Why You’re NOT Losing Weight (RED FLAGS!) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

If you wondered why you’re not losing weight despite the fact that it feels like you’ve tried everything, then this is the video you are not going to want to miss. I’m revealing my “5 Red Flags” that make my ears perk up any time someone that is trying to lose weight says them. These reveal the real reason why you’re not losing weight .

The red flags revolve around the common phrases that people who are stuck in weight loss plateaus say when they can’t seem to get any more results. Often times, the same person will say more than one of these. Even if you just say one, it’s ok. The intention is simply to raise awareness to the use of the term and more importantly, give you a gameplan for how you should be thinking if you want to start experiencing faster weight loss again.

The first question comes in the form of “What exercise is best to get rid of this”. The “this” is accompanied by a pointing to some are of body fat on the body that the person is trying to get rid of. Often times this is the stomach or love handles in men and the arms or thighs in women. The fact is, there is never a single exercise that is going to help you to lose body fat in a specific area. We know that spot reduction isn’t possible, but beyond that, it’s the idea that exercise is the fastest path to weight loss that is flawed.

If you do not focus on creating a calorie deficit through nutrition then you will never see the type of weight loss results that you’re after.

Exercise in even its most metabolically demanding form (such as in a burpee) is still only capable of a minimal impact on creating the energy deficit, especially when you consider the fact that a single meal following your hard workout is enough to put you back in the hole when it comes to getting rid of the excess fat on your body.

The second flag revolves around the use of fasted cardio. Many will claim that despite their efforts to get up first thing in the morning and do cardio on an empty stomach rather than after they’ve eaten, they still aren’t seeing the type of fat loss that they desire. There’s a reason for this. Again, the type of exercise you do is never going to have the impact on creating an energy deficit that smarter food choices will. It goes beyond this however, since when it comes to cardio, research has yet to prove that doing cardio in a fasted state provides any additional benefits to fed cardio.

Save the efforts for what you put in your mouth and eat in the morning if you’re hungry. You just may have a more productive workout when you’re not starving.

The third warning sign when someone is not losing weight is when someone claims to be a “clean eater”. Perhaps no other phrase is as strong an indicator to me of someone that isn’t really eating as well as they should be. It comes down the details of the foods eaten here. Just because two meals may share a single ingredient doesn’t mean that they are the same calorically. Fish is not sushi. Chicken is not chicken parmigiana. Learn the differences between these foods in terms of the impact they have on your body fat levels and you’ll start to appreciate the changes you have to make to start losing weight faster than ever before.

The fourth red flag is the fact that the way you eat has a name. Most diet plans have names. We know that by nature, diets are temporary fixes and not long term lifestyle solutions. If you really want to achieve permanent weight loss then you are going to have to figure out how to eat in a way that you can stick with forever.

Finally, if your goal date for losing weight and getting leaner has an expiration date then you are destined to fail in the long run. Now, I can appreciate the motivation that a goal provides someone for getting in shape. The problem is, when the goal date is over then what happens. Instead, look to an inner more deep motivation for why you want to change. Maybe you want to be healthier for your kids or yourself. Look below the surface and the long term changes you’re looking to make will be much easier.

If you’re looking for a complete day by day meal plan to get you ripped and help you stay that way year round, be sure to visit athleanx.com via the link below. Remember to use the program selector to find the program that best matches you’re current workout goals.

For more videos on how to lose weight and Jeff Cavaliere’s day of eating, remember to subscribe to the channel via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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ATHLEAN-X™ April 11, 2021 - 5:46 pm

NOTIFICATION SQUAD GIVEAWAY – It’s back!! Alright guys, I’m giving away a complete 30 Day Workout program to 100 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 100, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached! 

If you don’t win, no worries, you’re not going away empty handed. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

SAMUEL IYALLA September 12, 2021 - 1:03 am

thanks alot

Dan Sanger September 14, 2021 - 10:13 pm

If your goal is to look 100% shredded, you will have to give up the prospect of ever really enjoying a meal again. You will be eating flavorless rabbit food for the rest of your life. I'm not ready to completely give up bread and cookies, so I'll resign myself to the goal of an OK body while still enjoying small but delicious meals.

Dan Sanger September 14, 2021 - 10:13 pm

If your goal is to look 100% shredded, you will have to give up the prospect of ever really enjoying a meal again. You will be eating flavorless rabbit food for the rest of your life. I'm not ready to completely give up bread and cookies, so I'll resign myself to the goal of an OK body while still enjoying small but delicious meals.

Charoline Jayne September 19, 2021 - 10:19 pm

Old school body building eating nutrients dense complete food

Fiesta Fire September 23, 2021 - 10:05 pm

If your able to try getting a job that involves alot of cardio. Today alone I walked like 13 miles and probably do 9 on average per day. Then when I get home I don't need to worry about cardio and when I go to the gym I skip cardio for the most part.

Brett Fraser September 26, 2021 - 2:31 am

Well I’m tracking my calories 1500 a day training 5 days a week for 90 minutes doing heavy weight training training and still not losing weight

Priyankar Das September 27, 2021 - 6:15 am

The reason Jeff makes these videos is that we tend to fall off track in our goals and ambitions of getting in the right shape. These videos are a reminder that it's not too late to jump right back in…

Solly Rella October 1, 2021 - 12:45 am

I am fat as fu*ck .. but I keep eating randomly

Feathers Pryx October 12, 2021 - 3:17 am

I just wish the proper food to eat for cutting or bulking would just appear in front of me for each meal. I simply don't know how to plan meals. Like do I go eat a chicken breast for each meal? A burrito? If so then how much of a burrito or chicken breast?

