Core Exercise Combo (2 MOVES TO A BALANCED CORE!) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

Get over 110 core exercises in the Athlean-x system here

There are lots of core exercises to choose from when it comes to building a stronger core. The mistake occurs when you limit these exercises to those that only work your abs and obliques. If you want to truly develop stronger core muscles you have to be sure you are working the muscles on both the front and back of your body.

In this video, I show you a core exercise combo that you can use to not only strengthen your core muscles but test their strength to begin with. By simply lying on your back with a pair of dumbbells in your hands, you’ll be able to see just how out of balance your front side dominant core muscles are from your often overlooked posterior chain core muscles.

Start by lying on your back with a pair of dumbbells in your hands. Lift your legs up off the ground and spread them apart to engage your lower abs and hold your dumbbells out to your sides overhead. From here, begin the motion of making an angel in the snow and time how long you can continue this or count the number of reps you complete until reaching failure. Most will be able to handle at least ten pound dumbbells if not higher and last for at least 10 or more reps.

As soon as you can’t do anymore, you will want to flip over onto your stomach and repeat the motion this time with your legs and thighs lifted off the ground. Of course, your upper body will not be touching the ground either and you’ll be holding a pair of dumbbells once again. Only thing here is, you’ll likely be forced to hold much lighter dumbbells if you want to be able to even complete a few reps of this core crushing combo exercise.

The muscles of the lower back, thoracic spine, scapula and glutes are often the most overlooked and neglected core muscles. In fact, they may be some of the most important core muscles needed to perfect your big lifts such as the deadlift, bent over row, squat and more. They act to stabilize the upper torso and hold it steady so that the force generated in your legs can travel without dissipation throughout your body and help you to efficiently complete each and every rep without wasted movement.

If you have a weak core or the muscles in your core are not strong enough to stabilize you, you won’t only suffer on your core exercises but in most of your heavier exercises as well. The exact core exercise combo I’m showing you here acts as not only a test but also the movement that you can do to strengthen your abs and core if you do have a weakness that you discover.

For over 110 core exercises that hit your lower back, abs, obliques, mid back and glutes be sure so head to and get the complete ATHLEAN-X Training System. Train like an athlete and get unlimited core crushing combos with the built in shuffle feature included in your complete system purchase.

For more core exercise videos and workouts to build a strong core, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at


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Marc Ramirez July 11, 2015 - 6:55 pm

wow i feel like such a dumbass for not thinking of this xD

Aditya Choudhary July 12, 2015 - 11:05 am

I Could not do it even with 5 pound dumbells….😅

Niklas Göransson July 15, 2015 - 7:34 pm

Like the exercise, thanks Jeff!

Niklas Göransson July 15, 2015 - 7:36 pm

Could you do a video of how to strengthen your feet and ankles? I been doing a lot of obstacle races lately and I've noticed that my feet and ankles are my weak spots.

Alejandro Jimenez July 16, 2015 - 5:27 pm

Jeff, when doing the first core exercise in this combo, is your head not touching the floor? I am trying to see if you only get your legs up off the ground or if you also get your shoulders and head off the ground. 

Thanks, as always, great video!

HatianHurricane July 17, 2015 - 11:02 am


VictCr July 20, 2015 - 5:32 pm

I cant get my legs off the ground! Weak core I know. What can I do to start to get them up? I want to be doing this exercise a lot

vinrod34 lamore July 21, 2015 - 11:29 pm

Wow!! the back side was hell!!

Trent Williams August 23, 2015 - 1:09 am

Your'e the only guy on Youtube me and my brother trust when it comes to training so ill like to start by saying thank you but my main question is if you could break down the career options for a young A* student like my little brother he knows he wants to work in the personal training field but wanted to know what paths there are and there incomes i know its not what you normally do but he only listens to you.

Grayson Strickland September 9, 2015 - 12:05 am

Add sound dampening to that room you're in please.

musical roses October 4, 2015 - 9:18 am

Very sound information. When I did tons of stomach crunches it caused my sciatica to flare up and that was very painful!!! These days I make sure to work an all aspects of my core but I no longer do crunches or sit ups.

Robert St. Pierre December 12, 2015 - 6:49 pm

Hi Jeff,
I have two questions.
First: What is the duration of time these movements should be preformed, and is it for repetitions like other exercises or is it timed and to failure?
Second: There is the full body extension plank, is it possible to do this in the opposite direction from your back suspending your body in the fully stretched out between two benches, chairs, bar's etc.. what ever can be used? Thank you for the post above. I look forward to using it to balance my core making it stronger for my Jiu Jitsu.

Peter Mozuraitis April 29, 2016 - 5:58 am

On your stomach (working the back) is an amazing exercise, one of the finishers I use for any upper body workout. I encourage anyone to try this small addition, it will help with your shoulder mobility, small stabilizer muscles, and overall shoulder health.
Instead of just going up and down with the dumbells, run your hands up (or down :P) the side of your body, under your elbow, don't let your hands touch the ground. If you try this movement right now, sitting or standing, by mimicing a muscleup, with just your bare hands

Edward Lewis June 29, 2016 - 4:20 am

Great video thankyou for this.

cuddler June 16, 2018 - 1:56 pm

So when face down only my belly is allowed to touch the ground, not my chest?
And when Im on the back?
Overall do I have to flex my abs/corr, or do I just let my belly be loose, let my back arch when doing these?

Dru Chambers August 11, 2018 - 11:37 am

Your voice is a bit like chael sunnin.

DAILY FUEL December 22, 2018 - 7:48 am

Im an Indian n got some serious family packs . wtf am i doing here.

Reece Sullivan June 10, 2020 - 10:14 am

What do people normally couple this with: back and leg workouts? Or what?

midnight assassin October 10, 2020 - 4:00 am

How often do I do this?

Noah Intara May 3, 2021 - 3:16 am

Jeff, priceless stuff. Thanks a million.

Al W July 26, 2021 - 3:23 pm

do you have programs for on-site work, one week for example

Umang Lunia August 1, 2021 - 8:01 am Reply