8 Exercises I WISH I Did Years Ago! (WASTED GAINS) – ATHLEAN-X™

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We all have exercises that we tend to fall in love with and those we tend to avoid. In this video, I’m going to show you the 8 exercises that I wish I did years ago that would have delivered better muscle, strength and stability gains much sooner. These will cover everything from the legs, core, arms, chest, shoulders, glutes and even overall training concepts that have made a significant difference in muscularity.

To start, I recap with a lat pulldown variation I showcased in an individual video a few weeks ago called the rocking pulldown. This unbelievable exercise is one that I truly wish I had started doing many years ago because of its ability to allow for extension of the arm while performing the vertical pulldown exercise. You will instantly feel the intensity of the contraction in your lats once you try this exercise out.

As sort of an added bonus here, I also wish I did the one arm high pulley row a lot sooner. This exercise allows you to get an incredible stretch on the lats on every rep as well as the peak contraction and extension at the bottom. Nothing has allowed me to develop the sweep of my lats better than this exercise. It’s just a shame that I avoided it for many years early on in my training.

The squat is one of those lower body exercises that just can’t be avoided if you want to build your best legs possible. The problem is, many times people pick the wrong stance width and wind up paying for this mistake. I certainly did. I followed the general advice of placing your feet just outside of shoulder width and driving the knees out with the descent. The problem for me was it never felt right. I only wish I discovered just how much more natural it was for me to be much narrower with my feet.

The concept of straight arm scapular strength is maybe one of the most important that I have incorporated into my training in the last ten years. The straight arm pushdown is one of the best ways to do this, however there are bar variations like the front lever raise and the headbanger pullup that I demonstrated on instagram that all hit this key attribute. My fitness idol Sylvester Stallone even tried the latter after seeing it on my post and did an incredible job with this challenging movement showing just how locked in he is on his training and strength priorities.

Other key exercises you don’t want to overlook in your training are the glute ham raise and the 3 way dip. Both of these movements get muscles to work together that don’t often properly get allowed to do so. In the case of the glute ham raise you want the glutes to take over for the hamstrings, not the other way around. When weak glutes are unable to help you extend the hip, the hamstrings attempt to do so and wind up suffering strains.

In the case of the dip, the obliques, serratus, and abs are all capable of working together to propel the body up and beyond the height of the bars but you have to allow them to do so. The 3 way dip exercise is much more beneficial than the regular dips since it gets these muscles to participate without sacrificing the overall effectiveness of the movement for the originally intended muscles.

The key to these and any exercise for that matter is finding the ones that are capable of delivering the biggest results in the shortest period of time. In the ATHLEAN-X Training System found at you can count on getting only the workouts and exercises that deliver the biggest bang for your buck. Start training like an athlete and see just how much faster you can start seeing big gains.

For more videos on the best exercises for building a bigger chest and the 5 worst exercises you can ever do in a gym, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at


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Milo July 30, 2021 - 8:22 am

DAAAAAAAAYUM! I'ld say your channel is gold, but this video feels like platinum diamond!!!
Well actually, your whole channel is platinum diamond… just trying to say even for your standards this vid is fucking great! 😀

Oliver Geoffrey Blakely August 12, 2021 - 6:21 pm

Look at those hams. Nice legs Jeff!

Oliver Geoffrey Blakely August 12, 2021 - 9:23 pm

Going to try crush grip db press and iso chest cross and more…

Ethan Marchman August 14, 2021 - 6:05 pm

dude got rambo to copy him

David Granderson August 15, 2021 - 7:51 pm

AX: Armani Exchange black socks?? lol jk

Nasir Asadov August 20, 2021 - 12:48 pm

Must feel so surreal when you become the idol of your childhood idol..

insigNickyfant August 20, 2021 - 7:45 pm

Lol I thought those biceps were gonna pop when he did the isometrics at the end

Ray Massey August 21, 2021 - 8:40 am

Jeff spot on with face pulls, and different versions. Moved them in to every gym day, aswell as a fair few of his advice movements and definitely feel and notice a difference..

Daniel Betts August 21, 2021 - 12:18 pm

Wouldn’t you need to rest if you’re doing facepulls every workout?

Kram Kalisthenics August 23, 2021 - 4:41 pm

Re: squats: doing them with legs far apart and toes out is what saved me from knee issues that I had from narrow feet position squats. I do go ATG (touching a 6 inch block) at 63 years old.

Kai Timm August 27, 2021 - 8:14 am

Hi Jeff, am a 52 year old Australian that does a lot of on water sport like sailing and kite foil racing. I need to build muscle to protect myself from injury. Which program do you suggest. I have good to intermediate fitness and work out 5 times a week. I have a pretty good home gym with cable machine and squat rack. Thanks

whoisaiahmoore August 28, 2021 - 10:11 pm

I blew my glutes in 2013 and not PT has worked

trutacgear September 2, 2021 - 9:24 am

The best trainer i have seen so far ..!There two or three more on you tube ..!

Sidney Majewski September 3, 2021 - 4:13 pm

more jeff in booty shorts

Ceezz Frogg September 6, 2021 - 1:03 am

I was gonna hit the gym but I got exhausted watching these workouts

Mark Droege September 6, 2021 - 6:40 pm

Good stuff, very informative!

Mauro Colagiovanni September 10, 2021 - 4:45 am

I wish lived my life better

Apsteronaldo September 19, 2021 - 3:11 pm

The concept of isometrics is still the same: you just go Super Saiyan 3

Sandgroper203 September 20, 2021 - 6:51 am

finally a video where jeff shows us his incredible legs (4.13 and 6.16) why don't we see them more often. Also love those shorts

CottenEye Joe September 27, 2021 - 4:18 pm

1. Great for peak contraction and pump in the lats
2. never really did standing 1 arm cable pulls
3. straight arm pull overs are good but also lights up my long tricep head
4. glute hams raise is very intense ham string
5. narrow squats target my quads & lower back cant go as deep either, wider hits hams, glutes & quads
6. I like the plus dip but adding in abs is too much
7 crush press..target front delts maybe more side delt the higher you go
8. best rotator cuff exercise

Media Kings September 28, 2021 - 5:36 pm

problem is you are twisting your waist. so your elbow was not going back.

Media Kings September 28, 2021 - 5:42 pm

actually, the closer your legs are in the squat is the more pressure on your knees. wider stance will share to load with your glutes…

James Schanen November 25, 2021 - 8:41 pm

So helpful. Thank you.

Craig Sternum November 26, 2021 - 5:14 pm

I love your page
