Will Sit-Ups Everyday Give Me Six Pack Abs? – ScottHermanFitness

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Today we’re going to talk about some myths surrounding abs, and whether or not training them EVERY DAY will result in a six pack that you’ve always dreamed of having. Well, the short answer is no, but keep reading because it goes far beyond just muscle recovery and rest days.

The Problem With Solely & Exclusively Doing Sit-Ups
Here’s the problem guys. Let’s say you are actually dead-set on developing a great 6-pack by training with doing sit-ups. Let’s even say you understand the basics of biomechanics and muscle growth, and you decide to apply things like progressive overload, time-under tension and increased volume in your sit-up training. Even with all of that, it’s still naïve to think that you’re going to develop a COMPLETE six-pack with only sit-ups. This is because the actual movement pattern of a sit-up is just one of the 6 functions of your core, and selectively training only one function as hard as you can daily, will quickly lead you NOWHERE…aside from being really, really, really good at sit-ups!

Even if you gradually increase resistance by adding more weight, taking less breaks between sets, doing more reps or sets, or even doing them more often, your six-pack will not come any faster. It is true that you can train your abs more often because the core is a group of strong muscles that are constantly firing and activating all day and night, which means their potential for recovery is not the same as say, your chest and arms. Trust me when I say that theoretically, your abs can take the abuse of being trained every single day with sit-ups, even if you are progressively overloading and incorporating advanced training techniques.

However, the problem is that doing nothing but sit-ups every day is the DEFINITION of ONE-DIMENSIONAL training. As I said earlier, your core is comprised of many different muscles, each with different functions and ranges of motion. The sit-up belongs in the first of 6 named “categories” of abdominal exercises, and that category is simply flexing the upper body with your lower body remaining motionless. To dive deeper into that, I need to quickly go over all 6 main functions of the abs so that you can finally build that fully defined and developed six-pack that you’ve always wanted.

And those are just the 6 MAIN functions. We’re not even going to get deep into the numerous secondary functions or the combinations between those 6. For example, a bicycle crunch would be a combo of #1 and #3, because you are bring your torso towards your legs WHILE also twisting it.

So my question to you is this: knowing how complicated your core truly is, and knowing that when it comes to muscle groups like the chest or arms, that you will most likely perform 3 – 5 exercises to target those muscle groups in different ways to maximize their growth, then why would you believe that simply performing one exercise for your abs is a magic solution for a ripped six-pack? The truth of the matter is that in order to optimally build and develop your core, you need to train it in a smart and effective way. I divide my core up into two sections but that’s just a personal preference. Upper abs is the first one and lower abs/obliques is the second one. I always focus on training my abs 4 times a week and this is usually how it goes:

Monday – Upper Abs
Tuesday- Lower Abs/Obliques
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – Upper Abs
Friday – Lower Abs/Obliques

You don’t have to do it this way. This just works for me because I want to emphasize my lower abs and obliques a bit more, instead of cramping everything up on a single workout. Also remember the goal is to pick and perform a few different exercises that collectively utilize all 6 main functions of the abs, instead of adopting a singular and one-dimension way of thinking and training.

Before you say ANYTHING, yes, the entire rectus abdominis is activated when training abs. BUT, you can place more emphasis on specific areas of the rectus abdominis with specific movements as we just went over with the 6 main functions. Anyone who says otherwise has never trained their abs properly with multiple movements before. I know summer is around the corner and I want to make sure you’re ready to show off those ripped abs!

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ScottHermanFitness May 3, 2018 - 1:34 pm

One of my friends spends 3 hours training chest, 10 minutes training abs and wonders why abs don't look good…
FULL WORKOUT PROGRAMShttps://muscularstrength.com/Full-Workout-Programs

Dylan Hawks May 19, 2020 - 5:07 pm

Thanks for the tip I've been taking each break like 10, 20, 30 and so fore I know just to keep going even if I'm tired I did 70 today my mom is getting me a journal tonight after she gets done working so I can write down the amount I do a day just doing regular situps etc.

louis May 21, 2020 - 2:24 pm

This dude doesn’t even have a six pac

Chill Bill June 8, 2020 - 3:46 am

Anybody else notice his voice randomely getting a New York accent ? 😂

Hurrikane Isaac June 11, 2020 - 11:51 pm


xxGamerProxx 907 July 1, 2020 - 3:30 am

Mate my brother did so many sit ups and got abbs

James Mata September 23, 2020 - 1:43 am

Im just tryna get rid of belly fat.

Sarah Mccormick October 6, 2020 - 4:05 am

Free App Store iPhone cost more money

quack October 28, 2020 - 6:20 am Reply
Rj Customs December 30, 2020 - 7:40 pm

I don’t really care if I have strong Abs I just want some

Steven Crowther January 15, 2021 - 2:21 pm

This is good stuff

SpazFamily January 16, 2021 - 8:52 am

Goofy ass accent

SpazFamily January 16, 2021 - 8:53 am

2:16 Damn so my girl gets a workout every night cool 😎

Charlie Parker February 22, 2021 - 5:56 pm

When I was 14/15 I did situps every day, nothing else for abs. I had an absolutely killer six pack. Now I am 39 and want abs again, have not had them since I was a teenager. Three weeks ago I started doing the same as I did when I was a teen, just situps, every day, on a mat feet NOT anchored under anything. My top 2 abs are out already and the second two are beginning to show.

When I was a teen I did situps daily, without skipping a day for probably a year. The result was a jaw dropping six pack. Just three weeks in and it looks like I am going that way again. Though I do have a bit more lower abdominal fat than I had as a teen, not fat by any means, but I was 28 waist as a teen, I am 32 now.

Sunlight March 29, 2021 - 2:06 pm

“ The ab pull down” looks like it would be hard on your back.

Walter Beatty April 19, 2021 - 5:31 pm

Super great thanks

Teddy April 23, 2021 - 12:58 pm

Thnx man

Adam Dreyief June 12, 2021 - 7:35 pm

I do 6 hour cardio (swimming) a week
And around 4 hours of gym a week ( i work my biceps abs and do running but whats the best machine to use in the gym for abs because i use the one where i put a strap on my shoulders and push my abs forward carrying the weight and back

JohnJa Roblox June 13, 2021 - 2:20 am

It will be helpful for me

kezn September 6, 2021 - 7:15 pm

I like sit ups better than crunches

Abhishek October 12, 2021 - 2:23 pm

This guy is fit! But has a mix of British and American accent 😂😂. Like if you noticed 😂.
