Double Your Max Pullups in 22 Days! (GUARANTEED GAINS) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

Want to double your max pullups in just 22 days? Well, if you watch this video and perform the workouts as written, you’ll be doing more pull ups. A lot more pullups. The 22 day pull up workout builds off of the tremendous success of our 22 day push up workout. The key to the timeline is that this pull up workout progresses you through various pull-ups while demanding that you improve on your rep counts along the way. It consists of three weeks of testing and non-testing days that will quickly build up your back and arms while increasing the number of pullups you can do not only in a single set, but in a total workout.

The way these workouts are structured is by first establishing your max pull ups to failure in a single set. From here, you rest two minutes and attempt to complete more pull ups in an allotted amount of time.

Day 1 starts with a test day. Complete a single set of max pull ups to failure in good form. Rest 2 minutes and then complete as many pull ups as you can in 5 min resting as needed. Take the number from your first set and the number of pull ups you did in the 5 minute block, add them up and set them aside. You’ll need that for later!

On Day 2, we start a series of non-testing days. In these workouts, the goal is to perform a specific pull up variation for the same number of reps that you did on your max pull up from the most recent testing day. You are allowed to rest/pause when you fatigue and you are advised to stop a few reps short of total muscle failure. This is to accommodate for the fact that you will be doing a lot of pull ups over the next few weeks.

The second half of the non-test day workouts require that you go back to performing standard pull up, except this time you have to complete your maximum plus 40 percent (on the first non-test day) 50 percent (on the second non-test day) and 60 percent (on the third and final non-test day in a block). Again here, you do not have to perform these unbroken. You simply have to get them done, stopping 2-3 reps shy of failure and using rest/pause.

The blocks continue to progress and advance with each new testing day. Be sure to re-test your maximum number of pull ups at the start of each new block since you will likely be increasing your overall strength meaning that your number is going to increase. Each block is based on the number of max pull ups that you are able to achieve on the test day that begins that block.

We continue in this fashion until we reach day 21 of the 22 day pull up workout. Here, you are to complete one of two tests. Refer to the video for the specifics on how to compete the day 21 test. On day 22 we come back again. Using the number we noted on the very first day of the workout, Day 1, we complete a max amount of pull ups in 5 min. Once again we are not going to failure here but stopping a few reps shy. Once the 5 minutes is up, take note of how many pull ups you performed and compare that to your day 1. Not only will you see an increase, often as much as double, but you will have done more pull ups in less time!

This 3 week workout will progressively overload your back, introduce you to variations of pull ups that will build not just your back and biceps but help you develop that sought after v-taper look as well. If you’re looking to get make total body gains be sure to look at the ATHLEAN-X Training Systems available at

Start trading in workout length for intensity and see how much bigger and stronger you can get with intense, intelligently programmed workouts just like this. For more videos on how to do more pull ups and build a bigger back and biceps, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below. Don’t forget to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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MrSheepy450 September 24, 2021 - 1:37 am

Day 1:

Phil Laurenz September 28, 2021 - 10:50 am

isit okay if i do like other muscle group exercises as well or just do this pull up till 22 days?

1HK17CV027_ Mohammed Siddiq Ur Rahman Khan September 28, 2021 - 12:01 pm

How to fit this into a regular workout?

Blyth Brown-swankie September 29, 2021 - 2:55 pm

I got less on my third test day than my second anyone know why but I done more in 5 minutes?

A S October 3, 2021 - 7:31 am

Day 1- 5 pull-ups and 15 amrap
Day 2- 10 chins (3,3,2,2) 7 pullups (2,1,1,1,1,1)
Day 3 – 10 commando (all single, I did them for the first time ever, and on rings so that was fun)
7 pullups (2,1,1,1,1,1)
day 4- 38 sec hang,8 pullups (4,3,1)
End of block one

Day 5- 7 max, 18 amrap
Day 6- 14 chins (5,3,3,2,1) 11 pullups(3,2,2,2,1,1)
Day 7- 14 commando
12 pullups
Break day
Day 15 test- 8 max, 23 AMRAP

Sidharth Issac October 4, 2021 - 2:18 pm

I got the following:
Day 1. 8 pullups MAX + 17 AMRAP = 25
Day 2: 16 chin ups + 11 pull ups
Day 3: 16 commandos + 12 pull ups
Day 4: Active hang + 13 pull ups
Day 5 (Testing): 9 pull ups MAX + 17 AMRAP = 26
Day 6: 18 chin ups + 13 pull ups
Day 7: 18 commandos + 13 pull ups
Day 8: Active Hang + 13 pull ups
Day 9(Testing) : 9 pull ups MAX + 22 AMRAP

Billy Lee October 6, 2021 - 2:53 pm

if u can currently do 5 pullups and do this continually for a year u should by the end of the year be able to do 493550. and thats a fact

tr1pl333 October 7, 2021 - 2:11 am

I don’t know about anyone else but I’m not able to do as many pull-ups the next day after doing as many as I can the day prior. At what point do we recover and grow? Maybe if I was enhanced and completely healed overnight.

