BULLIES: Why Can’t We Beat Them Senseless? | How Do You Vent Your Frustrations? (VM. Ep.2) – ScottHermanFitness

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BULLIES: Why Can’t We Beat Them Senseless? | HowDo You Vent Your Frustrations? (VM. Ep.2)


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ScottHermanFitness June 25, 2018 - 2:20 am

If I ever saw any of you getting bullied, I would come to your aide without hesitation. #SeeSomethingDOSOMETHING

Seth Weidert June 25, 2018 - 4:06 pm

This is taking your channel to a whole new level Scott. Love your stances on bullying. I'm 30 years old and still have to deal with it from time to time.

swapnil mishra June 25, 2018 - 4:25 pm

Just donot respond to bullies when you will stop responding to them they will loose their fuel &motivation to bully

Gehrig Gains June 25, 2018 - 4:41 pm

As someone who picked on a lot and basically relates fully to what you guys say yea I hate the situation there is today where if you get picked on you can not do shit about it or you are the one who gets in trouble plus being younger then you guys (21) teachers were just a lot worse dealing with this when I was growing up. I'd get pick on all the time and the teachers were like whatever or would even yell at me for getting picked on. Whenever it got physical or even about to I was the one who get in trouble even if nothing even happened yet. But hey if it was not for being treated so awful by other kids growing up I would not be who am I today. I found my outlets with comic boobs, animes, superheroes, bodybuilding, powerlifting, martial arts too. Which is nice and it worked out but fully went through what you did and understand 110 percent. But yea the situation was as a kid was get bullied and the teachers would be like whatever who cares until I tried to do anything then suddenly "NO thats wrong!" Yea I tried to be the good kid and could never do anything because I was always the one to get in trouble. Its unreal that we live in a world where we basically teach kids being defenseless is the way to go…

Rasmus Bunde June 25, 2018 - 6:41 pm

So yeah if I'm bullied I beat the bully, BUT what if the bully is stronger and actually beats me and now bullies me even more because he kicked me ass. It's just that people can't just always beat the bully. He might be stronger and better at fighting.

RogueSovereignMind June 25, 2018 - 7:00 pm

I beat so many bullies senseless and anyone who dared talk shit to me you got beaten as well. I defended all my friends and my sister for all the time growing up got suspended I didn’t give a shit. No one fucked with me ever. I was 57 and 150 pounds of Righteous indignation.

I told both of my boys of anybody ever messes with you destroy them pound them into a Bolivian I don’t give a shit what happens to you in school I’ll just homeschool you. Never listen to the feminized school females. Only way to win in life is to stick up for yourself your ideals and any of your friends and family. Never let anybody leave hand on you or anyone you care about. Destroy them with extreme prejudice. You’ll only have to do it one or two times and no one else will ever mess with you or yours.

Emeril Huang June 25, 2018 - 7:14 pm

You should ask Neighbors #6 to help you decorate the mailbox with some nice flowers to help the sale xD

Rama Hordijk June 25, 2018 - 7:30 pm

Spotify too?

DA CO June 25, 2018 - 8:31 pm

Great show. Great message. But (post 18 years old) it's not so easy standing up to bullies if you're short because there's no winning outcome. Only way you win the fight is by disabling your opponent, which draws police attention, because the bigger person's ego won't let themselves lose a fight to a smaller opponent. You say that sometimes you gotta deal with the consequence, but jail time when you support a family is simply not an option.

Jewfit June 25, 2018 - 10:14 pm

Where in Florida are you moving to Scott?

Seth Weidert June 25, 2018 - 11:28 pm

Joe should've said, "Ya I'm Puerto Rican so what!"

TheSUDS June 26, 2018 - 12:02 am

What do you think about 'DR Sam Robbins' channel and some of the controversial videos he has? He has a video saying chicken is worthless and bad protein and another video saying you should 'protein cycle' which even includes eating zero grams of protein for one day a week.

berner June 26, 2018 - 12:05 am

I'm 42 as of this post. I was bullied as a kid by a lot of kids growing up. I learned to avoid people and did what I could to say no to doing things later in life by kids and adults who wanted to be friends. Because of this, I never learned to socialize and now I don't know how to talk to people. I don't know when I should laugh along in a conversation, when not to laugh etc. I'm full of rage at bullies and have zero sympathy for any bully who gets their ass kicked. Some people recover but not me. I'm a broken man because of it.

As a side note: If you're a parent reading this, with the mentality of "Hey so what if a kid gets bullied. It's all part of growing up" who's son or daughter later in life as an adult has a run in with one of the kids they picked on, and gets shot/stabbed to death or put into the hospital with serious ICU level injuries… the all I have to say is: Good on them. I mean so what if your son or daughter gets kiled by the kid they picked on. It's all part of growing up".

