Fat Burner Supplement Scandal (ACTUAL STORE FOOTAGE!) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

ATHLEAN-Rx Supplements (Recruit, Rebuild, Recover)

If you’ve shopped the supplement industry for any length of time you know that its suffered its share of scandals, particularly regarding fat burner and pre-workout supplements. What about the supplement stores themselves, and those working in them? Is this an even bigger part of the problem since their advice is supposed to be trusted and relied on when buying supplements?

In this video, an undercover reporter goes into a popular supplement store and asks for fat burners. Now this alone may not be that shocking, nor is the fact that he was sold the fat burning supplements. What makes this appalling in my opinion is that the customer is a young kid who happens to weigh 140 pounds standing almost 6 feet tall! Oh yeah, his body fat is well under ten percent.

There is no hesitation or questioning at all that takes place. He simply walks in and asks for help, admitting that he really doesn’t like to work out but is looking for fat burners. The sales person walks him right back to the strongest fat burner in the store and then shockingly recommends that he doubles the dose if he wants them to work really fast.

That is downright dangerous. It’s not helpful. It’s not advice. It’s most likely self serving, commission driven recommendations that shouldn’t be allowed or tolerated. And we wonder why the supplement industry gets a bad reputation?

Unfortunately, this type of stuff has been going on in supplement stores (and even online) for years. Growing up I was doled out more irresponsible supplement advice and reviews than I can remember. I went through a bunch of trial and error before learning what was truth and what was garbage. Sadly, there was very little of the former and quite a bit of the latter.

As I said, the same garbage happens online too. Have you ever visited a website that asks you to enter your desired weight and starting bodyweight to see if you are a “fit” for their product? Do me a favor and put in some absurd numbers like you’re 600 pounds and want to be 25 pounds. I wouldn’t be surprised if you are a perfect candidate for their fat burner supplement!

Meantime, if you want to read about the same blog series that Jesse referred to that started this whole thing – you can do so at

Enough of the nonsense. Time to clean it up. Time to start putting trust and truth back in supplements (and those who sell them). We’re doing our part at with the ATHLEAN-Rx Supplements.

For more videos on fat burning supplement reviews and the best supplements for building muscle, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at


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MidnightSun ADV January 20, 2018 - 9:40 am

fat burners are scam. they are not good for anyone. even if he was 300lbs

Hittdogg 17 January 31, 2018 - 10:51 pm

Pretty sure gnc pays on commission

Chris Spellman February 2, 2018 - 4:07 pm

I know it's years old, but… If you go out to eat and ask the wait staff for help on deciding, because you have dietary restrictions like say allergic to peanuts, they're not going to push the manager special that's loaded with peanuts. It would be irresponsible. The sales guy should have asked questions, tried steering Jesse in the direction of something that might have helped. But the dude asked no questions. Sure he made a sale, and his manager is happy. But that tone would change if that person has an adverse reaction to what they are given and the local police and news shows up asking questions.

TheProdigal Son February 18, 2018 - 9:22 am

4 years down the line and Jesse made some gains

Matt c March 9, 2018 - 7:21 am

He’s asked for a fat burner and that’s what he got nothing wrong with it. Free market baby

Daniel March 10, 2018 - 8:04 am

Wow I had a different experience when I first walked into gnc 4 years ago. I had a similar physique like Jesse but shorter. The guy literally told me what supplements were bs and which worked and were the cheapest cuz he knew I was a student

Anthony scott March 23, 2018 - 5:52 pm

sell your grandmother for buying a loaf of bread ,

ShaneandAngela Reisinger March 26, 2018 - 5:04 pm

Some of the comments here are clearly a standard of the things wrong with humanity. He's just trying to make a buck, the customer's health isn't his concern? The corporations aren't responsible for the actions of their employees? I think some people have their priorities in the wrong order.

Heith Heithinson March 31, 2018 - 8:03 pm

So why is the camera so awkwardly zoomed in on his face so damn close.

Keenyn Moly March 31, 2018 - 11:03 pm

Love the dog shirt!!! I totally want an AthleanX dog shirt!!! Btw- definitely agree with Jeff- appalling.

Charles Gadt April 13, 2018 - 5:07 am

Great video Jeff

Charles Gadt April 13, 2018 - 5:09 am

Your totally right do you're own research

The Butcher April 15, 2018 - 7:23 pm

So should we stop fat people from buying oreos? At some point people need to be held accountable for their choices. Jesse decided to shop for fat burners, if the clerk says no he could be held liable for discrimination against skinny people.

Joe Pulford April 22, 2018 - 6:35 pm

That kid is literally doing his job

Tom_North April 24, 2018 - 11:50 am

I felt like Jeff was staring into my soul 😳

Saurabh Soni April 30, 2018 - 7:26 am

You are right sir , fuck that sales guy

baron226 May 26, 2018 - 11:50 am

it's not industry it's retail

flukeman022 June 15, 2018 - 4:12 pm

I went to a GNC store for advice about capsules to help get some muscle gains. that shop worker suggested amino 1000 that gave me diarrhea and it only had 4% protein. What a waste of money and I won't be going back there again.

Principled Propaganda July 6, 2018 - 7:40 pm

I think it's Jesse's responsibility to thoroughly research what his body needs and form his own conclusion on which supplements he should take. It's not as though Jesse went in, explained his current situation, and asked what kind of supplements he should take. He went in, asked for a fat burner, and the salesperson gave him advice based on what he wanted. If I'm the salesperson here, I assume that Jesse is a big boy that can make decisions for himself. I might disagree with those decisions, but they're not mine to make.

Mark Eslinger July 7, 2018 - 12:15 am

come on…..he came in wanting fat burners….not the clerks place to say…hey string bean you dont need em….this is stupid!!

