by YouTube Team


Generally speaking, you don’t really need to isolate your deltoids. Even with my own clients, heavy pressing exercises such as the overhead press, incline press, dips and close grip bench press are enough to properly activate all three deltoid heads and see growth. In fact, I bet if you just trained with more sets of heavy compound movements like these versus isolation type movements, you would see much faster growth overall.

But there are cases where some people just have such a poor mind-muscle connection to the deltoids that they tend to perform these movements only properly activating their triceps, chest, back, traps…and virtually every other muscle BUT the three deltoid heads. So if this sounds like you, this is why you’re not growing and my ONE MASTER TIP will help you be on your way to seeing more growth!

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#Bodybuilding #MuscleGain #Shoulders


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ScottHermanFitness September 10, 2019 - 8:36 pm

Generally speaking, you don’t really need to isolate your deltoids. Even with my own clients, heavy pressing exercises such as the overhead press, incline press, dips and close grip bench press are enough to properly activate all three deltoid heads and see growth. In fact, I bet if you just trained with more sets of heavy compound movements like these versus isolation type movements, you would see much faster growth overall.

But there are cases where some people just have such a poor mind-muscle connection to the deltoids that they tend to perform these movements only properly activating their triceps, chest, back, traps…and virtually every other muscle BUT the three deltoid heads. So if this sounds like you, this is why you’re not growing and my ONE MASTER TIP will help you be on your way to seeing more growth!

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shloyo Goldstein September 15, 2019 - 3:58 am

How much reps per set?

D. Y September 15, 2019 - 2:50 pm

You are a true inspiration! keep it up. 🙂

Utubeskreename September 16, 2019 - 2:59 am

I've only seen a few people with significant Side Delt development, that only did the major compund movements, and they all showed signs of overall chemical assitance. That would gel with all the EMG studies that show little Side Delt contribution during any of the big basic compounds (including Overhead Barbell Press). And trying to focus on moving your elbows out towards the sides (to obtain the MM connection with your side delts) during the big compound presses would get you BURIED, with any reasonable amount of weight. Same thing with Rear Deltoid head. EMG studies for the Posterior Delts show the need for Barbell Rowing with a very wide grip and bar path high on the chest. This obviously cripples ability for total weight moved in the Row, largely due to the much less efficient hand positioning and bar path for the much larger Latissimus Dorsi muscles to get involved optimally and do their thing.

Bottom line: 90%+ will need to put in the time for quality isolation work to see significant Lateral and Posterior Deltoid head development, OR they will need Pharmacological support.

TMG September 16, 2019 - 12:12 pm

Been doing the front raise wrong , thanks Scott 🤙

TMG September 16, 2019 - 12:14 pm

Do you have tips on why my right shoulder is hurt when doing the overhead barbell press? Bcs if I do military dumbell press or arnold press, it doesnt hurt. I always do rotator cuff exercises at the start and always pyramid up the weight from the warm up to the working set.

Parvan Parvanov September 16, 2019 - 4:07 pm

That really hurts…..nice work out the pump is huge
Great content as always Scott

BionAvastar3000 September 16, 2019 - 4:19 pm

I can't leave a comment on your insta garbage vid for some reason, so I'll put it here – have you heard of @everydamndayfitness ? He has a saying "Instagram is where fitness goes to die," and it would be cool for you to join the Swolevengers!

Lil Boer September 16, 2019 - 9:12 pm

Tore my trap muscle actually doing an overhead press, it was shoulder day, and i went a little heavier than i normally did. Have been chilling for the past 3/4 months not doing anything, but a week or two ago, i strted gymming again, slowly increasing the weight everyday, now im hitting weight that i couldnt even get to before i tore my muscle

Mundus66 September 17, 2019 - 12:02 pm

Dumbbell press helped me some with shoulders previously i only did barbell press and raise exercises. But once i started alternating between dumbbell and barbell i started seeing gains. The reason for this was that as you showed in your video here i was using to much other muscles for my shoulders exercises. But at least for me the dumbbell press basically required me to use my shoulders more once i started adding some weight. So this made me progress faster and improve my technique overall.

