that person know He/She ia not alone

Ninna December 12, 2020 - 9:02 pm

Sweat and having to take showers is mostly what unmotivates me.. not only do I have to work out, but I also need to find time for a bath afterwards.. and if I already took a bath that day or the day before, I don't feel like doing it, because it's not good to showers that often… uurgh

Huyền Hoàng January 5, 2021 - 8:33 am

It's so helpful. You're amazing. Thank you so much <3

Tati Galactic January 8, 2021 - 9:35 am

Unhappy and unmotivated, this comment comes a bit late, hope you are not feeling like this anymore. I am trying too. I found that most of the times, food plays a major role in psychology. I love junk food but I find that most of the times, after I eat it I don't feel good. Instead, if i eat yoghurt with crispy bread or salad with crispy bread(i like it crispy because it feels like chips) I feel better afterwards and it is also healthy! I can't comment about the chocolate, because no matter how many fruits i eat, i always crave chocolate! So i try to eat cereal bars for my dose of chocolate! I also hate working out! I love walking though and i recently start running. I am not good, but I am trying. So…make a schedule, at first 2 times a week , for let's say 30 minutes of walking. And then you can walk some more and then maybe start running. You will feel better about yourself, you'll see. Hope i helped. Have a great day and love yourself!

Bri Brezzy January 18, 2021 - 6:55 am

Love you and appreciate u

Bri Brezzy January 18, 2021 - 6:55 am

You are a light in my life your beautiful inside and out ❤️

Kelly Ha March 9, 2021 - 1:54 am

Dear Cassey,
In 2020, I was working out like crazy, burning more than 2000 calories from physical activity. And I wasn't eating enough either. I lost my period in august of 2020 but I only realized it until December (because my periods are always late). After realizing this, I started eating more and decreasing my workout schedule. But, one morning, I woke up and my back was aching like crazy. Turns out I have a lower back injury and now I have to stop working out completely. I think it was because I was missing so much calcium that my bones are getting weaker. I still have my injury now but I'm getting period symptoms every now and then. However, even after losing my period, I still feel like I have to overwork myself to get that perfect body, even right now. I am waiting impatiently for my injury to be over so I can work out again, but I don't think it's a good idea. I'm very confused about the topic and I don't know what to do!

Cecilie Thorsen March 10, 2021 - 1:19 pm

This was such good advice! I've seen so much bad advice, especially in fitness places, but this? Wow!

Rest, recover, focus on the joy!

Darlene Lau89 March 25, 2021 - 6:07 pm

Thankyou for this cassey🥺❤️

Semeki Izuio April 26, 2021 - 9:09 am

My mother and I were going to start yoga the year when covid was made world wide. It did not happen. I guess I'm feeling the urge to get moving again since im watching all this stuff. It's not about body image it's that I cant find my routine and peace.

Heather Hazley May 25, 2021 - 9:46 pm

Late comment: what I would say just do something to walk a little bit try to eat a little less, the more you start moving the better you will feel

Mia M August 31, 2021 - 6:16 am

Thank you for making this 🥲really needed it

Jolien Prinsier October 7, 2021 - 4:51 pm

Video got recommended to me just now, and thank you! I've been trying to loose 12lbs for about 5 years now and they just stay on… I tried depriving myself from food, only to start binging again 2 days later. 6 weeks ago i started working out with the help of your WOprograms, the first WOs i've done in about 8 years i must say… Just starting actually motivated me to keep going. I listen to my body. When I'm tired, I go to bed instead of eating sugar to give me energy. I honestly haven't even weighed myself in 3 weeks because i don't even care about it anymore. Cassey, you really helped me change my life for the better

Wei Wuixian January 5, 2022 - 1:08 am

Lack of discipline is her ( the unmotivated person ) Main Problem. Periodt. Being lazy is the problem for almost all of us