Paul Gir July 7, 2018 - 7:25 am

Hahaha 2 times hahaha

Rikoman17 July 27, 2018 - 11:16 pm

I've had this happen to me last year when I tried to lose weight ans I agree it is the wrong way to do but it's the company pushing the sale people to sell more of them as they make a bigger margin.

Bob Meowt July 28, 2018 - 8:57 am

Jeff this clerk in particular really looks like he’s only there for a paycheck.. You can take one look and tell that “fitness” is not this guys passion, which plays a big part in the quality of service we receive in any field. Corporate needs to do better as well especially if they really want to maximize profits lol

D. S. July 30, 2018 - 2:11 am

Years later …Jeff must’ve really worked on his speech. That lisp is almost nonexistent now. You should put out a video that details how you got rid of it.

Joe Bandella August 7, 2018 - 3:16 pm

When I worked at GNC I'd have people ask for fatburners saying the same "I'm not into working out". I'd show them the fatburners and explain what I like and what's the "strongest", but I'd advise them AGAINST it until they have at least a year into a good workout plan and dieting. I'd rather lose a sale than fuck someone up with bad info.

GetOutoFHere Mate! September 9, 2018 - 1:43 am

Jeff welcome to the real world 😂

Stephen Arkland September 29, 2018 - 9:28 pm

If a 400lb person came in a store I was working at and asked for the biggest soda / soft drink we have, I'm not going to say "I'm sorry sir, you are too fat and don't need it, may I suggest water?" No, his fat ass is getting what he asked for as (it's 2018) everyone gets offended and I would be fired after (not if) he complained to management / owner.

stephen hartley October 22, 2018 - 11:08 am

clerk should have recommended a psychiatrist as someone like jesse asking for fat burners is a clear sign of anorexia

May-Z October 25, 2018 - 4:07 am

Just make sure to put the responsibility on the store owner and not a clerk. It is the owners responsibility to ensure they have staff who are adequately knowledgeable in the industry/service they operate in. As for the clerk, take the time to educate yourself as it will ultimately come back and bite you on the ass if it all goes pear shaped.

M sharief November 3, 2018 - 6:43 pm

What the F😂😏ku, which nut 🥜 will ask suggestion for sales person rather ask nutrientist or Doctor if you ask me I would say take 3 instead of any meal 😀

Brandon Micheals November 20, 2018 - 11:53 am

#ATHLEAN-X I would like to know what your opinion on CLA is

Luke Mosse January 3, 2019 - 3:14 pm

Don't anyone tell Jeff about cigarettes….

10oneluv10 January 13, 2019 - 7:22 am

I don't think it really matters. The salesman could have looked at Jesse and then said, "you know what would be better for you?", and then should him every supplement that would get him huge. Either way, he still makes the sale.

Daniel January 17, 2019 - 10:10 pm

I work in a supplement store and would never recommend a fat burner to him. First I would of asked him what his goals were

Jonathan Falcone March 27, 2019 - 12:50 pm

Just walked into a big supplement store and had the same thing. They sold me CLA and L-Carntine. I haven’t taken any yet let alone opened it. Not sure if I trust the sale.

DocFilm.com April 1, 2019 - 1:36 pm

The biggest scam expose in history!!! Thank you Jeff! They don't deserve our money and the work some honest people are looking for…

Jason Mulligan July 20, 2019 - 4:06 pm

Welp if you ask for something. You recieve. Even if they dont feel you need it, most will let you know you dont, but if you really want it they're gonna sell it.

Josh Cortez Music August 25, 2019 - 5:29 pm


Life with Keke & JP August 29, 2019 - 7:00 am

I'm just coming across this video now. I am not surprised that the salesperson would have sold Jesse fat burners. Most people that work in supplement stores are working there without any proper health/fitness background, they workout but they are not extremely educated in the field of supplements/nutrition. I worked for a major Supplement store, and we were just to sell certain products. I refused to sell anyone fat-burners or supplements without asking MANY questions and I did refuse some people certain supplements. Of course you can educate them but some people are so set on an easy way to build-muscle/lose weight/"tone" up etc (which they get off the internet, magazines, stupid infomercials) it doesn't matter what you tell them, and , sadly they can freely purchase what they want anyway.

Bryan F September 18, 2019 - 6:52 pm

I know this video is older and that my opinion doesn't matter, but I'm going to go for it anyway. I'm on both sides. The store employee should have a working knowledge of the product and should've warned Jesse about negative effects of taking fat burners at his weight. At the same time, it is merely a retail store front and they have to sell product due to thin margins. They honestly can't afford to turn people away. However, if the employee was any good at his job he would've pushed a different product that would've actually benefited Jesse, even if it was something as simple as a multivitamin. But ultimately the responsibility lies on the person taking the supplement. It is our own job to research what we intend to put in our bodies before we do it. You don't blame the liqour store clerk for selling you 2 gallons of rum, you blame the guy who thought it would be a good idea to drink it and go for a joyride

Patrick Becker October 2, 2019 - 7:52 am

I used to religiously shop GNC… back then the staff seemed pretty knowledgeable and helpful… after my last experience with them I refuse to step foot in any of their stores… and how do I ask for supplement and nutrition advice from a guy that has bigger tits than my wife?!?!

Hong Fei Bai January 10, 2020 - 2:58 am

0:26: that's the face Jesse makes when he looks at that picture.

Jonh Jones March 4, 2020 - 5:00 pm

Do you remember Jessie? Yeah we remember.

KaosRunes September 14, 2020 - 10:00 pm

If anything Jesse needed a protein shake lol

Richard Neil November 21, 2020 - 4:03 pm

"I recommend this guide:
So grateful it exists.

Samuel Dahan March 23, 2021 - 1:05 pm

Jeff, can you recommend a good brand for fat burner?