Aesthetic Art September 17, 2019 - 7:58 pm

Lmao vshred 😂😂😂

Varun Sujwal September 19, 2019 - 8:49 am

Scott why the number is stuck at 67%? i wonder always😅

Víctor Tola D. September 20, 2019 - 2:50 am

Hi Scott! Is there any difference if I press with a hex bar. Does it activate the shoulder in a different way? Greetings from Ecuador!

Bryan Castro September 21, 2019 - 9:57 am

I wish it was 69%

Schwer& Falsch October 3, 2019 - 9:28 pm

I want 69% tho

Ingrid R October 6, 2019 - 4:17 am

Thank you for your videos! I am a 58 year old woman I started weight training last January for the first time in my life! All my life I have been a yo-yo dieter. So far I’ve dropped 75 lb – 50 more to go. Please tell me how to lose now because I’ve plateaued and I’m stuck

A pimp named slickback October 22, 2019 - 1:43 pm

Scott make a t shirt that says "let's get this pahhhty stahhhted "

J Br October 22, 2019 - 3:27 pm

I really like Scott; he is a nice guy and knows his stuff very well. I am even a subscriber to his channel.
The only thing is his high pitch voice tone irritates my eardrums even if I set the volume low. I wish he did have this annoying sound.
Despite of that, I respect this man.

MICH October 23, 2019 - 10:34 pm

Take on vshred!

jordanrichards320 October 27, 2019 - 2:00 am

Hey Scott, I heard that every 4-6 weeks you should rest for an entire week! Is this true, or just some fitness guru Gahhhbage?? Maybe you could make a video about rest and recovery for us supernoobs lol 🙂

Jerry Kontos December 20, 2019 - 12:37 am

What body weight exercises can you recommend to work each area of the deltoid?

Jay Grambling April 18, 2020 - 5:42 am

Its great to see well developed shoulders on what imo is one of very few natural bodybuilders on youtube (with well developed shoulders). This is an example of amazing results from roid free hard consistent skilled work. I dont know Scott, so im guessing based on my owm lifetime natty experience that he is natty too. It's guys like him, Omarsluf, and AlphaDestiny that deserve recognition for demonstrating incredible results can be achieved without taking suppressive drugs. Apparently, Eric Bugenhagen is natty too, which is fking incredible given his results. I wish i understood his training style, but achieving a pr on the same single exercise every day without hurting the joints alludes me. The devils in the details i guess. Obviously, he's on to something that works, but his explaination of just picking one exercise to focus on and doing it everyday looking to make consistent prs, even every other day, just makes no sense to me. How do you know its a pr without going close to failure, and how do you do the same exercise with that intensity every day without irritating the joints? Anyway, sorry went off topic. Thanks for video Scott.

Zachary Smith May 12, 2020 - 9:36 pm

Stupid v shredz ads are EVERYWHERE now

Lamoletrd21 August 13, 2020 - 11:32 pm

Scott you should do a reaction video to your old ones!

עדי שניידמן November 18, 2020 - 11:37 am

OMG first time i am feeling my delts
for me the key is to swipe my arms
thanks bro

Kyle Perry December 30, 2020 - 9:40 pm

Yeah! Fuck 68% I want 67%

nastik July 13, 2021 - 12:41 pm

I remember getting my 1st shoulder workout from your channel 1011 years ago. Honestly I still Follow that routing

Venu Kuruganti August 23, 2021 - 11:58 am

Scott, I LOOOVE your videos but that shot of you with your head on the bench and doing the dumbbell raise was the funniest shot ever!!! ROFL!

I can almost imagine someone coming up to you and asking, "Hey mate! You alright there? Or did you have a few too many last night?"

"Naah mate! I'm just contemplating the meaning of existence and life and it is soooo heavy! Oh and I'm doing Lateral Raises too!"