Edd Gaiger October 10, 2021 - 4:53 pm

Are you supposed to have rest day in between somewhere?

PaperMan October 11, 2021 - 9:53 pm

People who can only do one pull up: useless

youssef bejaoui October 12, 2021 - 12:44 pm

Can we train a day and rest another cause the body needs rest it may lead to injury and what about other workouts like legs chest shoulders we won't be able to do them plz help

Mohammad Qalandari October 13, 2021 - 1:10 am

Are you supposed to do this before or after your normal workout routine? Currently I'm doing a PPL split so I'm not sure when I should do this

Subham shaw October 15, 2021 - 7:53 am

It really it works every time I follow this 22 days routine.
When I first follwed, I increased my pull ups from 1 to 4 pull-ups in 22 days.
Now again incorporating this to increase the pull-ups from 6.
Thank u athlean x.

Luke Galedo October 18, 2021 - 7:03 am

does all the exercises have 2-3 sets or it's only one set?

Margaret Johnson October 20, 2021 - 6:49 pm

I have been greasing the groove on pushup's for some time now. I am approaching my goal of 10 pushups. Once there, I intend to integrate 10 sets of 10 pushups into my daily 2 mile walk…..spaced out during the walk. Can I do this daily pushup/walk routine on the days I perform your 22 day pull up program?

andriyprvdn October 22, 2021 - 12:11 pm

Damn, I love pull-ups , they’ve helped me to grow my back and corrected posture.

Ali C October 24, 2021 - 2:53 pm

So im at 2 pullups and fairly weak…is this more for people who can do like 10 already

Mr. B October 26, 2021 - 8:59 pm

Does this work if you can already do 20 pull ups in a single set

lee walters October 31, 2021 - 4:31 pm

For god's sake Jeff! I've followed you for years on and off and picked up some amazing tips from you but I have to say I've followed this challenge to the letter and hell's bells I'm so much stronger in 13 days it's incredible. Gone from a max rep of 7 to 12! I was sceptical having seen video replies of people getting no stronger at all. I guess they're just not committed cos I've seen AMAZING gains and I'm only just over half way through. Thank you so much for this. You sir are a legend.

Michał Stępień November 1, 2021 - 5:51 pm

Alright, so I tried this workout. I've been training pullups for nearly five moths and reached a level of 16 pullups in a row (with a little pause or two hanging). My goal was to reach 20 pullups in a row, but even I was training the "Armstrong pullup training" I reached a plateau for a couple of weeks. So I decided to give this program a shot. What do I think about this one? Well, It will give you gains, but depending on your experience level – if you're a beginner, you will see wonderful results, if you're quite experienced, the change will not be that dramatic. In my case it was 25% improvement. I reached 20 pullups in a row (with two pauses while hanging) and I definitely consider this program worthwhile. But be prepared for really tough three weeks of tough training. Be prepared to be sore. Be prepared to be tired. Be prepared to be happy when you endure.

I struggled a lot, but I'm glad I didn't give up on this.

There's my progress:

1. TEST 16 MAX, 24, total 40

2. 32, 23

3. 31, 25

4. 2:00, 26

5. TEST 17 MAX, 28, total 45

6. 34, 24

7. 34, 26

8. 2:10, 27

9. TEST 18 MAX, 30, total 48

10. 36, 25

11. 36, 27

12. 2:20, 29

13. TEST 17 MAX, 31, total 48

14. 38, 27

15. 38, 29

16. 2:25, 30

17. TEST 19 MAX, 31, total 50

18. 38, 27

19. 38, 29

20. 2:30, 30

21. 40 in 4:59 😀

22. 20

Flarityy November 3, 2021 - 6:21 pm

Max: 15
Chin ups: 30
Pull ups: 24

Князев Борис November 4, 2021 - 12:38 pm

Старт 04.11.21
1 день ТЕСТ : 12 до отказа отдых 2 минуты 19 за 5 минут
Итого: 31 подтягивание

13 за подход / 25 за 5 минут
Итого: 38

14 за подход и 38 за 5 минут
Итого: 52

Shivam Bisht November 8, 2021 - 2:20 pm

I am up for the challenge, will update it regularly 💯💯(My Goal :-15)

Start date :- 09/NOV/21

DAY 1:- MAX REP:-8, IN 5 MIN:- 12, TOTAL:-20..
DAY 2:- CHIN UP:-16, PULL UPS :-11
DAY 5:-MAX PULL UPS :-8(Didn't increased one but my form has improved), IN 5 MIN:-12,

yoink km November 10, 2021 - 5:26 pm

went from 2 to 11…ggs

TheEternalGus91 November 10, 2021 - 5:48 pm

When 22 days are up can you repeat this?

