How to Fix Shoulder Pain & Impingement (FOREVER) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

If you have shoulder pain when you lift weights or simply lift your arms up over your head, then you’ll want to watch this video. Here I’m going to show you how to fix shoulder pain and impingement forever by attacking the issue at the root cause and giving you the right rotator cuff exercises and progressions to do to get this to go away once and for all.

As always, it starts with a look into the anatomy of the shoulder. First, the source of many problems when it comes to shoulder pain is the supraspinatus tendon. The supraspinatus muscle is one of the muscles of the rotator cuff. It originates on the upper surface of the scapula and feeds through a small space in the shoulder joint to attach to the upper humerus.

Given the limited room inside the joint already because of ligaments, bursa and an already tight shoulder capsule from limited shoulder mobility, the supraspinatus tendon can become pinched when the arm is lifted overhead. This is sometimes the direct cause of the inflammation that one gets and the shoulder tendonitis that one experiences that keeps them from performing upper body exercises without pain.

There is a second important cause of this pain however, that left untreated, will continue to cause a recurrence of the pain without ever getting to the bottom of the real issue. This is the fact that the supraspinatus tendon in the shoulder (as well as the biceps tendon for that matter) have an orientation that leads to them bending around the bone they attach to when the arm is moved into certain positions.

This cause a compression stress on the underside of the tendon. When this occurs, the breakdown of the tendon and resulting inflammation is being caused directly by the inability of the tendon to accommodate to the normal stresses of the joint. Sure, the joint itself becomes even more crowded and unable to safely house the tendon as additional inflammation and swelling mount up. Just doing things to strengthen the rotator cuff in this case to try and open up more room in the joint by positioning the humerus in a more biomechanically safe position isn’t enough.

Your training and rotator cuff exercises have to introduce an element of accommodating the shoulder joint to the stresses that the tendon is ill equipped to handle at this point. The way to do that is pretty simple. You need to use the right exercises, and more importantly, the right progression of exercises to push just as much as the tendon is capable of handling at this point.

We use a banded external rotation exercise and something we call a sword raise to address this.

First thing you want to do with either movement is aim to perform isometric sets. Simply hold the arm in the midrange position and aim to do so for 10 seconds for 5-10 reps. 3-5 sets is enough to get the job done. Ideally, you would save 3-5 days a week to perform this quick but effective routine.

From there, you would increase to a concentric external rotation exercise as able. Same rules apply to the number of sets and days per week that you’d be doing this. Reps could be in the 12-15 range per set.

Continue to work your way up to the stress that you are able to handle without pain.

From there you would introduce a small eccentric stress by adding a step away action. Gradually increase this stress by taking a larger step away and then finally, get to a ballistic or plyometric stress on the tendon by incorporating a small jump out. Increasingly, the tendon will accommodate to the compression stress it incurs, and needs to be able to handle, but only as your body is capable of handling it. Instead of rushing into this and risking further aggravation of symptoms. Do it at this gradual pace and you will be able to fix your shoulder pain once and for all.

For a step by step workout that incorporates corrective exercises into the overall workouts for building ripped athletic muscle, head to at the link below and get the A-X program best suited to your current goals.

For more videos on how to fix shoulder pain and impingement while getting the best rotator cuff exercises to do, be sure to subscribe to our channel at the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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ATHLEAN-X™ June 4, 2020 - 7:05 pm

NEW “FAST ACTION” Q&A – Leave your most burning question about this video or any other training, PT or nutrition question within the first 2 hours of this video’s release (AS A SEPARATE COMMENT!!) and I will pick 8 to get a detailed reply from me right here in the comments. Answers will be posted within the first 24-48 hours of you leaving the question. Good luck!

AKHIL VM November 26, 2021 - 9:05 pm

Thanks man..

Brian Seagraves November 27, 2021 - 11:11 pm

Hey I looked through your videos but I didn’t see any videos on the channel with what you can do if your injured such as broken bones sprains and or muscle tears pinching stuff of that nature

JM Wam November 30, 2021 - 4:25 pm

Jeff could you please make a video on how to fix anterior shoulder glide? I try to do exercises to address the problem but the humerus always protrudes forwards even on exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff and rear delt muscles. It has been a problem for me for nearly 2 years. It is very uncomfortable, I could say it even feels disgusting, like the shoulder is dislocated. I don't believe you've made a video on the subject so if you could that would be amazing.

Karma December 1, 2021 - 12:15 pm

is the sword raise not just a rear delt fly?

Charichard December 1, 2021 - 3:22 pm

For those who don't have an elastic band or equipment. You can do the first two exercises against a wall. Given the same form (where your arm makes an L shape), push your arm against a wall instead. First with the back of your arm (imagine pushing away from your body against the wall). Second reposition yourself so that the inside portion of your arm pushes against the wall (imagine pushing your arm past your stomach). Hold the push for 10 seconds, do for 3x at a time. So that's 30 seconds per side or a minute per arm. You can do this throughout the day, try 3 times a day that's just 6 minutes.

