1 Reason Why Drop Sets DON’T WORK For Muscle Growth Gains! | STOP NOW! – ScottHermanFitness

by YouTube Team

I see people in the gym wasting so much time with drop sets. You should never utilize a lifting technique that makes your sets “easier” to complete, even if training with more volume. Mechanical tension is one of the most important muscle building mechanisms for growth. So CAN drop sets still be an effective tool? Well if you know how to utilize this technique properly, yes you can see some AMAZING GAINS!! Enjoy!



Today I want to talk to you about the number one reason why drop sets do not build more muscle for the majority of people who are utilizing them in their workout routines. Now it’s not to say that drop sets are not an effective tool for muscle building, but just like anything else if you don’t use it PROPERLY, the benefits aren’t going to be there.

Why Do Drop Sets Not Work For Most People?
You have to ask yourself ‘What is the reason behind doing a drop set?’ You have to understand that if you’re doing a drop set, it’s because you’re really trying to focus on improving your Stretch, Flex, Overload for the exercise involved. As an example, let’s talk about the tricep pushdown., but you can apply this to any exercise that you’re doing. We have talked a lot about the Stretch, Flex, Overload (SFO) technique in my HARDGAINER SERIES, and I also talk about this a lot in my Cheat & Recover (C&R) program, because the SFO is kind of the basis behind the entire reasoning for why my C&R program works so well, but I’ll talk about that more at the end of the article.

When doing a drop set, the reason why it doesn’t work for most people is because they tend to go a bit easier on each set. A drop set, as you know, is doing 8-10 repetitions and then immediately dropping the weight without any rest, and then doing another 8-10 repetitions. So most people, if they’re doing a tricep pushdown and can for example do 70lbs for 8-10 reps, they might start a tiny bit lighter so they can handle more weight on the second drop set of 8-10 repetitions that they’re going to do.

How To Properly Perform A Drop Set
This is backwards thinking. You’re not doing a drop set to make the first set less intense so that you can handle a bit more weight on the second drop set. That’s not the point. The point here is that because you’re know you’re going to be doing 2 sets right in a row, you want to utilize the first set to focus on the OVERLOAD, and you want to use the second set to focus on the STRETCH and the FLEX.

So if you’re doing a tricep pushdown, for the first set you should be going as heavy as you possibly can with proper form, and really focus on struggling and pushing through every repetition. You should almost be to the point where if you need to use a tiny little bit of momentum just to get things started, that’s OK. But it shouldn’t be an easy set that you can just breeze through. Maybe you would even need a spotter to come over and help you on the last 3-4 repetitions, but above all else it needs to be your most INTENSE set out of the drop set.

As soon as you finish those 8-10 repetitions, you’re then going to drop the weight and utilize those second 8-10 reps now that your muscles are pre-exhausted, to focus on the stretch at the top and the flex at the bottom. As I talked about in the hardgainer series, focusing on the stretch is where you get the most muscle breakdown. Also, if you have a hard time with your mind-muscle connection, being able to utilize a bit more focus at the bottom of the movement where you’re flexing your triceps and holding it for a brief second is going to help with that, to make your workouts a bit more intense. For a pushdown, you make sure you get a nice stretch in the triceps at the top, you’ll then flex as hard as you can and hold it at the bottom position for a second, and then repeat this for your 8-10 repetitions.

Are Drop Sets A Bad Technique To Build Muscle?
The answer is no, they’re not. However, the majority of people using them don’t quite understand the concept, and therefore it kind of renders them useless when implementing them in a workout routine.


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ScottHermanFitness January 23, 2018 - 7:41 pm

I see people in the gym wasting so much time with drop sets. You should never utilize a lifting technique that makes your sets "easier" to complete, even if training with more volume. Mechanical tension is one of the most important muscle building mechanisms for growth. So CAN drop sets still be an effective tool? Well if you know how to utilize this technique properly, yes you can see some AMAZING GAINS!! Enjoy! – EARLY ACCESS CHEAT & RECOVERhttps://mfaber180.clickfunnels.com/jason-application-funnelzty03b3g
PUSH, PULL, LEGS PROGRAM – BUILD MUSCLE & STRENGTH! – http://muscularstrength.com/Push-Pull-Legs
(1:03)- HARDGAINER SERIES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_6TnZAt3_M&t=1s&list=PLacPhVACI3MPznswtcCZslN5zIcggcdX0&index=1

Giovani April 4, 2018 - 5:28 pm

So drop sets aren't good? but Scott, all your workout years ago used to be a drop set at the first set of every exercise and then regular sets. 8,8,8,15. I remember them all because I used to do them and they gave me insane pumps and my friend used to hate training with me because of drop sets xD I still implement them sometimes but at the end of the workout instead of at the beginning of every exercise.