MJ June 26, 2018 - 2:00 am

You can and should beat bullies senseless.. As long as you don't go too far so you don't get tried as an adult, and as long as you are documented / are a legal resident (if you are undocumented it is probably best to stay quiet in school).

Step_An June 26, 2018 - 2:01 pm

Can't wait for florida vids! 🙂

Step_An June 26, 2018 - 2:06 pm

6:00 Doggie appears <3

kaylin naidoo June 26, 2018 - 2:06 pm

Scott wheres the vlogs,please bring them back

aaliyahsmommy1608 June 26, 2018 - 5:16 pm

Great video. I follow you with doing what is right. Standing up for self and others. I never had my chance to do this for myself until recently. Finally enough is enough. I'm getting to know myself, just how amazing I am and no one has a right to treat me badly. No one deserves to be treated badly. Anyone being bullied, I hope you fight back. Protect yourself and others. Everyone of us is hurting. If we all could spread love and work on healing our pain, so many people could find a reason to not take their own life.

Casimiro Chor June 26, 2018 - 6:56 pm

I was never bullied as a kid. I had a few run ins with bullies but I never took shit from anyone so I never became a target. I was just always into weeb stuff and video games. I like being active but I was never seriously into sports. DBZ is probably what got me into weight lifting. The idea of being strong for it's own sake was appealing and being strong makes doing cool tricks like flips and muscle ups easier.

Colton Grafe June 26, 2018 - 7:35 pm

Wonderful video. It’s infuriating how schools and society support psychological torment and then drop the hammer on the victim for standing up for themselves or others. In my experience the only way to stop a bully is with violence, no amount of talking makes them leave you alone.

Brady R June 27, 2018 - 12:42 am

i have a boxing match with my friends for money so i’m going pretend they’re bullies 😂

yeild101 June 27, 2018 - 3:51 am

There’s a tension between two principals:

1-Act according to the truth

2-But don’t use the truth as an excuse to a) hurt others or b) make yourself weaker

Principal 1: the truth is your being bullied and it needs to stop. You need to act in a way that does not negate principal 2.

To use the truth as an excuse to hurt others is to respond to evil with evil. To hide from the truth and make yourself weaker is also to respond to evil with evil, just directed at yourself.

One thing that messed up my head growing up, is that I didn’t apply the above principals to the sermon on the mount analogy of ‘turning the other cheek’. I misinterpreted the text (as have many) and I believe it has ruined a lot of lives as a result.

Some interesting commentary on that verse is that it was actually specific a situation. To get slapped by a Roman soldier 2000 years ago is like getting slapped by a member of the German SS in 1930 – reciprocate and your immediately dead, negating principal 2. It’s not the same as high school, you NEVER turn and offer the other cheek literally at high school.

To explain this view further, the Romans struck people with their right hands (the left being considered dirty) and would backhand inferior castes like the Jews (a punch implies equal status, so they back handed inferior castes. A backhand was considered far worse, evidenced by larger punishments for that act amongst Jews that a normal punch). The verse stated if you get struck on the RIGHT cheek turn and offer the other (the left). You can’t backhand the left cheek with your right hand – you’re forcing the soldier to punch you implying equal status, making a Roman soldier feeling like he ceded ground, despite the impossible imbalance of power there.

This is actually pushing the limit, finding a way to stand up for what is right, even under impossible circumstances.

Same with ‘walk the extra mile’. There were fines prohibiting a Roman using a slave to carry their stuff along a road for longer than a mile, considered abuse and the roads were marked for distance. By insisting on carrying it for an extra mile the guy is worried he’s going to get in trouble and has to diminish himself by asking for it back, “please give it back to me”.

yeild101 June 27, 2018 - 5:45 am

Thanks for this guys, opened my eyes a bit more

Gustaf Schneider June 27, 2018 - 1:05 pm

Hi Scott you are a great teacher your pedagogy is excellent. Can you please make a tutorial and golden rules on how to do hanging leg raises with bent knees and feet going above the head like in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7-3BayhOH4 at 1 minute 27 weighted and at 6 minutes 41 bodyweight. Very few youtubers have made quality videos on this important exercise. Thank you a lot

Anderson Nguyen June 27, 2018 - 4:23 pm

Love your podcasts, bro. It makes my desk job less boring. Could you do a podcast of gym etiquette such as reracking weights, wiping machines down, etc?

Chaim Hershkop June 28, 2018 - 12:12 am

Sometimes bullies need to be humbled….

KrazyKevsta June 28, 2018 - 4:28 am

Love that youve started this podcast series scott. Always gnna support your channel mate

Blondy Beast Fit June 28, 2018 - 3:35 pm

This is such an important subject… I’ve been bullied all my life, when I was 10-11 years old, I started to lift with my dads dumbbells. I’m a girl, so it’s gotten worse and worse so I stopped… now being 19, I have my business in the fitness industry & my bullies are telling how I’m an inspiration for them… I grew up stronger & now I’m helping others. Thank you for the video!

robert victory June 28, 2018 - 8:49 pm

I'm glad I don't have to put up with the crap kids do now.