I usually do this during the cooldown of my workout. But anytime is fine I guess.

Levi John December 6, 2021 - 4:04 pm

Excellent work Jeff… Here I thought I'd have to avoid work out routines involving my arms at 47. This information is encouraging. Many Thanks!

Cornelious Stradivarius December 6, 2021 - 10:31 pm

Is Jessie the cameraman stoned? That sway-filming lol

AMR Physiotherapy December 7, 2021 - 4:02 pm

Awesome content. Very educational and informative. Thanks for sharing this n

Jeroen Janssen December 7, 2021 - 8:04 pm

Can u keep on training while doing these exercises

LoreNMore Reviews December 7, 2021 - 11:13 pm

I get this a lot because I play tennis, sometimes I pop my shoulder causing me to have severe pain and weakness, which then sets me back causing my shoulders to become disproportionate and weaker then the rest of my arm.

orangebike900 joe December 8, 2021 - 10:26 pm

Shoulder discomfort and soreness was keeping me off the bench. Picked up a set of resistance bands.Where have these been all my life they are so versatile! Thanks for the tips rotator cuffs are much improved!

Kevin Marin December 9, 2021 - 12:03 am

Thanks buff Ross

justbenagain December 10, 2021 - 8:25 am

6:18 they freezeframe it so he can switch places with his stunt double

Scott Smith December 11, 2021 - 1:31 am

Tried the jumping away part and ripped about 2/3rds of my infraspinatus off my humeral head. It has ruined my workouts, MY MISTAKE, I forgot to start light. This is a good lesson for everyone. WORK UP TO IT.

max joshua December 11, 2021 - 10:00 pm

Hello guys can somebody please let me know can I do this exercises at home and how ? I do have a band

InfamosoOsoMatatan December 12, 2021 - 2:46 am

I will start to do this i got 3 months with pain

Jimi Hart December 12, 2021 - 9:36 pm

What elastic resistance band is he using in this video?

Zon Depa December 12, 2021 - 10:19 pm

4 months ago i fell down drunk from a "beer bench" with my right sholder on some stone tile. Was great awesome funny day(yeh,u guess :)lmao), even after falling down! Anyways, after that i couldnt get rid of this rotary called pain. Made mrt so no broken stuff or whatsoever. My shoulder doc specialist told me like 6 months no workout and sent me to therspist. He said: "By ur age at 43 is normal. You should get used to it" Hell no, i said!. After 6 treatments, it was even funny, they were blind guessing and could not help me by that. Went to my old x youtube Jeff doc, tried this excersize. First was wtf, OMG! It feels better! Cannot beleave it! Gonna do that excersize every day! It feels…holly! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Man! No cracking, no pain?!!! Boris

Tinjaman Gaming December 14, 2021 - 7:49 am

Alhamdulillah! Thanks, Jeff, I feel better on my shoulders by only doing it once! I will do this every time before going to the gym and bed.

MaXS December 14, 2021 - 12:45 pm

Guys this work with thendinosis in the back shoulder?

alexthecrate December 15, 2021 - 8:34 am

Been trying things physios have given me for nearly four years and no further on. I will give this a shot…

coderlicious December 17, 2021 - 9:39 pm

For the negative repetitions, instead of sidestepping, you can just use the other arm to help with the eccentric phase, before starting the negative phase.

Greg Smith December 18, 2021 - 3:53 pm

Thank you very much! I am going to start these today in hopes of fixing this pain.

wutiz7up December 19, 2021 - 10:49 pm

Great information Jeff!

Raj Bhosale December 20, 2021 - 12:47 pm

Gonna try this now. Hope it helps

rohititstrue December 20, 2021 - 6:44 pm

Hello, I want to ask if anyone of you have met shoulder pain everytime you walk a certain distance or if the pain gets worse as long as you keep walking?

Roberto Corona December 20, 2021 - 9:47 pm

Man I am been struggling with this for years thank you very much.

Moodie B December 20, 2021 - 10:42 pm Reply
John O'Brien December 23, 2021 - 12:29 am

My shoulder problem was caused by massive trauma to my body but it was the only part of my body that wasn't injured I developed a wing scapular and a frozen shoulder from being in hospital but 24 hours a day for 4 months, but because of your exercises on your shoulder and other body well all body actually. but from all your techniques I have improved my shoulder and other parts of my body week by week month by month from not being able to scratch my back to only lift Halfway up not being able to scratch or wash my left shoulder, I tried private physio through my injury solicitor who was an absolute waste of time. But because of your exercises I have improved my frozen shoulder and winged scapular 80% better I lost four stone in the muscle mass from my body I follow you and strictly follow your exercises every day in the gym and I've got to say Your exercises are the ones that have helped me in my continued recovery. So thank you. 👍👍

Peter tone December 23, 2021 - 4:48 pm

Thought Id straight up torn something off today. Been having this sensation, albiet WAY less intrusive, for a few months now, on and off, workouts have been going fine, just avoiding lifts that hurt it, but today, almost went to AE, "lol" – Arm day, no issues, about 30 mins to an hour later, oh the pain, especially when moving my arm across the body as shown at 1:45. Could not believe bicep workout would wreck my "shoulder", chest not an issue (incline press pinches a little) back no issue. Will most def be implimenting all this. Edit : these all look great – cant do sword raises movement freely with that arm right now without snapping and pain 🙁

Michele L December 23, 2021 - 11:52 pm

Jeff is one of the best out there for sure!!

nwk1993 December 24, 2021 - 4:42 pm

Experiencing some very rehabilitating shoulder pain rn. I dislocated it like 2 years ago playing soccer but I have only been experiencing pain since September this year.

