Why Are You Skinny Fat? | Should You Bulk Or Cut? – ScottHermanFitness

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(2:46)- Building Your Meal Plan! Learn How To Calculate Protein, Carb & Fat Daily Intake For Your Goals!

(3:08)- Building Your Meal Plan

(5:35)- Can’t Feel The Right Muscles Activate During A Lift? Fix It By Improving Mind Muscle Connection!


I have been asked this question too many times to remember, practically in the comment section of every one of my videos. So this article is for you, the men and woman who’ve self-labeled yourselves “skinny fat”.

But what exactly is “skinny-fat”? Well, if you currently are skinny fat, you’ll know. For everyone else, it’s someone who can be described as skinny and fat at the same time. It means you’re thin, but parts of your body are still jiggling a little bit more than you would like. The reality is that you’re just undertrained, and although you might be pretty thin, you still hold onto some fat, especially around the belly and chest area. But, before we get to how you’re going to fix this, let’s first understand what caused it in the first place.

The Reasons You May Be Skinny Fat
Being skinny fat can generally be attributed to one of three reasons…

1. People who were overweight to begin with, tried to diet down, but their diet was too extreme. Then, as a result, they managed to lose a ton of fat, but they also lost a lot of muscle mass in the process.
2. People who were skinny all along and then decided to start working out to build some muscle. However, unfortunately instead of building muscle, they started packing on fat because they didn’t know how to properly train OR plan their meal plan.
3. People who are just naturally skinny, don’t workout, and eat like crap.

Now, all of these scenarios lead to the same result; a skinny, non-muscular look with some persistent fat reserves around your belly, chest, arms, legs and maybe a little muffin top going on too. So does this sound like you? Well, if it does, I’m sure your next question is what can you do to fix it?

What Does Your Meal Plan Look Like?
If you’re a skinny fat person, this means you’ve got a fairly efficient metabolism, or else you would just be regular fat instead of skinny fat, and the problem with your current diet is that it is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. You’ve been making loads of crappy food choices and most likely, you don’t even know what your calories and macros for the day should be. Does this sound familiar?

In a nutshell, you’ve probably been eating in a caloric surplus but most of the foods you’re consuming are unhealthy, high in fat, high in sugar and very low in protein. You can’t expect to build muscle without an adequate supply of protein. But since you’re in a caloric surplus, all these extra calories are simply turned into fat and stored in your fat cells, leaving you wondering why you’ve been eating MORE, but not seeing any muscle gains.

So, what I want you to do is watch my Meal Plan video very carefully, even two or three times if you have to, until you understand how much and what you need to be eating to gain muscle. My meal plan video is probably the most EASY to understand meal plan video in the world. But remember, once you construct your meal plan with a specific goal for calories and macros for the day you need to actually FOLLOW it daily. It’s okay if you diverge from the plan every once in a while, but the majority of your eating should be according to your meal plan, and don’t bother asking how many CHEAT DAYS you are allowed to have, because that is YOUR problem. Do you want to reach your goals FAST, or do you want them to take 10 times as long? That’s your answer to how many cheat meals, brownies, ice creams, frappes, chips, cookies and how much candy you can have.

And for those of you who don’t have the time to watch the video, here is the entire video in article format.

What Could Be Wrong With My Training?
Most people don’t realize that it is possible to eat right in terms of quality and quantity, yet still not make gains even though they’re training hard.


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ScottHermanFitness October 5, 2017 - 3:37 pm

That thumbnail pic… haha 💪🏻👏👍

(2:46)- Building Your Meal Plan! Learn How To Calculate Protein, Carb & Fat Daily Intake For Your Goals!
(3:08)- Building Your Meal Plan
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FULL 12 WEEK PUSH, PULL, LEGS PROGRAM!- BUILD MUSCLE & STRENGTH! – http://muscularstrength.com/Push-Pull-Legs
FULL 12 WEEK MUSCLE BUILDING 5 DAY SPLIT PROGRAM: http://muscularstrength.com/5-Day-Bodybuilding-Split
FULL 12 Week AT HOME Workout Program: http://muscularstrength.com/12-Week-Home-Program

Luara June 5, 2021 - 11:20 pm

Looking good Scott! Very nice

Lord Honkler June 10, 2021 - 1:41 pm

Thank you for this Mr. Chad Scott!