Dixon V Fitness July 1, 2018 - 12:03 am

Scott you're a pretty solid guy.

d k July 2, 2018 - 12:38 am

What I learned is some people don't learn until their gun in their mouth. Another things the beef is not over tell someone begs for mercy. Also school teachers and staff do not about students they just care about their paycheck they also do not know how to deal with situations.

aaaaaaaaaaaa808 July 2, 2018 - 10:06 am

Simple, be a man and get yourself a girl. Stay away from feminist and reduced social media usage. Get fit!

Robert Vincelette July 2, 2018 - 9:33 pm

I had trouble with my neighbors criticizing me for being a "weird fucker." So I wore a fuchsia gorilla suit on my bicycle in the winter, became a nudist in the summer – later dying the hair normally not seen fluorescent green – and I painted my entire house with glow-in-the-dark paint which I charged up with black lights and it brought a camera crew from the television show, Real People, and the neighbors despaired because they learned that the the only thing they can accomplish is to make things worse. And the process is irreversible.

ADM July 5, 2018 - 7:55 pm

What would superman do? Punch the bad guy in the face! LOL.

Love it. Unfortunately I got bullied psychologically for the most part which had affected my life but… It most probably would have helped better if I beat them up because the principal, teachers, hiding, avoiding, ignoring them completely didn't fully help or fix the problem at all.

ADM July 5, 2018 - 9:09 pm

LOL. That second story was hilarious. 24:00

ADM July 5, 2018 - 9:40 pm


adam jeffrey July 6, 2018 - 3:10 am

Your all for beating the shit out of bullies, dude?
Admire your honesty, dude.
I'm a deputy sheriff who works in the county jail. When an inmate verbally ( disrespects) bullies me I give him the worst beating of his life, dude. Are you ok with that, too? Love your "beat the bullies senseless"'attitude, dude!!

Tito Pacifico 169 July 9, 2018 - 3:14 am

Damn it I missed the live cast again! Going to watch it now

grey white July 15, 2018 - 1:05 am

Scott is adorable!! Very appreciative of his videos.

Flyingtart July 15, 2018 - 10:28 pm

Step one is to learn how to throw a proper punch, step two is to apply it to the face of the bully. This of course does not apply to adults working some desk job, but for kids it’s really effective. Don’t listen to anyone telling you to ”just ignore them”. Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away, quite often its the opposite, and this fact is true for almost any problem. Just make sure you target the leader 🙂

Coke Can July 20, 2018 - 7:06 am

big supporter of fighting back. lot of bullies only keep doing their shit because they don't feel like there are going to be any serious consequences. adults don't do shit besides tell them off, so kids need to stand up for themselves. even better if you do it in front of everyone else.

luigi taglialatela July 21, 2018 - 1:04 am

I'd suggest you revise your priorities. Physical violence and emotional violence are not the same, and I know cuz I've received a fair amount of both of them. Emotional violence is bad, true, but in most instances you can simply fuck off the abuser. Just start pretending as if they didn't exist, and they will leave you alone. In many cases these are people who are mentally unstable, and don't deserve your considering them human beings. Physical violence is a whole different thing, our societies in the West are so prosperous in great part because we very seldom resort to physical violence to figure out our issues ( yeah we constantly bomb the shit out of the middle east, but we don't really use violence at home). Physical violence should only be used in response to physical violence, as a way of protecting oneself, but must never be intended as an acceptable reaction to emotional abuse.

Muttley July 24, 2018 - 3:03 pm

What if the bully/abuser is your dad?

guero1422 August 1, 2018 - 9:31 am

Keep doing these podcasts. They are very informative.

Sam Lombardo August 12, 2018 - 5:44 pm

I got bullied a lot as a kid. One story that I'd like to share is in 9th grade, there was this one skinny little jerkoff in Band class named Jonathan. He always got called out in class for being disrespectful and being late. In math class, I had him too and he sat close to me. One day, he decided to elbow me in the face SO HARD, my glasses broke and stabbed into my face. He did this RIGHT in front of the teacher and of course the teacher did not do ANYTHING about it. All he did was tell me to go to the nurses office to get it checked out. So the NEXT DAY in band class, I caught Jonathan bragging to another kid how he beat the shit out of me and got away with it. I decided to take matters into my own hands by punching him in the ribs in front of everybody in band class. I almost got in serious trouble. Once the band teacher heard the full story, he decided not to punish me and give me detention coz he understood why i did it. He did not punish Jonathan because it took place in math class, BUT after that day, Jonathan left me the hell alone!

SnowyLabrador August 20, 2018 - 12:59 pm

How do I learn to deal with confrontation?
