TRT In YouTube Fitness || The New Toxic Joke? || Special Guest Derek From MPMD – ScottHermanFitness

by YouTube Team

I teamed up with Derek from “More Plates More Dates” because he is one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever met when it comes to PEDs. You will learn more from a 20minute conversation with Derek than hours researching online. He is a very humble and kind guy and an incredible source of information and as I continue to educate all of you, expanding my own knowledge base is a never ending journey I plan to continue as well.

With TRT becoming the new “trendy” thing to do in YouTube Fitness I want to make sure you’re all TRULY informed about what you’re getting yourselves into. This is a life long commitment and even though it’s “legal”, there are still risks you need to be aware of.

But just to be clear you could need TRT at ANY AGE if you have REAL SYMPTOMS and maybe my initial stance / videos on this subject were a bit too much “tough love” for some of you. But believe me when I say that it comes from a good place. You can’t replace hard work with shortcuts guys and I know if you dig deep enough, you all have exactly what you need inside to make incredible gains in the gym and in life.




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ScottHermanFitness October 15, 2020 - 5:16 pm

I teamed up with Derek from "More Plates More Dates" because he is one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever met when it comes to PEDs. You will learn more from a 20minute conversation with Derek than hours researching online. He is a very humble and kind guy and an incredible source of information and as I continue to educate all of you, expanding my own knowledge base is a never ending journey I plan to continue as well.

With TRT becoming the new "trendy" thing to do in YouTube Fitness I want to make sure you're all TRULY informed about what you're getting yourselves into. This is a life long commitment and even though it's "legal", there are still risks you need to be aware of.

But just to be clear you could need TRT at ANY AGE if you have REAL SYMPTOMS and maybe my initial stance / videos on this subject were a bit too much "tough love" for some of you. But believe me when I say that it comes from a good place. You can't replace hard work with shortcuts guys and I know if you dig deep enough, you all have exactly what you need inside to make incredible gains in the gym and in life.
Derek's Website:
MPMD Newsletter:
MPMD YouTube Channel:
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Shelby Price June 12, 2021 - 9:43 pm

The Scott Herman guy is so whiny and annoying I think he needs his estrogen checked.

Han June 13, 2021 - 3:34 am

Scott looks shredded year round, I don't believe this bs natty crap he keeps repeating.

rico flex June 13, 2021 - 12:22 pm

Hey Scott I'll be honest for a Natty I think you could do much better if you stop eating meat and all animal products…

Daniel Gonzalez June 15, 2021 - 5:58 am

Commenting for the #algorithm. I see Derek, I click like. Dude has been an inspiration for my fitness journey so far. ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

Parth Shah June 15, 2021 - 1:39 pm

Memory boosters

Christian Brown June 15, 2021 - 8:05 pm

Where do you get trt in canada ?

D H June 16, 2021 - 5:13 pm

Damn this video really shows how bad dereks mic is.

Ronnie McDade June 17, 2021 - 12:36 am

I got on TRT, quality of life at least doubled when I got back in a normal range. I was almost 40 and had my children. You do have to become your own doctor educate yourself don't just watch YouTube and get your blood work done and learn how to read the test. I didn't even feel good enough to workout until I started.

JamesFred Kearney June 18, 2021 - 5:00 am

Watched this whole vid… have no idea what trt stands for.. lol come on mo plates.

Monastery June 18, 2021 - 4:23 pm

Didn't realize he was a frackin cadian

Anthony Munoz June 18, 2021 - 7:27 pm

Good shit Derek!

My Knee Grow June 19, 2021 - 1:43 pm

Is derek smoking meth or something? Look at him at 12 mins onwards when the other dudes talking he’s twitching and can’t stop moving his face and shit. Looks like he’s tweaking

YUUUM MI June 20, 2021 - 1:41 pm

No idea why I'm watching this. I'm not at a level where I can justify the use of TRT for gains, probably wouldn't even be able to afford it!