Matthew Purkerson April 16, 2018 - 4:51 pm

got up to get a glass of water and paused the video at 4:23, LOL

Thomas 3 Carey April 30, 2018 - 1:47 am

Actually most people go as heavy as they can to hit failure at about 8 reps on the first drop set then drop the weight and hit failure again at about 10 reps and then drop the weight one last time and hit failure one last time at about 12 reps

P.A.N.D.E.M.O.N.I.U.M. May 6, 2018 - 10:09 pm

Drop Sets work just fine people are just lazy with their training.

Always train to failure.

Rico_PL May 9, 2018 - 3:46 pm

Drop sets work when you go for full exhaustion using each weight. What Scott is saying is correct. I do 5 drops with 4 sets and the last finish of each drop set is one push up, yes usually only one, rarely I am able after 5 drops to do 2.

It is about push 4th type of muscles to grow. It is only when your muscles know that you barely survived an attack of a wild animal. You have to give 100% so the next time your body says : Oh I need to be stronger, I almost died.

J Belm May 14, 2018 - 2:02 pm

Science shows otherwise…to failure…shouldn't be done too often.

kotetsiaoplo July 8, 2018 - 3:39 pm

what would be more beneficial?doin 4 sets with 2 dropsets at then end of the last set or skip the dropsets and go 5-6 straight sets?

Zangief ☭ July 18, 2018 - 10:50 pm

Is there any actual scientific research about drop sets?

Sovs August 11, 2018 - 7:57 pm

i don't believe you. you are small.

Black Phoenix 89 September 29, 2018 - 8:28 am

Scott Herman: "1 Reason Why Drop Sets DON'T WORK For Muscle Growth Gains! | STOP NOW!"

Also Scott Herman: "That's not to say that drop sets aren't an effective tool for muscle building…"

Nice bit of click bait you know nothing, brain dead asshole.

κων/νοσ φωτ October 25, 2018 - 7:21 pm

Only two sessions??? I do five sessions with flys and presses

Inf7cted November 20, 2018 - 4:55 am

I know this is an old video, but whats you take on doing drop sets with deadlifts?

Lexero February 19, 2019 - 7:19 pm

Scott and Jeff Cavaliere … only two people from fitness that deserves thumbs up on youtube !

Mohammad Hanafia February 22, 2019 - 2:01 pm

I have just wasted 5 minutes of my life

ᄋᄋᄋᄋ March 1, 2019 - 1:46 am

Scott seems to have gained some weight.

Martin Quinn April 1, 2019 - 4:10 am

C'est vraiment fatiguant de t'écouter pendant 5 minutes….

Rell Monroe April 13, 2019 - 1:44 pm

He skips arm day

Dan Stafford April 19, 2019 - 1:00 am

You're all mixed up… tricep pressdown is a contraction exercise… to do the stretch portion you have to face away from the weight stack and your elbows have got to be up behind your head ifor stretch portion , for the triceps!

Dan Stafford April 19, 2019 - 1:09 am

There's a number of ways to do a drop set… drop a small amount of weight to get a few extra reps… drop a larger amount of weight to get higher number of reps… or a double drop… or drop the weight again to get a triple drop… drop sets are done in strict style!

Dan Stafford April 19, 2019 - 1:11 am

Drop sets will not work for ego lifters!

OWLS LTD -Full Service Pest Control- May 7, 2019 - 1:54 am

Good god…… train shoulders

jamie t July 16, 2019 - 2:13 am

Why not work them in and mix it up? Not all days are the same. Some days you are strong, rested, and have time. Other days you don't. They are a good way to hit is relatively hard, and get out.

Matt Daniels July 30, 2019 - 12:08 pm

BS! DO you even know what u r talking about?! Dropsets are one of the best advanced training system for hypertrophy (muscle growth!) including, GVT, Matrix, Trisets, Giant sets,… I am a level 4 personal trainer, nutritionist, strength and conditioning coach as well have a level 3 in sports massage so I with so many views and followers I would actually give REAL info to help people and sorry to say that but if it doesnt work on YOU, then you are not doing them properly! Good luck!

Bruce July 30, 2019 - 3:31 pm

I mix drop sets with super sets

The Deadly Tikka August 14, 2019 - 4:29 pm

I use drop sets as a way to keep a workout going when I can’t lift my weight anymore. For example on arms day I keep going until I can lift the 5KG dumbbells anymore

BODYBUILDING EXPERTISE September 19, 2019 - 3:09 pm

No overload in bodybuilding. It is a mythes developed with the massive use of anabolics, that one should overload. NEVER! Just the rigthweigtht to do 8-10 reps in a very correct form and with a rather slower speed!

Player 1 September 21, 2019 - 12:43 am

I usually do 4 sets for each of 3 drop sets. Is this too much?

