8 Things I DO Every Day For a Healthy Pregnancy – Love Sweat Fitness

by YouTube Team

This is how I’m fit and healthy during my pregnancy. I’ve barely had any of the bad “normal” pregnancy symptoms women experience and this is why. Get 60% off your first Persona Nutrition vitamin pack order + take the personalized assessment! –

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Asmaa vlog 아스마 브이로그 August 18, 2022 - 2:56 pm

your videos make people feel relaxed and entertained keep going your videos are beautiful ♥️🥰🍓🍓💖🍓

sandiipants21 August 18, 2022 - 2:56 pm

i lovee this 💖💖💖

Olivia August 18, 2022 - 3:01 pm

This is awesome thanks Katie your a really good support 🥰

Jana Stevankova August 18, 2022 - 3:29 pm

Thank you 🙏🏻
I will share these video with my pregnant girlfriend ☺️
Thank you for that 🤩🙏🏻
Wish you happy and healthy pregnancy 🌸💙

Allie Brown August 18, 2022 - 4:32 pm

I’m sorry, but saying or asserting that your good health is the reason that your pregnancy is going so well is extremely presumptuous.

I usually love your videos. I mean like, I HATE diet culture, but I love your approach. I’m subscribed. I watch all your videos. Love the content.

But these pregnancy videos where you chalk up your incredible pregnancy journey to your hard work on your health (nutrition and exercise) is super super presumptuous and honestly just not 100% accurate. And you’re pushing this message to other women, and it CERTAINLY doesn’t apply to even most women.

My first pregnancy was AMAZING. I had ZERO negative symptoms. I have three autoimmune diseases, and I felt incredible during my first pregnancy. I was also the most unhealthy during my first pregnancy that I’ve ever been in my life. Felt great for the entire nine months. Labor and delivery was healthy and amazing. Postpartum was a quick, easy healing process. I felt amazing.

Fast forward to my current, third pregnancy, and it’s definitely been my hardest journey yet. And, plot twist, I am the HEALTHIEST I’ve been in my entire life. I’m 29 years old, and I spent three full years leading up to this pregnancy working on my nutrition and exercise in order to be healthy enough to get pregnant for a third time (as well as have a successful home birth this go around instead of a hospital birth.) I wanted to be in REALLY good shape for this pregnancy because I knew I would be laboring and delivering at home. Like I said, this is my MOST difficult pregnancy. I’ve gained less weight this go around. I’ve worked out regularly throughout this pregnancy. I’ve geared all of my nutrition and exercise toward maintaining a healthy pregnancy as well as preparing my body for a natural birth. Once again, this has been my MOST difficult pregnancy.

My midwife has encouraged me along the way that a LOT of women’s bodies REALLY feel and show symptoms of pregnancy— ESPECIALLY in subsequent pregnancies. It’s totally normal for your first pregnancy to manifest super mild symptoms; for you to not show your bump very early; for you to not get super chubby; for you to feel AMAZING. And it’s also SUPER normal (PLEASE HEAR THIS LADIES) for your subsequent pregnancies to just not be that way. Regardless of your efforts. Regardless of your hard work. Regardless of diet and exercise.

You can be in REALLY great health, not gain excessive weight, exercise every single day, and still feel like complete crap during your ENTIRE pregnancy….simply because it’s your second or third pregnancy….or because it’s the way your body acclimates to growing a human being….or because of genetics. SO many things can affect the way a woman feels or the symptoms that she experiences during her pregnancy other than diet and exercise. And pushing this message that diet and exercise absolutely impacts the way a woman feels during her pregnancy— that by doing all of these super healthy things, you’ve been able to achieve a dream boat pregnancy— really isolates a lot of women who are literally working their butts off to stay healthy…even while seeing no results.

I won’t see or feel any results of what I’m doing until I give birth. I won’t have a symptom-free pregnancy. I won’t have a super toned, muscular physique throughout this pregnancy (even though I began this pregnancy journey SUPER toned and muscular from all of my hard work.) I won’t see or feel ANY results of all my hard work until I give birth and can began healing. And, guess what ladies? That’s OKAY. That’s ALSO normal. That’s ALSO a HUGE accomplishment. To continue working out and eating healthy even without ANY results of doing so— to continue putting in the work for the sake of doing right by your body.