Rob Anthony June 21, 2021 - 8:13 pm

At 26 I had to start trt after my natural levels dipped into the low 100 range, and I was told it was medically necessary. I did NOT want to do it but it literally took away my depression and has improved every aspect of my life. At 20 yrs old I was 170 lbs at 10% body fat having never used any steroids, hell I've never even smoked. At 26 I was over 200lbs and over 30% body fat. Since starting trt at a test center I'm in the high 800 low 900 range down to the high 170lbs and below 14% body fat again. I didn't do it for the gains, but it definitely helped as I've always been an avid fitness enthusiast. I never lost my sex drive and I never had any sexual issues. I did it for mental health reasons, and it helped. If you've had some shitty weight gain despite a healthy lifestyle and are struggling with depression I can't tell you to do what I did, all I can say is that it helped me.

Chase June 22, 2021 - 8:48 pm

collab I didnt know I needed

D. Almeida June 23, 2021 - 9:55 pm

It blows my mind the amount of young guys these days in their 20's going on TRT to basically make it seem legal that they can jump on test… Are you kidding me ? Its all for a quick gain in their vanity. Nobody wants to put in the actual work.

Joseph Smith June 24, 2021 - 9:00 pm

Funny all theses talking about being sterile as a negative… I am pumped by that lol

simon lloyd June 25, 2021 - 11:02 pm

stop yelling

martin terrizzi June 26, 2021 - 3:49 am

Never listen to anyone in any you tube Chanel’s . Listen to yourself for self k ow ledge is the utmost importance of training. .. by the way 90% are all taking hormones just like a transsexual who is a female becoming a man looks like a male bodybuilder. . Also a note to add most can’t even fight in the street and loose everything when off their buckshot ped

Dan Wilkins June 26, 2021 - 1:30 pm

Check out josh bridgemans channel. Just turned IFBBpro, very open about drug use

Kunta Kinte June 29, 2021 - 11:06 am

its "more plates more dates DOT COM" Scott, get it right!

skynet is real June 29, 2021 - 11:46 am

300ng/dl is absurd for someone that is in its twenties. The ranges are just references, being at 300 test at your twenties is shit T level.

TMad LegionSoul July 3, 2021 - 6:47 am

To answer your question on who would you rather have build my house. The construction worker that builds houses for a living.

Terry Reed July 3, 2021 - 1:49 pm

Went to a clinic in Florida he did a few tests and after the tests would not put me on TRT. The reason I had cancer and I didn’t know it he found it. After I was cleared he did put me on TRT and I know the risk of it.

SonoraMan July 6, 2021 - 5:42 am

What is he drinking

EvaLasta July 6, 2021 - 2:51 pm

My dad as well as arnold, stallone, ferrigno and a million other bodybuilders were on tons of gear and had many kids. Im beginning to realize that only a small percentage get shut down for life from gear

J4Jools July 10, 2021 - 10:09 pm

Great video. I'm not a bodybuilder, but I'm a Transman and I'm on T. I have my bloods done every 3 months, sometimes 6 months, if my levels are stable. I have an Endo who specialises in TRT and even being as careful with my dose as we are and constant monitoring it can STILL fluctuate wildly, causing shit loads of problems. My levels have been through the roof and then they have dropped so low that I could barely function. It's a fine line. The aim for me is just to get a T level that sits within the normal Male range and that's really hard to get right. Too low and my mood tanks, my hair stops growing, can't sleep/ concentrate/focus. I lose muscle mass/strength, I'm tired and lethargic, etc. And I don't mean, just a bit tired, I mean chronic fatigue. Too high and it converts to oestrogen and that causes a whole other world of issues. Taking T isn't something you do lightly. I made my choice with the full knowledge of all the side effects and I'll be on it for the rest of my life. I know it puts a strain on my liver and kidney (I only have one) and I know I've probably shaved a few years off my life by taking it, but that's the price I'm willing to pay to be able to live as a Man. For Guys to decide to take it just off the bat without full knowledge of what they are doing and no real monitoring by a specialist Endocrinologist is just madness. As long as your T levels are within the normal Male range then I see no reason why you'd want to increase it. Whatever benefits you see from taking it as a younger person, the negatives will come back to bite you in the ass when you're older. You gotta ask yourself, is it really worth it? Don't wreck your future health for the few temporary benefits you might get now. Unless, of course, you're a professional Bodybuilder and that just comes with the territory. I don't often post comments on YT vids, but I feel really strongly about this topic, so thought I'd add my two pennies worth 🙂

Jack Cambric July 12, 2021 - 3:53 am

Dude in red tank top looks.stick man.