FRANCISCO RODRIGUEZ October 12, 2021 - 6:36 am

Want to drop 5 pounds, 20 pounds or even 60 pounds if not more all without starving yourself WeightLose.Fitness or counting calories? This is entirely possible. I'd been doubtful at first, but when I began The Venus Factor, I was impressed at the results. The system is so easy to grasp and put to work in your life. I am not going to reveal to you how much I lost, but I wanted to share the information for anyone else planning to slim down.

Jesse titus October 15, 2021 - 9:05 am

I love Jesse haha

Elizabeth H October 17, 2021 - 10:41 pm

Ok it sounds like there's no point in exercising at all if you want to lose weight because all you have to do is focus on food. So why is he in a gym?

MOHD NAZRIN ABDULLAH October 19, 2021 - 2:40 pm

I’ve lost 5kg for this past 2 weeks thanks to you giving tips on exercise posture and diet.

Gaurav Pokharel October 23, 2021 - 7:34 am

Please stop putting proboking thumbnails. Disliked.

Pingu ! October 25, 2021 - 5:55 pm


Scott Korin November 2, 2021 - 12:14 pm

One of my big issues is not sleeping enough. I'm not sure why that was my issue, but I don't see a change on the scale when it get less than 6 hours of sleep

Robanz ZZ November 3, 2021 - 2:56 am

biggest issue for me is lowering my portion sizes ahh.

I mean i'm still losing weight even with the portion sizes i have been doing but if i managed to lower it it should speed the process up a bit a more.

I do add in intermittent fasting and atrm im on a one day fast.

Joseph Lach November 10, 2021 - 1:01 am

I watched this video and lost ten lbs. Thanks Jeff! Seven minutes and thirty seconds really is all it takes.

Natasha Turner November 10, 2021 - 11:27 am

I think you left out the link to your daily meal plan…? Is it this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqXReXD_wZc

Ankush Kar November 10, 2021 - 8:20 pm

Jesse 😄❤️

America’s Aries Son November 24, 2021 - 4:51 pm

Jesse lol

Rosa Yesica Vega November 26, 2021 - 10:52 pm

GOOD INFORMATION. in my case I managed to lose 20 pounds thanks to a natural method that I followed and now I look thinner.

Netram C December 8, 2021 - 11:13 pm

I lost weight and now I'm stuck at 94kg's.

My arms etc. are getting bigger but I'm not losing any fat, despite eating a low carb diet for over a year now and working out 3-5 times a week. 1,5 to 2 hours per workout.

I don't eat sugars, rarely any fats and minimal carbs? only oatmeal, peanut butter and bananas.
I eat 2 meals a day and rarely three.
I Drink coffee (no sugar, sweets nor cream), tea ( no sugar, sweets nor cream) water and during the weekend 1 or 2 beers or wine and not every weekend.

I don't use any supplements other than vitamins and fish oil.

My meals exist out of veggies either alone or combined out of the following: broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Green Beans, peas.
Chicken breasts: 300grams.

I cook my veggies.

Than I add them to the chicken sliced in dices and bake them in olive oil after 10 minutes I add the remaining water I used to cook my veggies in as base to create some sort of sauce.
I add herbs and spices, garlic, ginger, pepper, red peppers, curry and some times 3-4 spoons of 100% peanut peanut butter.
Let it all sit on a low stove for another 5-10 minutes and dinner is served for the next 2 to 3 days.

So that's roughly 250/300 grams of chicken breast, 250/300 grams of veggies. 50/100 grams of peanut butter a meal.

And I'm still not losing weight/fat.

Must be a red flag you didn't mention!

Lamiere December 11, 2021 - 11:46 pm

This is me

Leo Rodriguez December 22, 2021 - 11:08 pm

Can u please make videos about all fruit diets and the effects it will cause losing weight and your advice on how much fruit should be consumed to gain muscle instead of losing it since fruit is low in Everything

Stella December 30, 2021 - 5:10 pm

6:18 when he said "internal motivation", I was so sure he was going to say "internal rotation (of the shoulder)" and then bring up face pulls, to fix it.

GAMING HQ December 31, 2021 - 6:50 am

"Gotcha Bitch"
"You're dead"
Chief's kiss

Soft Boi Sam January 1, 2022 - 10:07 pm

I went from 285 lbs to staying at 148-155 lbs easy all year round. I first started without looking into anything, just doing the normal eating less, calorie counting and exercising. That worked great the whole way honestly, but once I got down to like 165 lbs, I wanted to be even healthier. Sure, calorie counting with TV dinners was easy and fast, but I knew for optimal health, I'd have to do better. I taught myself how to cook and bake and became a vegan. I feel better than ever, and staying lean is the easiest and most natural thing ever. It also helps I've built a passion for cooking, but mostly baking. You can be terribly unhealthy as a vegan, but I took the route of eating only whole foods that I cook myself, and pretty much nothing else besides the rare occasion of going out to eat.

Theron Hayden January 3, 2022 - 10:20 am

I lv Jessie, lol

Евгений Уточкин January 5, 2022 - 11:13 am

Changed my life. I will never eat the same ever again. "Unless you physically trip and your face lands in a box weightlose.fitness of donuts, there is no such thing as a 'slip'." Get that mind set and you'll win again and again.

Евгений Уточкин January 5, 2022 - 11:16 am

Changed my life. I will never eat the same ever again. "Unless you physically trip and your face lands in a box weightlose.fitness of donuts, there is no such thing as a 'slip'." Get that mind set and you'll win again and again.
