5 Minute Workout – Love Your Heart – Lucy Wyndham-Read

by YouTube Team

It is the most important muscle in our body and it works full time and looks after us. So here is a way we can look after our HEART with this 5 Minute “Love your Heart Workout”. I am going to do the whole workout with you, so all you need is your trainers and 5 minutes and we can then start training together. Lucy x


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Paige December 22, 2016 - 2:20 pm

I much prefer when you work out with us! 🙂

LaiLaNahAr June 28, 2017 - 1:10 pm

That was intense! On this "side of the pond" we call the star jumps "jumping-Jacks!" 😉

Kim Walsh August 22, 2018 - 9:50 pm

oh my goodness – i’m so out of shape! i did it tho & didn’t pee my pants with the jumping!! 😊