Just woke up in agony one night. Bit of a weird one. I assume it's an accumulation thing from my rugby/bodybuilding days. Was doing a lot of heavy pressing.

Symptoms seem very much in line with the issues explained here. Anybody experienced anything similar?

Karan Rehal December 25, 2021 - 8:45 pm

Why does my shoulder hurt after I complete doing bend over dumbbell row?

Thorik Stoneshield December 26, 2021 - 10:49 am

Hi Jeff, thanks for your so helpful videos, I'm having some shoulders issues, right now, because a work accident, and I'll try some of your tips to avoid having future problems. Hope you're having some happy holyday.

Abdullah Manzoor December 26, 2021 - 3:40 pm

You the best brother

Danbee December 28, 2021 - 12:04 am

clicked this since i overused my tendon in my shoulder

Anoop Jacob December 28, 2021 - 8:46 am

Thanks Man!! It really helped!!

G S December 29, 2021 - 1:53 pm

If this doesn't completely work. Or only seems to help very temporarily… You've most likely got bercitus (spelling?).. which seriously sux.
But Jeff to the rescue!… Using a lot of stuff I stole from him and a fierce dicisipline on what I eat, at 41 I got my first 6pack. At 42 I'm shrrrredded

Carl Millholland December 31, 2021 - 4:28 pm

I notice that your right shoulder is higher than your left. Freeze at 8:19 for example. I have the same situation, and have had rotator cuff problems, but through exercises have eliminated pain but still hear and feel pops and clicks in the shoulder during movement. Will I ever balance this out, or is it something I just need to live with?

Mark Bowen December 31, 2021 - 5:38 pm

i've had a bad arm for years, pickup up a cup, or just sitting and I get spasms and pains. i mentioned to by brother that someone mentioned rotator cuff and might have to be an operation and he pointed me in your direction as he had a similar issue. Looking forward to trying the techniques and fixing my shoulder once and for all!

robshearing123 December 31, 2021 - 9:12 pm

Thank you so much for explaining and demonstrating the reasons for shoulder impingement so well, it finally adds up. I have recently suffered this injury and armed with this information feel I can move forward, I'm really grateful.

Alessandro Luz January 1, 2022 - 1:01 am

It does work well. I’m very impressed. Thank you

Jamal Kamran January 1, 2022 - 2:58 am

yo if your reading this and wondering if this works it 100 PERCENT WORKS !!!!!!

Paul Youll January 2, 2022 - 11:43 am

Hi there, thanks for the video. I have been experiencing a lot a pain in my shoulder for about a month. I am a carpenter so unfortunately can’t completely rest it. I believe it to be a rotator tear as I’ve had surgery on my other shoulder for impingement and it doesn’t feel the same. I am however experiencing an impinged movement.
As well as the exercises you have described, some say hanging from a pull up bar helps to open up the gap. What are your thoughts?
I have been carrying out exercises for a tear and feel that I get a lot more movement immediately after but this quickly returns to pain and discomfort once rested.
Can you advise please???

Craig McIntosh January 2, 2022 - 7:53 pm

My shoulder issue starts at my shoulder goes into my lats and shoulder blades and run down my triceps and in my biceps and my fingers tingle. I need help?

vikram singh January 3, 2022 - 1:24 pm

hi Jeff,
thank you very for uploading these videos they have helped me alot in preventing should pain i used to get very frequently in gym.
can you please suggest something to avoid pain i get sometimes at back of my head while doing should excercises?

Alan B. January 4, 2022 - 10:24 pm

I had such an impingement (felt like sciata nerve pain but in the shoulder) that I could not even do a single bench press with an empty bar. After finallly seeing a physiotherapist ($)
she gave me the exact same exercises as shown. The rubber bands were very light (I thought it was a joke) but gradually worked up to heavier bands.
I had quit training for 5 months but did these exercises, especialy the sabre/ lawnmower pulls. After awhile, I returned to regular lifting again (gradually)
and it has been over 1 1/2 year. I still incorporate the above exercise at least 1x week.
Conclusion- The strength had returned and it's unbelievable. Previously the Doctor was suggesting surgery which I am not a fan of getting without trying exercise
or physio. firsthand. Jeff, you're the best for sharing this nugget of information ( eh, Jesse?)

Johan Eduardo González January 5, 2022 - 1:56 pm