There aren’t ALWAYS results. There’s not ALWAYS a positive impact. Sometimes you just do what you’re supposed simply because, well, you’re supposed to. And you trust that your body will thank you later.

But if you are having a really rough pregnancy— FULL of allllll the symptoms and chunky fat deposits— despite eating right, exercising, and gaining the appropriate amount of weight throughout your pregnancy— rest assured that you’re not alone….and that you’re not defective or doing anything wrong….ESPECIALLY if this is your second or third pregnancy.

Pregnancy is HARD on a woman’s body. It literally tears it apart. And, with each subsequent pregnancy, the trauma to your body is more and more apparent. All we can do is to do right by our bodies, fuel it with super nutritious foods, work it and stretch it and keep it in shape….and let the results be what they are going to be. Even if it’s full of heartburn, nausea, chubbier arms, wider hips, expanded rib cages, stretch marks galore, and achey loose joints. ✌️

Katie, congrats on your super healthy, symptom-free pregnancy. I’m genuinely super excited for you. But please understand that this is your first pregnancy, and it’s super common for a first pregnancy to just yield less symptoms or negative affects on your body, regardless of good or bad health.

Emily Sorensen August 18, 2022 - 5:58 pm

You are beautiful!! So excited for you! 🤗

ryan pegoraro August 18, 2022 - 8:59 pm

I love you Katie

brockbella August 18, 2022 - 11:14 pm

Do you eat pineapple it has helped during pregnancy looking more beautiful during the journey every time coconut water is good I’ll have to try this I drink lots of water if I go out to eat I get full just eating a little I used to eat lots I guess my stomach is finally shrinking does Ryan get the cravings

Amber O'Leary August 19, 2022 - 1:47 am

Always love your videos, thanks Katie! Would you mind sharing some of the “things” you’ve gotten for baby/you? Like your pregnancy pillow, stroller etc?

LisaLouise Uden August 19, 2022 - 3:16 am

They say boy pregnancies are a lot easier than girl pregnancies.

Mom4life August 19, 2022 - 3:42 am

1st pregnancies are always easy. It's the 2nd and 3rd ones thst get hard.

annacatherine August 19, 2022 - 5:47 am

I usually love your videos but I’m 11 weeks pregnant and had to turn this one off as it really upset me. I’ve been so so ill from week 5. Every pregnancy is different and this is only your first pregnancy. I couldn’t even put a prune in my mouth if I tried without being sick at the moment. Having a wonderfully nutritious diet just isn’t an option for me at the minute – I wish I could!

Sammi Waite August 19, 2022 - 8:07 am

Katie I normally love your videos but this is just irritating and giving women an unrealistic view of pregnancy. I don't like to leave negative comments but I just had to comment because this is going to leave women feeling inadequate and like they must be doing something wrong. I'm glad you've had a great pregnancy so far, but this video is just infuriating. I'm a mother if eight and what you are doing is making people think that if you pump your body full of powders and pills you'll have a wonderful pregnancy! Not true. Every single pregnancy is different as I've birthed six I can tell you that for a fact. I was hospitalised with one despite doing the same things with all pregnancies. This video is not helpful, you're telling people to try this, try that, go see this person go see that person.. and how much does that all cost and how much do you get paid for that? Not a helpful video at all!

Ashley Faircloth August 19, 2022 - 12:09 pm

I'm so glad you have had a great pregnancy! Praying that the rest of your pregnancy is as smooth! And labor is quick amd easy and sweet baby is healthy!

QU33N G33K August 19, 2022 - 2:26 pm

Everybody is different. I'm glad these things work for you but it is definitely NOT the same for everyone! I'm on my first pregnancy too ND just a few weeks behind you ND this has been the worst 6 months for me. It's unrealistic to make woman feel like ur normal is possible for everyone.

denisse mendoza August 19, 2022 - 5:30 pm

I'm really happy you're having a good pregnancy so far but honestly you just lucked out on this pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different and you can do all the "right" things as far as nutrition and exercise and still not have an easy pregnancy or delivery.
