Practicing Gratitude | Yoga With Adriene – Yoga With Adriene

by YouTube Team

“Stop, drop and Gratitude!” In this special Thanksgiving Vlog Adriene talks about the importance of a gratitude ritual in our daily lives. Practice gratitude and find what feels good.

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Hang Ngo Thuy May 28, 2020 - 4:42 pm

Thank you for your positive energy and groovy jokes as always Adriene. I use this app called Five Minute Journal to keep daily gratitude habit, just thought I want to share

Miriam May 31, 2020 - 5:58 am

I am very grateful today for the sun waking me up, the love letter in my mailbox and Sara Bareilles' book, that arrived yesterday. Of course there are many more things <3

Emma Lamke May 31, 2020 - 11:58 pm

This is a little late and its not Thanksgiving, but I am grateful for my great education, my health, and the strength of both my mind and body.

Ranjani Pammi June 3, 2020 - 9:36 am

I’ve created a Gratitude Journal for myself.
I hope I get to go through with it. I’m always grateful for you ❤️ Namaste

jamie Johanson June 9, 2020 - 7:16 am

i am so happy and grateful for-
1.being able to start my day with Yoga,with the help of beautiful Adrienne
2.for the birds singing in the yard
3.feeling good today

Cindy XOXO June 11, 2020 - 2:41 pm

I’m grateful for
1. My family and friends
2. Music
3. Yoga

sebastien h music June 21, 2020 - 7:48 pm

so grateful for my love, my bunny pet, my friends and family. so grateful for music and for yoga. so so grateful for my health and our mother Earth.

Manuela Roldan July 2, 2020 - 4:01 pm

I’m grateful for: 1. People like you who inspire me and help the world raise their vibrations. 2. My job and that I have income go fulfill my basic needs. 3. My mom who’s been a great support in my whole life. ❤️

Scout Curtis July 27, 2020 - 11:23 am

I. Am thankful for love peace and the beach!

Ellie Williams August 7, 2020 - 11:48 pm

I'm grateful for Adriene, yoga, and YouTube 💕

Crazy Brit August 9, 2020 - 5:33 pm

I am grateful for 1) people waking up to this plandemic. 2) My high vibration 3) My yoga practice every day. Looking back on this video is very sad….as it brings us to the state we are in today. The world is collapsing around us. I hope we can stop this in time. More people are waking up to the new world order plans, thank goodness. Thank you Adriene x

Chantal Klijsen August 24, 2020 - 3:40 pm

I am grateful for my two cats 🐈🐈 I am grateful for my friends. And last but not least I am super grateful for yoga and meditation, yoga with adriene in particular, cause you (and your team ofcourse) have been helping me FINALLY truely practicing yoga and meditation at home and experiencing all the benifits for my mind, body and soul ♥ As I am recovering from a pretty big burn-out, your videos have inspired me so so much! After a month I already feel more focussed, fisically healthier, more mindful and better connected with myself. So thank you very very much, I love you!! ♥🙏

Emma Neiss September 16, 2020 - 6:58 am

That my lungs are healthy and full of air.
That I feel hopeful right in this moment.
The sun is shining outside and it's going to be a warm September day here in 2020.
And I'm grateful for being able to put my own mental health first, not all the time but it's a beginning to just try. Especially in these trying times.
I'm grateful for 2020 somehow have connected us more than ever, even though it's through a pandemic.
I'm grateful for learning to find peace in taking a leave from uni and not comparing myself so harshly to the idea that others are moving forward and I'm stuck. I'm not, I just really need to slow down.

Suzy Tarnowski September 17, 2020 - 8:26 pm

Resignation of work; being retired, being free,spending time with myself,and family, of course yoga with Adrienne 🤗

Ella Gregory October 16, 2020 - 12:31 pm

I am grateful for your channel, my family, my cats, the sky above me, the ground below me, a house to live in, food to eat and for learning

Ashley Rawlings November 15, 2020 - 2:47 pm

Healthy baby in my belly, caring husband, the opportunity to get a degree in what i love 💗

Ellie Branson November 17, 2020 - 11:31 pm

health, trees, and beautiful birds

donna goldsmith November 26, 2020 - 4:01 pm

My grandchildren; finding your yoga videos; my health

Hedyeh Arjomand November 26, 2020 - 6:06 pm

Today is Thanksgiving Day 2020 – I’m grateful for my Faith, my health and my family and so many other things including my ability to practice yoga with Adriene! Namaste Adriene! 🙏🏻

Rebecca Thistle November 26, 2020 - 7:01 pm

hello from 2020.
I'm grateful for:
being healty in this mess of a year

being able to keep uni online
having a wonderful family who supports me
having discovered your community

Julie Minerbo November 26, 2020 - 9:02 pm

I'm thankful for finally finishing your 31 Day Revolution Series today, I'm thankful that my good friend and client has allowed me to stay with her for several months and join her Thanksgiving dinner and I'm grateful for all six of my sweet fur babies. Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

Beth Adams November 26, 2020 - 11:53 pm

my dog, delicious food, art

Professor Martian December 7, 2020 - 11:39 pm

I'm grateful for:
1) Mon petite frère
2) The wisdom of my dad
3) My breath, my soul

Christina N. December 10, 2020 - 11:33 pm

And here i am after roaming all your videos 🙂
I'm grateful for: My cat, My friends, Yoga!

