Get Rid Of Bench Press Shoulder Pain & LIFT MORE WEIGHT! | INSTANT FIX | SWISS BARBELL – ScottHermanFitness

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Swiss Barbell – 15% Off – “mindright-15” –


Today I want to address something that is VERY common when training, and that’s shoulder and elbow pain on some of the most basic muscle and strength building exercises. So, if this sounds like you, I have the master fix so you can train harder and longer with zero pain.

Now, how many of you deal with shoulder pain when you’re performing an exercise like the barbell bench press, barbell shoulder press or a barbell incline press? And how many of you tend to avoid exercises like barbell skullcrushers, barbell curls and barbell bent-over rows because they always seem to cause elbow pain and discomfort?

Today I want to address something that is VERY common when training, and that’s shoulder and elbow pain on some of the most basic muscle and strength building exercises. So, if this sounds like you, I have the master fix so you can train harder and longer with zero pain.

Now, how many of you deal with shoulder pain when you’re performing an exercise like the barbell bench press, barbell shoulder press or a barbell incline press? And how many of you tend to avoid exercises like barbell skullcrushers, barbell curls and barbell bent-over rows because they always seem to cause elbow pain and discomfort?

How Can I Fix That Pain?
Well, the main reason why you’re getting all that pain and pressure in your joints is because the straight bar doesn’t exactly provide a natural movement pattern for everyone’s anatomy, ESPECIALLY if you tend to have a lot of tightness in your shoulders. We’re all built differently and not all exercises are for everybody. On top of that, the straight barbell doesn’t allow for much mobility THROUGHOUT the range of motion like dumbbells do because when you use a straight barbell, your arms are locked in place. But with dumbbells you have the freedom to internally rotate your shoulders a bit until the movement feels more comfortable.

So the solution is easy right? Just use dumbbells! Well, not so fast. While dumbbells will make an excellent solution for maybe fixing that pain you have in your joints, in most cases you won’t be able to overload your muscles to the MAX with as much as possible. Also, dumbbells require a lot of balance and stabilization which may place even more stress on your joints instead of getting rid of it for those of you who’re having joint issues.

Just think about how much more weight you can lift when benching or overhead Pressing when using a barbell. Even when it comes to exercises like skull crushers, bent-over rows or barbell curls, you’ll ALWAYS be able to overload your muscles MORE when using a barbell versus dumbbells. So, if this is you and you seem to be plateauing on any of these movements because joint pain is holding you back, here is what can you use to not only avoid joint pain, but still progress with your movements and that is the SWISS BARBELL.

What’s So Great About The Swiss Barbell?
Now the Swiss barbell goes by a few different names such as the Football Barbell, Multi-Grip Barbell and American Barbell, but whatever you want to call it, it works. I actually picked one up for my studio because as I continue to progress with my Cheat & Recover program – I still have slight pain in my left shoulder from a previous injury and I needed something to not only alleviate the pain, but help me progress with my bench press.

But the reason WHY it helps reduce shoulder strain is because the barbell itself has multiple places for you to grab it allowing for a full NEUTRAL GRIP or slightly TURNED IN GRIP on exercises that you wouldn’t normally be able to do this on such as a barbell bench press or a barbell shoulder press. This change in how you grip the barbell can also bring more triceps into your pressing movements as well, which will mean MORE POWER. In fact, most people who turn to dumbbells on a bench press usually do so for the sole reason that you CAN internally rotate your shoulders a bit to reduce shoulder strain and bring more triceps into the movement.


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ScottHermanFitness July 14, 2017 - 12:00 am

There is nothing that is more demotivating than shoulder pain when trying to lift some heavy ass weight. It will literally stop an amazing workout in its tracks and finding ways to lift heavy can be difficult when your only options is using dumbbells.  You’ll ALWAYS be able to lift more with a barbell and this is the solution I have been using since I still deal with shoulder pain from when I injured my left arm deadlifting.  💪 CLICK THAT NOTIFICATION BELL SO YOU NEVER MISS AN UPLOAD!

Swiss Barbell – 15% Off – "mindright-15" –

Robert Cristea November 1, 2019 - 1:33 pm

When I do barbell press I don't have any problem but when I try dumbell press after 1 or 2 sets my left delt is killing me why??

Eric November 16, 2019 - 5:14 pm

Every time you say barbell I wanna fucking jump off a million foot fucking cliff and land on the end of a fucking bahhhbell

y26op November 19, 2019 - 2:13 am

There's no Swiss Baah-Bell at my gym. I never was too concerned with it, until I messed my shoulder up. That Swiss Baah-Bell would come in handy, right now.

Orcasmic YT November 26, 2019 - 4:00 am

thumbnail be like : instant fix
video be like : full 8 minute instructions

Galactusz007 November 28, 2019 - 10:18 pm

I just ordered the Gronk Swiss bar. Got it for $233 shipped through the Black Friday special. I dig the size/weight. I dig its multiple handlebars. I like that it’s plain steel and not painted/powder-coated, don’t have to worry about peeling or scratching. And the special price was too good to pass up for such a heavy duty bar. Can’t wait! Thanks for the review

callitlikeiseeit December 26, 2019 - 12:50 am

Boy from baaaston or new england for dam sure

Rob DeMartin February 20, 2020 - 5:15 am

Sounds like Mark Walberg in the Departed.

