BACK FAT WORKOUT | 10 MINS HOME ROUTINE | Lose Back Fat & Under Arms Fat – Chloe Ting

by YouTube Team

This is a back fat workout to help you lose those stubborn fat on your back or under arms.

This back fat home routine is only 10 minutes so give it a go. If you’re looking to target back fat, then try to aim to do this workout twice in a row, 2-3 times a week and it should help.

Please do like this video if you enjoyed it, and subscribe if you haven’t already. Leave a comment below and let me know how you went and do let me know if you want more back fat workouts, or please do keep putting through suggestions for future videos.

Check out my other workouts
Abs & Butt Workout:
Easy Meal Prep:

Follow me on Instagram:-
Main Instagram:
Fitness Instagram:

☆Filmed With☆
Panasonic GH5
Lumix G 8-18mm
Lumix G 12-35mm
Lumix G 42.5mm


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TechWorld December 22, 2019 - 4:15 am


TechWorld December 22, 2019 - 4:16 am

Plz start some new year plan

Emili Kirkliauskaite February 11, 2020 - 4:47 pm

Okay I'm going to start this today! I'll be doing some face workouts, leg workouts, an workouts, arm workouts, cardio and muffin top workouts along with this.I'll be doing this workout every Tuesday. I might go running every day as well.Oh yeah I also do dance twice every week.
Weight(now) – 55kg
Weight(goal) – 43kg.
Day 1-(11/02/2020)So I ate a croissant for breakfast and then for lunch I had a sandwich, peach, tomatoes and a yogurt. After school I had macaroni with this meat and cucumber. I also had a slice of cake.

Skyler March 22, 2020 - 6:03 pm

Will this work if I do it once a day every day?

SHR GUY April 12, 2020 - 8:34 pm

Amazing back workout I'm gonna start this from tomorrow 👍👍😍😍

Zee Fashion April 27, 2020 - 11:55 am

Chole pls i want ur workout sport wear 😍😍I am so much into ur workout

Daulat bhangare June 4, 2020 - 6:43 pm

U r my favorite tried ur this video for 30 days and I got super amazing results thanks for workouts

Carolyn Drone July 9, 2020 - 4:39 pm

Love this one!!!

Marvel the Kid July 15, 2020 - 5:10 pm

Took me so long to find a back workout that fits into my busy schedule. Thank you! ❤️ you!

Alekhya Ashvin July 28, 2020 - 5:13 pm

The recent ones r a bit simpler 😅

Sushi Suthar August 14, 2020 - 3:30 am

This exercise reduced my back side fat above and side on hips ??

ROSH ABBAS August 19, 2020 - 6:14 pm

Love u Chloe just bcz of you people call be 0 fig

Catty HaNy August 27, 2020 - 7:09 am

Anyone knows what type of shoes she wears ?

sakina salmani September 5, 2020 - 1:43 pm

I have started working out today… because of some medical issues I have to loose weight…and you are so helpful…Thank you Chloe..I hope I get what m looking for😌♥️

RNK recipe September 10, 2020 - 5:01 pm

chole please say me how to reduce the fat in breast or chest

Selma Pereira September 11, 2020 - 3:00 pm

It Worked!! I have been doing this workout for 2 WEEKS and they look awesome(my arms). I LOVE you Chloe Ting.Thanks For Everything……..Guys , If I can do this so can you …….so GO ON ……………DO IT!!(unless you are watching this for fun)………….Enjoy ………The Pain….!!!!!!

Adassa Stone September 23, 2020 - 2:26 pm

Just new subs but love this 😌 ❤️

Hafsa Nasim-ul-Haq October 5, 2020 - 3:05 pm

Is it me or does Chloe tongue look very tall or long in this video

Kalai Vani October 10, 2020 - 10:25 am

Today on word's iam going to start a excise 😀

Anannya October 18, 2020 - 3:17 am

Chloe , I was wondering whether we can change Burpees with any other exercise ?

