Q and A for Teenagers – Everything from nutrition, fitness to dealing with exam stress – Lucy Wyndham-Read

by YouTube Team

This video covers every thing from how exercise can help reduce exam stress to what sort of workouts teenagers should be doing. Lucy xx


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VictoriaArmy OT7💜 April 18, 2016 - 3:14 pm

Hello Lucy. I really honestly love your videos. I reacently started working out and to be honest I love the feeling afterwards. But I have one worry. I have heart murmurs. I born with that. Doctors say that there is nothing bad I just have it. So I wanted to ask you could I still do workouts? I'm really worried because working out is become the only way to reduce stress from exams and school. I would really appreciate your answer. Love you xx

Veronika Stoycheva April 18, 2016 - 3:28 pm

Lucy, please do a video with exercises for pregnant women! I am currently 15 weeks and I have a routine, but I am kind of sick of it and I would be so grateful if you can show options for all of us with bums! 🙂

Courtney D April 18, 2016 - 3:29 pm

Haii Lucy, I love watching all of your videos. I'm starting to eat healthier at the moment, and I feel so much more awake and happier in myself for it. I really want to do exercise, however I have hypermobility so even simple things like lunges I can't do. Do you have any tips on helping me with this please x

Abbie McLaughlin April 18, 2016 - 4:04 pm

Love this video X

ashliejade24 April 18, 2016 - 5:16 pm

Great informative video and also your hair looks so beautiful here 🙂 x

Sophie Winters April 18, 2016 - 5:42 pm

you have big doe eyes and porcelain skin and are beautiful!

Hannah April 18, 2016 - 7:15 pm

What age do you suggest to start working out? ❤️ such a helpful video

Laura B April 18, 2016 - 7:19 pm

What is your opinion on a vegan diet?Love u xx

Genna Xoxo April 19, 2016 - 12:15 am

Could you post a routine for young teenagers because I'm not fat but I would like a flat tummy and non of the exercises seem to work xxx

Kate Lane April 19, 2016 - 5:40 am

This is such great advice! Like you Lucy, I am rather far from being a teenager, but wish someone had given this advice to me when I was younger. The questions from those young girls really brought out the mum in me – girls you are all perfect the way you are, so don't try and change yourselves for anyone. Confidence really does come from within, be yourselves, be authentic and let your personalities shine through! Treat your bodies with kindness, be healthy and be happy! xxx

Lucille Kathleen April 19, 2016 - 2:18 pm

Hey I am almost 15 and I weigh around 60kg ( I dont know how to measure stone.) I feel like I am the fattest out of my friends and everyone around me. I am about 5,2 and I feel like I am overweight. I'm trying to eat healthy and working out a bit and I dance almost every day. But I still look/feel really fat my figgure probably doesnt help I am a hourglass/pear kind of shape. Your very sucessful with your fitness and your image. Pls help!! Am I overweight?

Abigail Too April 19, 2016 - 7:34 pm

Hi Lucy, I'm a bit insecure about what I eat sometimes or if i eat too much and I started to do some of your workouts and I have fun doing them! I do them after school at home and its great to have something to do after my homework other than just watching T.V anyway i just wanted to say thanks for your workouts! 🙂

Amy Cotter April 19, 2016 - 9:34 pm

I really loved this video. I am sixteen so I completely related to this video, your comment on confidence has really touched me and made me think how I should stick up for myself more and feel better about the way I look and feel, thank you so much Lucy xx also loving the 4 minute workouts 😘

Charlie Mia April 20, 2016 - 4:04 pm

This video really helped me! Also I've been loving your 4 minute HIIT workout,they really get me out of breath😂😂😴. I do my workouts with my friend on FaceTime as well and she loves them all. 💕

delacroix April 22, 2016 - 5:26 pm

lucy oh my god you age so well 😍😍 you motivate me so much!

Laïla Btn April 22, 2016 - 8:33 pm

I just want to thank you because as teenargers we are not listened all the time about those kind of topics (bullying, confidence,etc) so the fact that you make an entire video dedicated to this is just amazing. I completely agree on the fact that the last thing to do is comparing ourselves to others, and I wish there were more people like you to tell us not to!!
Can't wait to see the results of the april challenge in one week, it felt great working out everyday and I hope to continue in Lay, and even after 🙂
Lots of love from France xx

Megan England April 26, 2016 - 7:07 pm

This was brilliant! I'm going the RAF next year and I have been using your work outs daily to help me build up muscle as I have nothing 🙈 my struggle is not being tempted to the wrong food. Today for instant I went dizzy at college as I hadn't had any form of chocolate, same goes with when I was going your work out. I am trying hard not to eat it and I'm definitely eating all of my meals now and not picking as much. I am having at least 3 pieces of fruit and veg which is more than what I was eating. Anyway, your videos and pictures are so inspiring and I just want to say thank you ☺️ #lucysquad

Lizzie R May 13, 2016 - 5:32 pm

I'm 13 and I run quite a lot and play tennis, and feel pretty confident about my body. I feel like I eat well and I love to cook and bake. My only problem though is that I feel sick a lot and get lots of headaches, I also have a long commute to school and my car sickness stays with me all day sometimes. I have lots of allergies and eczema, so I'm wondering if there is something in my diet that makes me feel nauseous all the time and don't feel like eating… any tips would be much appreciated!! Thanks 🙂

Megan Finlay May 17, 2016 - 5:24 pm

I don't usually post comments on YouTube videos but I had to this time because this has really helped me, I am under a lot of stress right now because I'm in the middle of my exams. I'm prone to eating a lot during exam season and this year i found I have gained quite a bit of weight, I'm going to try and do these workouts and try my hardest to eat healthy, I want to change me lifestyle and I think this will help me do that especially since my prom is in a few weeks and I've got a prom dress to fit in to😟

Leyna Oldfield May 30, 2016 - 2:48 pm

Hi Lucy, love your channel! I was wondering what are your tips to loose belly fat my stomach is weird and sort of goes out then in then out; it isn't noticeable if I wear a t-shirt but as summers coming up I would like to feel confident in a bikini. Thank you for all your help xoxoxoxox

Anna Kenton June 1, 2016 - 11:27 am

your eyes are so gorgeous! I am so jealous; I have small eyes. I would love to have big eyes!! ❤❤ you are so beautiful x

Nora E July 28, 2016 - 9:47 pm

Dear Lucy, I just read your story and it really touched me. I'm so proud of you, I know he is proud of you as well! And I love you so much! Even though we never met, I just give love to you because you're an amazing person! <3 I learnt a lot from your fitness videos and I started working out a lot more. Thank you for everything so much! You give everyone a lot of confidence and love.