King Smit June 16, 2021 - 8:28 pm

I have no words to thank you 🙌🙌💪

Trill Ashton June 23, 2021 - 10:39 pm

I was so confused until I found this video. It’s specific and straight forward. Literally saved me from giving up.🙏🏽😅

Chinmoy July 4, 2021 - 3:13 pm

1:30 me 😂

Ali Al-saadie July 5, 2021 - 8:06 pm

If I’m 22-24% body fat but have a good amount of muscle should I cut or lean bulk ? ( want to maximize muscle gains )

antmik3 July 8, 2021 - 2:17 pm

The first reason was spot on for me

Your marj sells Xbox remotes to dogs July 17, 2021 - 2:06 am

Put a shirt on

Your marj sells Xbox remotes to dogs July 17, 2021 - 2:08 am

Dose anyone know what I can do

TUTORIAL KINGX July 21, 2021 - 1:14 pm

im skinny everywhere , arms , legs but i have a pretty big belly. im 5,11 and 18 years old. Im currently bulking and weigh 65kg , ive been going to the gym for like a month for 6 days a week and i can see muscles getting bigger,

Samantha July 29, 2021 - 12:07 pm

Those are dumb reasons that you listed. Women, for example naturally hold more fat in their stomachs. It doesn't mean they're not eating right, or that they don't work out properly. You come across as an asshole here when you say that anyone who is skinny fat must just be a beginner when that might not be the case at all.

The Punisher August 8, 2021 - 6:02 pm

Lean bulk
Thankyou 🙃

None August 10, 2021 - 9:42 pm Reply
Abdullah Ahmed August 31, 2021 - 5:53 pm

What accent do you have?

Niharika September 9, 2021 - 11:32 pm

Do you have one for female? I have PCOS and I have dialed in my nutrition but haven’t weight trained all that much. I was shocked today with DEXA that says 36% body fat from 104 lbs total weight! I seriously need to build muscle.

William O'Connell September 15, 2021 - 12:08 pm

What if you're an intermediate to advanced lifter with Down syndrome?

Halal Tiktok September 16, 2021 - 12:46 pm

dude is such a Chad lmao

6ixty 9ine September 23, 2021 - 8:35 pm

Are u Canadian?

Marcel Kusmierek October 1, 2021 - 4:01 pm

This might be a stupid question but I'm skinny fat and have a chubby face to the point I have a double chin. Will training and putting on muscle also get rid of the fat in my face??????? Can someone answer this

Kham Pu October 7, 2021 - 7:22 pm

The hardest part about building muscle is having a good diet. That was my main problem until I found the Agoge Diet plan. Now I'm gaining more muscle than ever.

Sam Boriboun October 13, 2021 - 7:05 am

Its food, yup i stoped and now i have abs during lockdown lol but getting it off is hard

Jerimiah ace Uy October 26, 2021 - 2:13 pm

I subscribed cos all of he said checks out and thank you 😔😔😔😔

Myles & More November 1, 2021 - 4:06 am

This is me. I'm 24% body fat, 6ft 3, 198lbs. I'm quite frustrated by it.

Dhrubajyoti Barman November 9, 2021 - 11:06 am

Do you have any solution for those who not interested to work out? 😊

Knowledge77 November 26, 2021 - 7:40 pm

You're skinny fat if you weren't flexing those abs 24/7

J Rhodes November 26, 2021 - 10:13 pm

This video hurt my feelings but showed me what I need to and must do

TE_A_32_SHREYAS JORAPUR December 1, 2021 - 10:20 am

I am skinny obese

Allan Sandoval December 5, 2021 - 10:06 am

Bro this video just changed my life! I appreciate it!

robert george owen willaim pattinson December 8, 2021 - 11:08 am

YES, this is what I wanted to hear to start gaininggggg

ReloXo🌹 December 28, 2021 - 11:49 am

I went from 171 to 149 and i am still at 29% body fat I’m not sure what to do 😞

Game Changerr January 3, 2022 - 12:14 am

the fact that this guy called me out on everything man