Jack Cambric July 12, 2021 - 4:26 am

In 8tth grade I was thicker than

Stoner Gains July 12, 2021 - 2:05 pm

Derek's 100% right, not just about doctors prescribing TRT but doctors in general, think about how much schooling they have to go thru to become a doctor, idc how smart you are theres no way you got everything verbatim in your head after all those years, let alone all constant flow of new information always coming out , once they are actually practicing there's no way they got time to be studying still, and learning new things, im sure they are required to do a update test what once every 5 years or something to that effect??? And even then, they know what the test will be one, they crunch the shit week before the test and barely pass , just like back in high-school for most of us nah mean ? Lol be your own doctor! And go for the natural medicine the earth provides , and let that poison they give out so easily be a last resort type of thing! My advice anyway, I appreciate both ya'll and tbh im jealous of the influence ya'll have on people , ive always tried to promote health and fitness and give people the truth, but unless your already popular, most people either get offended, or don't want to hear it, and ignore me lol, ill say it one more time , MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA THE POWER THE HAVE OVER THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE THRU HOLISTIC HEALTH FITNESS , ON week 3 of TRT after 8-10 years of fitness experience, the last 6 being purely Bodybuilding oriented, documenting my progress several social media platforms, looking forward to getting stable and seeing some progress 💪🏼take care guys 🤙🏼

Stoner Gains July 12, 2021 - 2:15 pm

I've been training for years, certified PT Nasm, supplement smart, don't party, rest alot, eat healthy every day, I CANT eat bad cuz it makes me sick literally, and my total came back at 155, so I understand when Scott talks about ppl just being pussies or wanting to slack off i agree, if you want TRT to be a slacker than maybe you need TRT cuz you ain't got any fucking balls to begin with, but I've experienced that low energy, not recovering, no sex drive ect, but I also think Scott has healthy levels and don't really understand what experiencing that low energy/recovery issues feel like.

ArduinoBen July 18, 2021 - 6:42 pm

Scott Herman looks like a munchkin with that overlay lmao

seth Chandler July 21, 2021 - 8:41 pm

Fantastic video.

Kuro CK July 22, 2021 - 11:38 am

It's your body, your risk, your choice
As long as you don't lie to other people

Candace Benford July 28, 2021 - 3:34 pm

This was a very good collaboration!!! You guys keep us very informed! Thank You❤

Bill Nesler August 9, 2021 - 3:50 am

You guys should calibrate on this same topic, but for us guy 45+ yrs old who have low T and have never used any kind of steroids

P C August 15, 2021 - 8:55 am

24 mins is analogous to using rare candies to get your pokemon to lvl 100 instead of training them.

Realtor September 18, 2021 - 2:49 am

Derek is a humble man, thinks he isn’t really that big and it’s just the lighting. Despite have 2 Death Stars for delts, which according to Star Wars are the size a small moon. Sounds like he big asf to me.

123backwards September 20, 2021 - 9:14 am

lol. i got my wife pregnant with 2 healty kids while on 650 mg test

Zoltán Erik Migléc October 13, 2021 - 7:27 am

Scott is too close minded… Let people be.

Anthony Doherty October 13, 2021 - 1:59 pm

Derek should have way more followers. Guy is so knowledgeable

Elvis Sanchez October 15, 2021 - 12:40 am

Yo, I'm late but I still made it to class! 😭👍🏽

Arman Ozturk December 16, 2021 - 12:14 am

We shouldn’t compare, but Derek blows the other guy out of the water in terms of charisma and in depth knowledge.

Matthew Dragoo December 26, 2021 - 2:56 pm

Derek Greg Doc all say less is more nice video new Subscriber Scott

Privat Bruker December 29, 2021 - 8:24 am

Well, Scott is strange guy doing stroids cause u dont want a normal physice u want the enhanced look.

Like to be honest, how is it okey that scott's girlfriend only want money only thing she cares about, to be thats shitty of him, be honest say u want alot of sex and u want to pay her to get it, he wont do that Even when thats true….

Not everyone is okey with a body that sucks, like if u want a body like Scott okey some People want a physice like Jeff seid and if thats there dream let them follow there Dreams…… Now he can get back to his gold digger
