Back for another entry on the muscle building AthLEAN-X Training Blog. This one covers two common questions in one shot. Those being…”How do I build more muscle fast?” and “How long should my workout be?”. It really comes down to something called Time Under Tension.
Go watch the average person working out in the gym and time how long it takes him or her to complete a set. The results might shock you. It takes the average person around 20-25 seconds to perform one set. Now, with hard scientific proof that shows that this is only about half as long as is needed to build real muscle mass fast, it’s no wonder most people are running into a brick wall with their results.
Watch this video and make sure to add your comments below. How long does it take you to perform your sets? How long does it take you to workout?
When you are done watching, then get over to and get your hands on the exact
complete system that celebrity fitness trainer Jeff Cavaliere uses with his celebrity and professional athlete clients to get maximum muscle in minimal time. Get your hands on the AthLEAN-X Training System. The Next Generation of Fitness! Build Lean, Athletic Muscle Mass while stripping the body fat all at once with this carefully constructed program of the stars!
Hi JDCav24, from ur experience what is the best way to get big muscles in ur arms? is exercising once every week ok or is better workout more per week?
he's absolutely right, muscles were built to contract concentrically, it's easy for them. but when you make them work to contract eccentrically (the negative, or down phase) for a longer period of time, it damages the muscles more on a molecular level. this is the way to challenge your muscles to grow.
be under no false pretenses though, doing reps this way SUCKS. it's HARD. it HURTS. you will not be able to do as many reps! but you will be FAR more efficient at building muscle.
hey im 16 and im starting to lift dumbbells, and i wanted to know how long does it take for your muscles to grow because i haven't seen any improvement and i've been working out every week….do u have any tips that could help?
Dude, you are a friggin' God-send! I just bought AthLean X and after BeachBody programs, the Shake Weight (yes… I fell for it) and other stuff it's nice to finally find some information that makes sense.
doesnt that depend on the sport because for football everything you do is supposed to be fast. moving muscles fast
can't i just do 1 pull up and take 48 secs to come down?
@batterycock if ur either superhuman or incredibly skinny yeah lol
@iballinman yes and no. because like he says when u go up you have to pull up as hard and fast as you can which is gonna increase ur speed for sports and what not, but controlling the way down will give u concerntration movement which also helps in any sport
@JAkOB1805 unfortunately dude biceps cannot be trained to be wider which is a shame because i have that same problem myself, i think this is because the length and depth of the arm comes with muscle development but the actual width and gurth is more the bone density, but if u have penty of protein and calcium and that, ur bones should develop along with ur muscles anyway
@downwithdea i dunno about 22 pounds dude in one year tbh it's more like 2 or 3 years to see that much growth espec if u stay away from roids and that, and just like anything else u shouldnt eat too much protein you should have about 60 – 70 grams throughout the day or u could be putting ur liver at serious risk
@DeeDank tbh most peoples body doesn't respond very quickly to liftin weights until u get to about 18/19 unless u take drugs n that cos ur body still wants to keep growing up and not filling out yet. just be sure to have protein shakes when u finish working out and creatine and that kinda stuff and u'll be quite ripped in months
@blueleaf1717 most workout forums, body building articles, and muscle building studies suggest a min of 1g of protein/ pound of body weight, and a max of 2g/pound in order to build, fuel and maintain muscle. This should be done with a meal every 2-3 hours
In order to keep your body in the anabolic state that ingestion of protein creates.
hey jeff what do you think about Max Contraction workout?
Is there an ideal rest time between sets?
If doing a set that I finish with reps to negative failure, should the whole set still max out at 60s?
What I mean is if I can go longer than 60s then does that mean the intensity was too low?
@10k33 yes ad more weight
might wanna work on cardio a little lol u could barely speak after the pull ups, good advice though I will try it
So could i apply this by lifting heavier weight slowly for 45 sec with less reps or should I always try to get 12 reps. Example I can only do 6 to 8 pull-ups but would I build muscle by making them take 45 sec?
I can see and tell you are knowledgeable but you need a simple 30dollar 20ft mic.
But how i do know how many sets is optimal for me
your videos are very informative and helpful thank you
Old school Jeff!!! Great videos as usual!!
How long should your entire workout last for?
I spent 2 hours at the gym and some people say that you shouldn't train for over 45 minutes.
Lol, .HTML.
I've been subscribed for a while and i love your content but I have a question for the amount of time you can spent in the gym for workouts. Currently I'm working out at least 5 times a week and i spread out my workouts between upper and lower body alternating everyday when i'm at the gym. I've incorporated your workouts and some from as well and alternating from 8-10-12-10 for reps but i'm still spending at least 2 hours at the gym just doing 6-10 exercises (6 is one part of the body, while the 10 is when i add two body parts such as chest and shoulders). I'm between the beginner/intermediate stage and also doing high intensity workouts but my body is not able to keep up some times so i slow down my intervals. Is this a problem and if it is what can i do about it.
Started from the bottom now we here
nearly 10 years ago, crazy
10 year.. wow old school jeff
Stick your legs out Jeff!! Activate that core baby!! 😂
2020 squad?
Future Jeff would not approve of that form…
So this is how it all started!
I do 25 minutes twice a day break it up
Why is this in my recommendation??? 🤣
Anyone in 2021?