سنابات المشاهير October 25, 2020 - 6:41 pm

It so difficultiese 🤯🤯

Kingdom Mindset December 15, 2020 - 1:43 am

Dear Future Me,
This is my personal journal to motivate me along with helping me to stay committed and edit it daily. My goal is to have a Hourglass body by this Summer (God's willing). I weighed 141 this morning so I lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks. I took a break from working out as I started 3 weeks ago, but I was not consisted. I plan on doing Hourglass, abs, and back fat workouts on M/W/F which totals 12. Tues/Thurs will be butt/glutes.

My goal is to weigh between 120- 130 pounds. I noted all those workouts I was doing 2 weeks ago was paying off because my body looks AMAZING. my body is toning, my butt is huge, and I am slowly getting a wider hip 🙂 .

This is not a post for someone to comment with negativity because if you do, you are of the devil. Satan attacks, accuse and brings negativity. God brings positivity, motivation and uplifting words.
Day 1
Today is Monday, Dec. 14th, and it is 8:43pm, this is my 14th workout of the day. My goal is to have a hourglass body by summer of 2021. I started investing in myself for the past 2 weeks through working out on my body for my aim is to tone and shaping up. I started investing in my hair growth since April and already it grew 4 inches ( I am amazed, but with God everything is possible). I started investing in my mind through learning wisdom, working on becoming a kingdom person (mother, daughter and future wife).

I got my divorce 4 months ago and I have healed. My goal is to get the body that I once had prior to pregnancy. I am thankful that the Lord has answered my prayers, thus, when I am sad, I do not turn to food nor spend money–I just workout instead. I plan on doing 18 workout today.

Queen, I know you have it in you to accomplish your body's desire. No matter what pops up, just try and make time for yourself daily. It starts with you on this day. Stay committed and know you can conquer the challenges. You got this.

Day 2- Dec. 15th
It is 7:48 am. This is my 3rd workout so fay. After I deleted and updated my workout list to effective workout that burns my muscles, I will focus on completing 11 a day. Queen, I know your body is perfect and that is why I am committed on being dedicated, strict with my diet starting today, I weigh 144.4. I need to tone and curve my little fat before I lose 15 pounds.

Queen, I know you have it in you to accomplish your body's desire. No matter what pops up, just try and make time for yourself daily. It starts with you on this day. Stay committed and know you can conquer the challenges. You got this.

It is 8:50 pm. Its been snowing since 10 something this morning…. and I hear rain drops now. I came by my parents because my HVAC system is not blowing hot air. Management sent a tech today, but I was long gone from last night. My parents lives in an elderly 62+ apartment, but his neighbor is unloving. He complains for the tiniest movement on the floor. HE IS MISERABLE.
Due to not wanting him get rid of my parents, I am nervous of working out on the ground. Last night I was working out on the bed… who DOES THAT? Anyway, I plan on staying here until Sunday. Tomorrow morning I will do this workout on the floor and pray for him.

I noticed when my heart is in something that'll better myself, distraction always presents itself.

Self, Stop delaying your success in achieving the body figure you desire. Our Heavenly Father is not a GOD of rushing you into anything, so do it patiently and don't rush to get a body shape in such a short time because it can work against you instead of for you. Enjoy these workouts as you listen to sermons and ask the Lord to workout next to you so you feel like you have a workout partner. You are being tested, not to being consistent neither to focus on working on you (your body in this case). Sleep it off tonight and know tomorrow is another day, although you have 4 hours of back to back virtual sessions. Prove to yourself that you come first and your love is growing stronger by the day for yourself. Goodnight, Queen.

Dec 16- Dec 28th- took a break.
Queen, there's power in your determination, you believing in yourself and you getting what belongs to you…that is that body you envisioned you walking in.

Restart- Day 1 : Dec 29th
It is 8:15 am, I am at my parents. I took almost 2 weeks off from working out and just enjoy my holiday. Today I decided to get back in the workout mood so I will have the workout ethic for 2021. I went down to 142, but I am back at 144.9. That's ok because I will slowly lose weight and tone. Let me begin this workout because my dream body is waiting on the other side (lol).