Nephele December 11, 2020 - 8:19 pm

1) You! 2) Warmth 3) My daily yoga practice 🙂 <3

Joy Snow December 13, 2020 - 4:35 pm

I am so grateful for
– being alive
– being sober
– my boyfriend
– all animals
– Love
– poems
– my body
– god, source, all the positive energies out there
– YWA + Adriene
– laughter
– joy/bliss
– creative energy
– nature
– music
– freedom
– stillness
– …

Andrea Frostad December 30, 2020 - 6:11 am

My family, that we are healthy and my cup of tea I'm enjoying right now 💕
I'm also grateful for you! Thank you for giving me balance in my life with your meditation videos – I hope you know that you change peoples lifes for the better just by being you 😊 THANK YOU!! 💕 Sending you much love and gratitude this morning 😊

Evanunezg January 30, 2021 - 7:35 pm

Gracias a ti por todo lo que haces por nosotros Adrienne. Un abrazo muy fuerte desde Barcelona!

Roxanne H January 31, 2021 - 4:20 am

I am thankful for YWA, the bed I get to sleep in, fuzzy blankets, coffee, water, my family, and where I am at today emotionally physically and mentally. I might have gone through a lot of bad parts in my life but it has ultimately lead me to one right place that just ended up being a domino affect of so much good. 🥰

Bernardita Sandoval February 15, 2021 - 5:30 am

Grateful for my health , my home, and currently the rain outside!

knittedpainting February 16, 2021 - 12:44 pm

This is something I have picked up along the way and it helps me alot too.

I'm grateful for:
°my health
×the people in my life that are there for me everyday, I hope I return the favour
*the sunshine that was there to greet me this morning 🌞

John Moseley February 21, 2021 - 11:31 pm

I"m a pretty negative person (really!) and my default reaction to stuff like this is, 'Oh shut up,' but I'm just open enough that I tried listing things to be grateful for during this and a huge smile stretched across my face and then I started laughing. And now I feel a bit like crying. So, thank you. I'm grateful for this video.

conman20000 February 26, 2021 - 3:30 am

A family that loves me, to have opportunities others don't have, to be alive.

Archi B March 1, 2021 - 6:00 pm

My family, my friends, my body 🙂

Sally Fox March 31, 2021 - 2:24 pm

Thanks Adrienne for this, I thought this was a practice but I’m away to do another one of yours!

1. I’m grateful to find your yoga lessons I.e 30 days like home etc

2. I’m grateful to have a roof over my head

3. I’m grateful for my friends and family who have been so supportive throughout this whole pandemic!

Thanks so much Adrienne! I’m definitely going to keep up with the yoga, it’s helped massively with my mental health and I really do feel good afterwards

Ashley Chonka April 18, 2021 - 12:06 pm

1. I am grateful for the return of my enjoyment for reading and exploring imagination.
2. I am grateful for the first dose of the vaccine I am getting in a week which will eventually open possibilities of travel for in-person connection with the communities that have become family in the past year.
3. I am grateful for my anxiety which has protected my safety and my breath which reminds me that I am still safe in this moment.

Sophie Nabors April 27, 2021 - 3:50 am

My doggies, my cozy bed and my commitment to yoga ❤️

Margaret Ann Packham May 3, 2021 - 4:45 pm

🙏 my health, my family and this 🌎

Marjorie Phan May 13, 2021 - 1:29 am

I am grateful for my health, my family including my sweet 10yo tabby cat Miss Honey, and discovering yoga and YWA. <3

Daniel Rodriguez May 31, 2021 - 6:51 am

i am so grateful for you for my family for health

Monica Windolf July 11, 2021 - 5:30 pm

I am grateful for:
1. My dog
2. A beautiful relaxing sunday
3. My resilience

Angela Moreta August 28, 2021 - 6:58 am

I'm grateful for You 😊 I'm grateful for my Health 💗 I'm grateful for Yoga 🌷 and soooooo much more 🙏 much Love!!

savanna blake September 14, 2021 - 1:06 pm

I am grateful for the blue sky, my sister, my bed

Amy Elizabeth Gordon October 15, 2021 - 9:51 pm

grateful for 27 years of sobriety, grateful for my clients and their vulnerability, grateful I can share another wonderful yoga with Adriene video to them

Rainbows Are Circles November 5, 2021 - 5:51 pm

I am grateful for amazing, inspirational teachers, my health and my loved ones. Thank you Adriene! 🙂

Elene Gachechiladze December 5, 2021 - 5:28 pm

1. black bread & cream cheese
2. I'm grateful to realize that it is always in my power to breathe.
3. Christmas songs 🙂
