by YouTube Team

MOVE. training guide/ MY WORKOUTS:
A few of you have asked whether my new training guide is suitable for beginners so I thought I’d put it to the test and try it out on my best friend Sam!

Check out Sam’s YouTube channel:
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner eBooks: 40+ recipes and vegan options too!!:
Sam’s Instagram:


Small gold hoops:
Necklace (not the same but similar):

All rstyle links are commission links (around 5-10% commission), it doesn’t change the price you pay at all and really helps support my channel but of course feel free not to go through them if you don’t want to (:



⁃Warm-up: 5 minutes stretching and light exercise
⁃Box jumps: 3 sets of 16 (use the progressions in the video if you can’t do the final move)
⁃Kneeling jump squats: 3 sets of 12 (use the progressions in the video if you can’t do the final move)
⁃Jumping squats: 4 sets of 10,10,8,6
⁃Agility bounds: 4 sets of 12 (do without a band if you’re new to the move)
⁃Front bar reverse lunges: 3 sets of 8
⁃TRX/Ball Hamstring curls: 3 sets of 8
⁃Reverse hip thrusts: 4 sets of 12
⁃Side steps (resistance band): 4 sets of 8
⁃Duck walks: 3 sets of 18 (total reps) (go as low as you feel comfortable and without a weight if you’re trying it for the first time)
⁃Calf raises: 3 sets of 18 (use the progressions in the video if you can’t do the final move)


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Natacha Océane January 21, 2018 - 6:05 pm

Hope you guys enjoyed me putting my best friend Sam through Move. to help answer if the programme is suitable for beginners! There have already been a couple of updates based on your requests, so even more progressions that before! Just close the app and open it up again 😍 Hope you guys are having as much fun this weekend as we (…I) had filming this! 😂

Gabi's horizons January 25, 2018 - 5:20 am

This workout was AMAZING 🙂 Merci Natacha j'adore vraiment ton contenu, ta chaine est ma favorite depuis un moment déjà: merci pour ton sourire et toute cette énergie et motivation contagieuse 🙂 Tes vidéos font vraiment du bien en plus d'être souvent très instructives ^^

Kimber Keith January 25, 2018 - 2:35 pm

Such great progressions!! Can’t wait to try this workout tonight!

Pearl Davison January 25, 2018 - 3:17 pm

Awesome you two 🙂 Hope your legs were not too sore Sam! 🙂

MissGourmandeFr January 26, 2018 - 8:13 pm

Do you happen to have a workout for bad knees (beginner) ??

Amy J January 28, 2018 - 6:13 pm

Omg I wish you were my trainer!! You're so encouraging to Sam 🙂

Kelsey February 1, 2018 - 7:01 pm

If anyone wants to buy me her guide I’d be grateful 😩😂

Rachel S February 2, 2018 - 3:48 pm

Natacha!! I loved this 🙂 I would love to see more beginner and minimal equipment workout if possible… I am in college and only have a few cardio machines and no weights. Thank you so much and your videos encourage me so much!!

colby jackson February 4, 2018 - 4:30 pm

Just curious – how long did this workout take you and Sam to complete? I don't have more than 1-1.5 hrs to work out so I'm not sure if I should get the guide if the workouts are super long.

Evelyn Beauchamp February 7, 2018 - 8:41 pm

Roughly how long do you spend at the gym per session?

L Wilde February 19, 2018 - 2:32 am

Omg he is the cutest! XD

Shivani February 19, 2018 - 12:47 pm

Omg this was hilarious – sam is the best 😂 that is me in every workout

Oh No February 28, 2018 - 6:58 am

You resemble Tana Mongeau's friend Ashly

Kathern Pernell March 4, 2018 - 9:46 am

You can learn how to incrase your muscles and flexibility from Unflexal site.

Tiasha March 19, 2018 - 9:11 am

that guy is so cute, I love his querky laugh 😀 I think I'm actually going to take this plan today and do it at the gym. Your guide seems very promising tbh. I like your style of training and while I am just starting oit again after a year, I wouldn't consider myself a beginner..lost a lot of strength (best squat was at around 81kg for 4 reps or so and now I'm at around 40kg for 8 reps) but yeah.. I hate how many people put out guides that aren't challenging enough or even comletely different from how they train and with yours it seems that it isn't the case!?

P.S. used to have a binge eating problem, it's gotten a lot better. I do binge watch your vids, though 😀 xx

Natacha Lopez April 18, 2018 - 6:45 am

Omg I've finally seen another Natacha❤❤❤❤

arbaaz psy May 29, 2018 - 2:29 pm

He is so cute !! ❤️

Janet Lee June 16, 2018 - 1:26 am

Omg your laugh at 7:27 the cutest <3

collarmole June 18, 2018 - 3:39 pm

He's lucky. I would love to have Natacha as my personal trainer!

Sini -Ilona July 24, 2018 - 7:49 pm

Is Move only for building muscle, or can there also burn fat?? And also what if my gym don't have jumping area or anything where i could run?

Cheska D August 3, 2018 - 1:18 pm

What app do u use babes?

Sharon Kendrick August 31, 2018 - 1:22 pm

I absolutely love your workouts, it looks so fun! What happens if you don’t have access to a gym though. I know some of what you do could be done at home but not sure how to adapt some of your exercises for home working out (which is where I train)?

Bárbara Rodríguez de Lima September 8, 2018 - 1:18 pm

Esto sí me motiva, además lo puedo hacer en casa, en algún momento lo haré 😂😂

Anna Bagó September 24, 2018 - 5:21 am

I'll miss Sam soo much :$$

Sarah Williams February 5, 2019 - 6:58 pm

Did I miss what’s the app called?
Love your videos… keep up the great work..💪🏼💪🏼

Veronika Rajničová June 5, 2019 - 4:37 pm

I think every person I'd tried to train told me he/she hated me, including my boyfriend 😀 Great video anyway 🙂 !

Αναστασία Ιακωβίδου June 29, 2019 - 9:28 am

Sam is so funny!!!!!! I love him!!!

Sharif Tahsin Farah July 10, 2019 - 8:36 am

Usually, I love working out by myself. Kind of a loner that way. But Natacha I WISH you were my personal trainer! 🥰❤️

Raphie Elle July 23, 2019 - 11:24 am

I loved loved this video! Sam is so aaadorrable!

Emma Godfrey January 25, 2020 - 2:43 am

What app is that?

j-cell June 11, 2020 - 10:10 am

This is hard for my weak knees 🙁

Carla Flores June 13, 2020 - 2:39 am

Sam’s silent “Oh fu-“ after finishing the box jumps 😂

Nej Nej June 30, 2020 - 7:57 am

What app is that?

Michaela Bevillard July 7, 2021 - 6:26 pm

I hope beginners never feel self conscious. If someone is looking at you judgementally, it's more about their own ego than you specifically as an individual. And honestly, it could be so many reasons. Sometimes I catch myself looking at someone because I was thinking about which weight I want to grab. Stay focused on getting solid on the basics! The only ones in need of judgement are those who don't check their ego and try to show off all while actually doing the move in bad form or improperly.