I am BACK!!!
Starting over all over again———

Day 1- Mon, Jan 4

It is 10:03 pm, this is my 6th workout of the day. I had a long day and I forgot to workout during my little free time. My 3 year old took up my time. I lost 3 pounds so I am done to 141. My body looks AMAZING from all those workouts I was putting in those weeks. My love angles looks a lot smaller than before, my hip is wider and my butt is bigger. I plan on doing Hourglass workouts on M/W/F along with abs, back fat and love angles which total to 12. Thus, I have 6 more to complete before I sleep. Don't judge me in the comments below, because what works for me may not work for you. My body seem to have the motive to do a lot of workout a day, but a few I do not do it, idk why. I have so much confidence in myself and I AM LOVING MY BODY.

I have to do better with my time tomorrow because I am sleepy, but I have to finish all the other workouts. If I do not stay true to myself by pushing myself to complete all these workouts, then that means I will allow people to give me second best, and NO ONE CAN GIVE ME LESS THAN WHAT I Deserve. I came to understand my worth and it starts with me respecting, investing and staying true to myself. How I treat myself is how I allow others to treat me. 2021 is my year. Queen, I am proud of you for making a committed to yourself by changing your diet and truly making an effort to workout. Although it will be hard and difficult at times, push through it and remember Jesus is on your side. NEVER give up, remind yourself what your end goal is and that will push you to stay focus and committed.

Anyway, let me begin this workout since I about to fall asleep so let me workout and sleep afterwards. This is my time of self loving and self caring for my well being.

Day 2- Wed, Jan 6
It is 9:24 pm and this is my 8th workout, but only completed 4. Reason being, I met with my Primary Care Doc yesterday due to chest pain. I told her about me working out lately and she said my chest pain is from muscle chest strain. Thus, whatever workout have me moving are straining my chest- I will not do it. I want an amazing body, but I will not hurt myself and damage my health for it. I will focus on my love angles, muffin top and back fat since they don't require me to do push ups and other workouts that put strain on my chest. With that being said, this is the last day I will do this workout because it is straining my chest. 🙁 I will continue other workouts and know I will get the body I desire. Be bless, Queen!

Sasuke Uchiha January 6, 2021 - 7:43 am

What's ur body type chloe sis?
Mine is inverted triangle…
And I m just 13 I tried ur workouts engaging the thighs…they got as slim as heck thanku !

TEE T January 24, 2021 - 6:01 pm

I fell on my head trying to do the first exercise. 😂😂

sofibot February 16, 2021 - 7:57 am

i felt everything burn, except my back lol

Feriel Serfag April 3, 2021 - 12:07 pm

Here from 2021 . Chloe you got better and better . I'm proud of being one of the fitness fam here

Gia Salvatore April 9, 2021 - 5:51 pm

Chloe it burns so bad but feels so good

Me No…

pucine13 April 21, 2021 - 8:51 am

This one felt so good!!!

Bashar Hussain April 28, 2021 - 3:12 am

الرياض مال تنحيف الخواصر الضهر بليز رد

A D May 7, 2021 - 10:40 am

Mallus illee😌💥

Rita Shamoun June 17, 2021 - 1:45 am

Excellent workout love it

Emee Namocatcat July 5, 2021 - 12:47 am

Day6:❎busy day!!!
Day11:✅finally I’m back!!!!it was too busy!!

Aditi Shrivastava July 15, 2021 - 5:26 am

day 1 ✅ exhausted and body is shaking and did a lil burpees and sidebody plank

тнэ моой☁️ August 1, 2021 - 5:28 pm

I will do these exercises and hope to lose my back fat

Rocio Medina September 27, 2021 - 11:23 pm

Remember babes, YOU are In control of YOUR mind and body. Push yourselves. You can do this and only you can push yourself to better yourself 💚don’t give up ⭐️😌