Rob Welker September 29, 2019 - 4:54 pm

So if you are doing a drop set let's say you normally do 3 sets of 8-10 reps put on your first said you only do say 6 repetitions so you want to do a drop set immediately after so you drop down five pounds and hit the 8 to 10 reps so is this set at lesser weight considered the second of your three sets or still considered part of your first set meaning you do three sets where you do wanted the normal wait and then one of the Lesser weight and do that three times?

Junior17 November 14, 2019 - 10:42 am

When should i add drop sets to my routine? And what exercises should i do drop sets? Do I get to choose which exercise?

MrJuggernaute November 26, 2019 - 11:51 am

what a waste of time…

Mystery47 January 14, 2020 - 1:36 am

My idea of drop sets was to do five sets of tricep pushdowns (for example) increasing the weight each set and probably decreasing the reps for each heavier weight. Then, after the last (fifth) set to failure, drop the weight to what was used on the fourth set for maximum reps. Then, if there is anything left in the triceps, drop the weight to what was used on the third set and do max reps. THAT will leave your arms like noodles which I would think stimulates those muscles fibers to maximum growth.

Tom G February 6, 2020 - 3:07 pm

Dammage for you that studies proves the completely contrary… I got my best results with it

Bojan Milicevic April 21, 2020 - 4:17 am

You are best teacher…fuck Arnold and golden era😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

steve francischetti April 29, 2020 - 10:21 pm

This is so untrue.No matter if you do drop sets,super sets,or pyramid.As long as you go to failure and are isolating muscle properly,you will get gains.

soroosh samadi June 7, 2020 - 8:37 am

Nice , the purpose of the vid was make drop sets better…nice… professional

Jesus Sanchez September 12, 2020 - 7:33 am

Learn your stuff. I was told about drop sets from guys three times your size at muscle venice. Weak game you got.

Jesus Sanchez September 12, 2020 - 7:38 am

Btw. Your reason is just an option. They work well. Like everything it has to be perform right. What are you trying to teach exactly. Your point of view.

Gary Redmond November 19, 2020 - 1:52 pm

Honestly I’m a solid 260lbs and I only do drop sets…. if your going for bodybuilding this will be better than anything else but for power… I’d say your wasting your time. So drop sets are for individual goals and not for everyone . Looking at your physique, it’s manly strength and no hypertrophy. I go for mass and muscle size and this will work extremely well (like you said) if done correctly

WrinkleBoB December 1, 2020 - 3:01 am

Good info. I'll sub. Your next to AthleanX dude keep it up💪💪💪

sage rozycki April 7, 2021 - 2:39 am

What about doing my regular sets at the weight I use for them, and then doing extra sets at the end with a lighter weight? I've been doing this and it seems like a good way to work the muscle more. (And if I don't need to drop the weight, I don't drop the weight)

Nicholas Munoz April 30, 2021 - 3:03 am

They do work you fucking idiot u obviously don’t know what ur talking about u look the same as you did in 2011 and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronnie Coleman and jay cutler did them

TONY VEE June 22, 2021 - 1:40 pm

If you do tripple drops sets to me that counts as 3 sets. You don't want to do drop sets on all your workouts. I do them with my isolation moves. . 10/10/10 . . But wait Scott you were doing dropsets on your new full body workout video. 😀

DenaliTheCommie July 11, 2021 - 10:31 pm

As someone who only does drop sets I can entirely debunk this video, since I’ve started to only do drop sets I’ve noticed insane muscle growth and strength gains

JokerPoker ! July 23, 2021 - 7:30 pm

Straight to the point ! Much Respect

Robert Gale August 13, 2021 - 1:33 pm

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Drop sets are the most effective thing I have done. And trust me, I have tried them all. Of course you start as heavy as you can on drop sets – who starts lighter? Training to failure builds muscle!

Play with Daisy! September 19, 2021 - 5:24 am

Drop sets are my favorite. I kept it hard when I did them before. My muscles grew and popped beautifully. I hit a plateau, stopped doing them and lost almost all of my muscles🥺 Now I’m back starting over and love drop sets again💖 I like drop sets, hold and to failure. I get beat up and sleep deepppp

wasaglass December 14, 2021 - 5:19 am

It's not technically a drop set, but I've been experimenting with starting with what I can do ten clean reps of to the point of near failure (like something I can potentially squeeze a max of 12 to fifteen out of) then dropping the weights at the smallest increment possible and doing as many reps as I can cleanly do of each set UNTIL the weight gets so low that I can hit ten again, and that gives me a massive pump. But I do grant myself 15 seconds between sets. I've been doing that with pull-ups (starting with max reps at moderate weight) and hitting the assisted machine until I'm back to ten. Really let's make sure I get the max use of all the muscles involved.

Kyanna Estorninos December 30, 2021 - 6:41 am

Best explanations!
You’re absolutely correct. most dont know the concept.
I am laughing with other people showing mechanical drop sets. One guy was doing biceps in bad form😂😂😂. Plenty without quality