Singulariti November 11, 2021 - 7:55 pm

Could you do both his pullup and pushup 22 day programs at the same time?

rishabh dobhal November 15, 2021 - 2:24 am

We can do 22 day pull-ups and push up challenge together…?

Ram Abargil November 15, 2021 - 6:34 pm

Can you also make a 22 day dip program ?

Shourya veer kanwar November 16, 2021 - 8:52 am

I started following this yesterday
Will keep y'all posted
Day 1 – 27 pull ups

aaron solis November 19, 2021 - 1:46 am

Are there any rest days in this program? If so, when do you incorporate them?

The Fire Fenix November 19, 2021 - 6:04 pm


Dion November 20, 2021 - 6:22 pm

Anybody who isn't sure whether to do this or not should, it really works.
I went from 15 to 20.
Word of advice, take about 5 days rest after day 22. I got to day 22 and could only do 17 but after some rest I was able to do 20.

Momo Kassiopeia November 22, 2021 - 6:49 pm

Day 1: 9 Pull ups to failure, 20 in 5 mins. Total "29 pull ups" done.
Day 2: 18 Chin ups, 14 Pull ups.

SoulSkis November 27, 2021 - 3:29 am

Every time I do commando pullups I only get one rep in. If I go for two I hit my head on the door jamb and wake up on the floor.

mstach2 November 27, 2021 - 8:52 pm

This is meant to be 22 consecutive days or does each block represent a week?

AmbiVertioYT! November 29, 2021 - 6:27 am

===Block 1

=–Max pullups=6
Total—18 Pullups.

=====Block 2

=Max pullups=7
Total pullups=20

SoulSkis December 2, 2021 - 8:14 am

Started at 19 with a 5 minute total of 37. Finished at 25 with a 5 minute total of 44. Only 30% increase but I''ll take it as I've never done 25 in my life.

Syer December 10, 2021 - 7:38 am

no rest day ?

CasZ Vet December 11, 2021 - 4:43 pm

My pull-ups have already increased from 5 to 10(2x) by day 13th can't wait to see my end results on day 22.

JJ December 22, 2021 - 7:27 pm

Day 1:
7 pull ups to failure
4 pull ups in 5 mins
11 pull ups total

Day 2:
14 chin ups
10 pull ups

Day 3:
14 commando pull ups
11 pull ups

Icey9344 December 23, 2021 - 7:36 pm

So i've seen this video and was a bit skepitcal… until I saw the comments. Now I will follow suit and record my progress so that the next person can see my comment and do the same! 🙂

Day 1 (absolute starting test day): 10 Pull ups – 2 mins rest – 15 Pull ups in 5 minutes

Day 2: 20 Chins ups – 2 mins rest – 14 Pull Ups

Day 3: 20 Commando Pulls ups (10 each side of the bar) – 2 mins rest – 15 Pull ups

Day 4: Scap pull hang of 45 seconds – 2 mins rest – 16 Pull Ups

Day 5 (test day!!): 13 Pull Ups (almost 14!) – 2 mins rest – 24 Pull Ups in 5 minutes!!

Notes from "SET 1": I feel much more in control and my tempo was actually lower (I didn't just drop down because i was scared of fatigue). I felt much more confident and I was genuinely shocked I had more in the tank when I hit 10 reps… i did an extra 3 in good form!!!! I can't wait to report back next week for "SET 2"!

Day 6: 26 Chin ups – 2 mins rest – 18 pull ups

Day 7: 26 Commando Pulls ups – 2 mins rest – 20 pull ups

Day 8: Scap pull hang of 53 seconds – 2 mins rest – 21 pull ups

Day 9: (2nd test day!!): 15 Pull Ups – 2 mins rest – 26 in 5 Minutes!!

Notes from "SET 2": Impressed that I got up to 15! Little disappointed that I only gained 2 pull ups in the amrap but I went for a 20k run and i, in part, blame it a little bit of lack of energy. HOWEVER excited for what set 3 gives!

Andy Wong December 24, 2021 - 9:08 am

After Day 1 I got the DOMS. Should I continue with Day 2?

Azim Ahmad December 28, 2021 - 5:49 am

Day 1: max – 9 reps
5 min – 14 reps
Day 2: 18 chin ups
14 pull ups
Day 3: 18 cammando pull ups
15 pull ups
Day 4: 45 sec hang
16 pull ups
Day 5: testing day 9 pull ups max
15 pull ups in 5 minutes

HijodelMR January 1, 2022 - 11:39 pm

Day 1 : 8 first and 14 in 5 minutes I’ll keep you updated

Daviseus January 2, 2022 - 11:22 pm

Day 1: 20
