Stronger Deadlift – GUARANTEED! (3 Monster Moves) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

If your goal is to increase your deadlift then don’t overlook the details specifically accessory lifts. In this video I’m going to show you the top three exercises for increasing your deadlift without focusing solely on the actual movement. Joining me, once again, in the X-Box for today’s video is accomplished powerlifter and overall strong dude KC “That 1 Legged Monster” Mitchell. KC shares some of his favorite accessory lifts that he’s been using to smash records and build a monster deadlift.

When it comes to deadlifting one of KC’s go to accessory lifts is the Pendlay row. The Pendlay row differs from other rows by starting from a dead stop on the floor. The goal here is to go heavy and be explosive. This not only builds back (and grip) strength but helps groove the pattern of being explosive at the start. If you can’t generate max force at the start of the movement you don’t have to worry about the rest of the lift because the weight isn’t going anywhere!

Another of KC’s favorite accessory lifts is the straight arm push down. We’ve talked at length about the importance of straight arm scapular strength on this channel and how it correlates to other movements and overall upper body health. Want a big deadlift? Well, all that scapular strength you’ve been building will come in handy here too! Having a strong scapular will allow you to keep your lats tight and keep the bar close to your body.

One of the biggest mistakes made by athletes new to the deadlift, and even some experienced lifters, is bar drift. A strong stable scapular will engage the lats and help provide a tight compact upper body that doesn’t leak energy.

KC’s final accessory lift for building a monster deadlift is the high pull. If you’ve been watching my channel for any length of time you know that I do not recommend doing upright rows. It’s not because they don’t work but because of the compromised position they put your shoulder in. All of that can be mitigated by simply switching to dumbbells and maintaining a ‘thumbs up’ grip.

Even though your traps are busy stabilizing the upper body in the deadlift they’re still playing an important role and you need them to be strong. This safe alternative to the upright row allows you to load up and hit them along with the rest of the upper back. The deadlift is all about using the power of your posterior chain and hips and transferring that into the bar.

There are people out there that will tell you to ignore the accessory lifts and focus on the main lift alone. These are usually the same people who have maxed out on their strength or have developed some interesting and unhealthy compensations for performing exercises.

There are some very important accessory lifts you need to do when you are trying to increase your deadlift. If you feel your lifts have been stuck in a rut, give these three lifts a try. If you want a program that focuses on your whole body, then head over to and start training like an athlete. Details matter when you train like an athlete, and when you pay attention to the details, all of your lifts will increase.

For more videos on how to get a better deadlift and the best workouts for building size and strength, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at


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ATHLEAN-X™ December 20, 2018 - 7:38 pm

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Young Calabria October 29, 2020 - 12:36 pm

to get stronger deadlifts simply deadlift with proper form.
i don't agree focusing on isolations, instead i focus on weight, reps, volume and DIET

Manny Izquierdo October 31, 2020 - 8:36 am

I can feel the testosterone from this video

Matt randolph November 18, 2020 - 3:41 am

Respect to him that’s insane to do with 1 leg I can’t even do half that with 2

Jack Pasquale December 8, 2020 - 12:52 pm

If he had both legs he’d easily deadlift 800

Jail Bird December 16, 2020 - 12:37 pm

I am weak

raygen gamer December 19, 2020 - 6:41 am

i love straight arm pull downs. i i feel my entire back working

Broomer86 December 19, 2020 - 4:09 pm

A true story of perseverance. What got me into lifting wasnt as heroic. I got into itafter a divorce and finding I was going to be a single parent. I came to the conclusion to take care of my kids I had to take care of myself.

Sylvain Nouet December 20, 2020 - 9:23 am

merci pour cette vidéo, de la France bonne fête à tous !

Tubecraft1 January 7, 2021 - 9:48 pm

How many pounds was that big lift?

Red Rock February 19, 2021 - 10:31 am

Good example of genetics at work here. Not a huge height difference but KC just had s large frame and bigger potential for musculature. Max out your potential but you can't beat your genetics. As long as you're better than you were yesterday you're making progress 👍

Yoshi Juijitsu February 27, 2021 - 7:54 am

iM tO TiReD

Jeremy Jarvis March 10, 2021 - 9:22 pm

Never give up
Never surrender

Joseph Jones March 15, 2021 - 4:07 am

10:02 dudes forearms are monstrous

Phillip Olive March 18, 2021 - 6:42 am

It doesn’t count because this guy is a terminator

Nigel Braithwaite March 24, 2021 - 1:56 pm

Jeff's shirt is so tight, to minimise excess weight carried, the logo perfectly spaced for symmetry.

Concrete Head May 4, 2021 - 2:43 pm

He’s one leg.. kudos. 47 and still riding and lifting with Cystic Fibrosis. Never ever give up 💪

drake aamold May 24, 2021 - 4:55 am

God is good

Jon Krause June 20, 2021 - 7:19 pm

Great video-thanks. Oddly only started deadlifting last week and can tell my weak spots-all of it. All these 3 I will start doing. I think I had a small knot in lower back due to bad form, but thankfully it popped today when I was indoor climbing. I always thought I had a strong back as former bodybuilder and climber, but as always, true strength only comes after a lot of practice and efficient technique. Thanks for your service. Semper Fi & Ductus Exemplo-I served too as Mustang Captain desert shield/storm and before it got insanely intense in South East Asia.

Cemali Ozbey July 16, 2021 - 9:03 am

Jeff strong on deadlifts but not stronger than family 😂

Michael Shank J July 31, 2021 - 2:46 am

Isn't high pull a lateral raise?

Awab Almahi August 18, 2021 - 10:13 pm

Some people deadlift to get stronger the deadlift gets stronger to jeff

Alessandro Poles August 29, 2021 - 1:31 pm

Jeff casually doing straight arms pushdown with the whole weight wtf

roman Morozov September 6, 2021 - 4:12 am

On my way to 585.. this was helpful

Jean Mendez September 16, 2021 - 4:59 pm

How the hell do I get forearms like this guy, look at his right forearm 5:00

Jared Chalker October 30, 2021 - 4:39 pm

Thanks for the video. I'm trying to pull 400 deadlift before the end of the year at 165lbs bodyweight. Am currently around 330-345

Magnus Lööv December 9, 2021 - 10:27 pm

8:11 The greatest tips of all time from Athlean-X. Will do this even as a warm-up/preparation before a real deadlift session now to engage the lats and make them "fire" in the right way in the following proper deadlifts!
Kind of what was part of some earlier "primer" video about deadlifts that Jeff did a couple of years ago! But with a stick only…
Jeff is dead on, on this one! It's gonna give deads a lift from now on!😁

V.O.G haze December 29, 2021 - 5:50 pm

Would you suggest doing these accessories once a week on the deadlift day? And would you hit these in the beginning of the workout as a warmup or at the end?

Kris Kline January 2, 2022 - 4:02 am

K.C. is amazing. He doesn’t let his injury hold him back. Great role model for us all.
