How to Fix a Sunken Chest! (PECTUS EXCAVATUM) – ATHLEAN-X™

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If you have a sunken chest or something called pectus excavatum, you are going to want to watch this video to see what you can do about it. The condition known as pectus excavatum is a bony deformity that tends to get worse with adolescence. It is characterized by a sunken in sternum that makes pec development very challenging and can make those that have it self conscious.

The degree to which you can do something about fixing your sunken chest without surgery is dependent on the severity of the condition you have. If your chest looks like the one shown in this video as an example of a severe case or if your pectus is making it hard for you to breathe when exerted you will unfortunately have to resort to one of the two surgical means shown.

The first is the Nuss procedure where they surgically reshape your sternum with the help of a brace that is worn for a long period of time to help reshape and rebuild the structure. This can be very invasive and can cause a good deal of discomfort early on post op. The second option is a newer one in which they implant a strong but small magnet in your lower chest and then have you wear an external magnetic brace that helps to pull the bony deformity into a better position over time.

That said, many cases of pectus excavatum are not as severe and intervention with weight training and stretching can be of great help to minimizing the appearnace of the defect while not completely fixing it. Here I show you that the condition must first be addressed for the posture aggravations that generally accompany it. For example, rounded shoulders and a sunken chest are often times seen together since the pecs tend to get shortened. A good stretch for the pec major and pec minor will help to expand the chest and ribcage while allowing the muscles on the back to get stronger and hold your posture in place better.

It is the latter that allows you to build stronger rhomboids while expanding the chest with an exercise called the band pull apart. This exercise is better to be done as twenty sets of one rather than one set of twenty, to illustrate the it is the quality of the movement and not the quantity that establishes the potential for improvement from your intervention.

The other exercises shown here for a sunken chest or pectus excavatum are all meant to improve the development of your chest. That said, it is again the way in which you perform them and the frequency of which you perform them that will make all the difference in their ability to bring about change. The exercises shown here, while all capable of adding mass to your chest when performed in lower reps and in a higher intensity workout, are not prescribed that way here.

You should instead perform these in higher reps, fewer sets and much more frequently (4-5 times per week) to accumulate the volume of lower intensity that is going to be needed to bring about change over time. Do not expect a quick fix here. You must accumulate many hours of effort here, however if you do, you will notice a change in the appearance of the sunken chest and pectus excavatum.

For a complete list of the exercises that will have the most impact for how to fix a sunken chest and pectus excavatum be sure to watch the entire video. For a complete workout program that shows you how to train like an athlete and put the science back in strength to build a completely developed body, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System.

For more videos on how to build a bigger chest and fix pectus excavatum or other things like anterior pelvic tilt, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at


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Usieff September 24, 2021 - 12:55 am

For all the youngins watching this you can get a vacuum bell for the funnel chest. It’s basically a big suction cup that goes on your chest you put on everyday until it’s gone. You don’t need surgery😄

Max Lim September 26, 2021 - 4:14 pm

I'm 27 can I still fix my chest, it's mild sunken

Jake Crichton September 30, 2021 - 2:28 pm

Thank u God bless

Juancarlos Mejia October 1, 2021 - 10:09 am

I always wondered what this was, I don’t have this problem. I’m a fat dude with tiddies 😂

Raghav October 14, 2021 - 4:47 am

What if that part is too front instead of sunking plz help mee I am suffering with that

N4TH4N ShuSh October 18, 2021 - 8:27 pm

Only just found this and will definitely be using these, tysm 🙏

Dio October 22, 2021 - 4:37 am

Thanks for the video, I wasn't really insecure about it, I always thigured I just had odd genetics. Then again looking back on life I used to always be hunched over. So I think my chest looking the way it is, is a by-product of my own mistakes. Gonna have to work hard to fix years of mistakes

Rohit Yadav October 28, 2021 - 1:55 pm

Anyone indian

Jakob Gibson October 29, 2021 - 12:01 am

To anybody that can help: today October 28th 2021 I went to the doctor for my caved in chest and the look on her face was indescribable when I lifted up my shirt. The back story is on june 8th 2021 I felt like I lost everything because of an argument between me and my girl which resulted in our “friends” calling the cops on me and me being put in handcuffs while the cops watched our “friends” going into MY apartment and taking everything of value. Thank God I didn’t go to jail after I was release from the hand cuffs I walked in and I started beating my chest in to get my heart to stop and I hit it over 100 times very very hard. The next day it was swollen to the point my face was twitching and I could barely breathe. Fast forward to a few days later the swelling went down and the damage was revealed to my chest. Can this be fixed?? Am I gonna die?? I don’t wanna die I found happiness and when I look at my girl all I do is cry because I am worried I’m gonna pass

DinosaurDemon5 Mst November 11, 2021 - 7:10 pm

Brother’s we can do this

Liam Azam November 16, 2021 - 6:11 pm

im 11 years old and I have this thingy, i really want it fixed but like I would need to tell my parents and that would just be weird. I feel like if I didn’t have it I would look sick, it’s not just the chest it’s the way it makes your ribs stick out as well, I need some help

Brabantse Turk November 19, 2021 - 10:12 pm

Feelin comfortable in this comment section, thank u for this video 🙂

Randy Subash November 24, 2021 - 2:41 pm

I searched this video for long year

Shawn Mendrek November 25, 2021 - 2:03 am

Quality video here.

Shawn Mendrek November 25, 2021 - 2:03 am

thanks bud

D4rk :D November 26, 2021 - 3:57 pm

Its not the ribs that are sunken in its just he muscle. The muscles on the outer side closer to my arms are pretty big and it just dents in

punch line reviews December 22, 2021 - 8:17 pm

Welcome to the sunken place!

visakh rs December 25, 2021 - 1:27 pm


Mayo December 26, 2021 - 8:59 pm

im 12 and i think i have a sunken chest i found out yesterday and i asked my mom what it was and she said i was skinny and need to eat more and im scared because what if its something more serious so now i dont know what to do because i dont have weights or anything

Andrew Brown December 27, 2021 - 4:20 am

I think I am developing this (17yo) I hope this helps

Cotiso Cetinoiu January 2, 2022 - 10:12 pm

Great video! Thanks for explantions!