D Bowz February 22, 2020 - 5:51 pm


Smack 2 February 28, 2020 - 11:17 am

What language is he speaking?

littlethuggie March 21, 2020 - 12:51 pm

Why has he gone full douche with the accent?

NLG Distro June 12, 2020 - 8:48 pm

Love your explanation wayyyy better than Jeff cavalier. He talks to much. You are straight to the point!!

Jonathan Nicholson June 19, 2020 - 8:06 pm

I came to the comments to see "bahhhh bell" jokes and I was not disappointed LOL

Hasan Ali July 7, 2020 - 6:27 am

idiot trying to promote him self through us

Camille R August 15, 2020 - 5:41 pm

Why is he trying to drive more people to these work outs by speaking clearly then like a mafia wanna be Italian ? Bahbel and esersizeis . Distracting unnecessary and made me leave the video

Shailesh August 22, 2020 - 7:59 am

i get external rotator cuff shoulder pain while doing incline dumbell curls, please suggest how to fix that , its unbearable 🙁

john voit August 23, 2020 - 8:42 am

So, not good guys……. great info, thanks for the vid bud.

Callum Spencer September 11, 2020 - 10:07 pm

I still have clicking when I do these exercises

RobH1992 September 22, 2020 - 1:15 pm


Men Maturity September 30, 2020 - 6:21 pm

Will you ever purchase a Cambered Multi Grip barbell bar, Multi Grip Swiss barbell bar or even a Football angled barbell bar from a new company that you never heard of and does not have a strong name brand? will this be a reason in your decisions making or you will want to see a video of the actually bar it self to make you take a look at purchasing it? if that's not the case then will the price point make your decision much easier, shipping cost, THE BRAND NAME OF THE COMPANY, what features the bar is offering, A IN DEPTH REVIEW OF THE BAR AND THE INFORMATION THAT IS TALK ABOUT IN THE VIDEO?, Do the Deisgn of the bar makes a key point in purchasing and if so does the designer of swiss bar makes a decision of you purcashing it even though you never heard of this PERSON OR THE COMPANY, and Does the Platform even matters in your final decision of purchasing a Multi Grip Swiss angled football barbell bar?

What brand do you think that sells the best Cambered Multi grip bar, Swiss Multi Grip Bar, and Football angled barbell bar ? and why choose them; is it the price point?, the design of the bar that fits your needs of what you looking for in a swiss bar or football bar, the likeness of the Brand? or the quality of the bar it's self? Does shipping plays a big part in your decision making for purchasing the bar as well? Does cheaper mean better to you or you go with what you can afford? Do special features matters to you or additonal features that will help improve upon the exercise that you will be doing with the swiss mutli grip bar// Does a Trusted Brand or company, earns your trust when purchasing a Swiss Multi Grip barbell bar or Football angled bar

Men Maturity September 30, 2020 - 6:21 pm

I think that a very good angled swiss press multi grip bar for supinated position grip should be able expand the rom to your chest very well/ But with a good ROM in my opinion and a pronated grip as well; but the angles half to be right in order to do so

Would you rather have a better swiss multi grip barbell bar that gives you a better ROM and a good chest stretch that you can feel in every rep that you do as well?

Men Maturity September 30, 2020 - 6:22 pm

check out my pinterest page of all the multi grip Swiss barbell bars and all the angled football bars on the market; it's a link to almost every multi grip fitness barbell bar on the internet and companies that sell these specialty barbell bar, Basically what I am doing is making a page that lets people view all multi grip Swiss angled football bars and price compare and guide to these bars SO please tell me which Bar is the best! than YOU MUCH APPRECIATE
nice lift do you prefer the football angled bar vs the Swiss press multi grip bar? or do you believe or rather think that a cambered bar has better ROM to do bench press the b

ThePerfectBalls October 14, 2020 - 3:10 pm

Is he switching between three different accents?

munny October 26, 2020 - 3:52 am


Austin Butler November 7, 2020 - 12:13 am


CWBush73 November 12, 2020 - 3:47 pm

You are still in a fixed position on that Swiss Bahbell

Shhhparky Arky January 9, 2021 - 10:22 pm

i don’t know if it’s just me but my shoulder feels like a burn when i’m benching and it’s not that bad but i want to make sure it’s not bad it’s a burn and i didn’t think it’s normal at all

Raj Singh January 26, 2021 - 2:25 pm

Hey Scott which grip would you use for bench press? The outer most grip or the second most outer grip which is diagonal?

Freddie Causey March 5, 2021 - 10:06 pm

Do you or anybody know of a company that make a swiss bar with standard ends besides just the olympic ends?

Sebastian M March 15, 2021 - 12:28 am

I’ve been having so much right shoulder pain, I’ve tried rehab, dumbells and trainers to correct my form and the pain is always there, I’m gonna give this a try and update y’all.

DarkDreamz April 11, 2021 - 3:52 am

So i listened to that speech in the beginning just to try and be sold a barbell..

CaneFu April 14, 2021 - 2:58 pm

Yes, I want to train hodda an longa with bah-bells. Are you trying to be comical with this? Seriously, learn to pronounce the "R" correctly, it's never too late. "B-A-R" is not pronounced "BAH"; this is basic first-grader stuff. You wouldn't pronounce R. Kelly as Ah Kelly would you? Remember what happened to Barbara Walters until she worked on reducing her accent…SNL teased her for years with their Bahbah Wahwah skits.

Aaron G December 3, 2021 - 2:13 am

What's a babble?
