63lbs of Muscle in 28 days? Fact or Fiction? – Nick’s Strength and Power

by YouTube Team

An in depth look at the legendary Colorado Experiment. Possibly the most notorious experiment in bodybuilding history.
Link to the the full experiment:
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Noah Lillis September 2, 2019 - 5:24 pm

So he's captain america?

SecuroServ October 8, 2019 - 9:11 am

I don't even think its possible even with 1000mg of fucking tren

El Dragon October 19, 2019 - 9:16 pm

Who cares, it is a good system especially for the hard gainers. And NO it wasn't done only on the Nautilus machines, nor they ever claimed it. You can look up for the program.

The Surfer November 7, 2019 - 9:15 am

Did this training.
Only difference? Did a near absolute negative only version(Which was initially done to prove the principle of negatives being absolutely necessary for strength and muscle gain). Example- Pull ups with heavy weights, where id climb to the top position with legs on something and then come down whilst resisting as much as possible. Same with Dips. As for legs, pre fatigue them with negatives on leg curl and Extension with a weight more than you can push for negatives with the assistance of a strong friend who would only help in the positive part of the rep. Finally kill it with Heavy squat negatives on the Smith machine with two spotters who would raise the weight up. Would be dizzy heading home.

Me and my Basketball partner both did this. He did 6 workouts in one month and I did 5. We both gained 7 kgs of mass. He gained no visible fat and retained his abs. I though, did gain some fat as well. My diet was dilly dallying. I did not eat on time and opted to use a lot of sugar to compensate for calories.

What did I learn?
Negatives work. No question about it. BUT, not everybody you know is capable of it. Even Arnold wouldn't push himself when it came to negative (Read Ellington Dardens account on why HIT worked on Mentzer but not Arnold. Because he wouldn't push himself at the last rep and ended up leaving after a mere week into the program.)
As for it being the best way to gain muscle? Definitely not. It IS the fastest way, true. But the best way would be a sustainable way. This type of workout will deplete you so much, that you will perpetually be cranky and agitated for a few days after the last workout. If by chance you don't consume enough calories because let's say you're a hardgainer like I am, then you're in for the worst mood ride of your life.
Who should do this?
Athletes and seasoned bodybuilders who can take the grunt and have the discipline to eat clean and a lot and have a lot of emotional support or resilience. Don't hamper recovery by playing sport or other high intensity activities. Can sleep for 10-14 hours. Drink more than 5 litres of water.
And, anybody with a very advanced recovery achieved via years or training and/or genetics or via anabolic androgenic drugs(steroids). Steroid users would gain the most humanly possible with this routine. But I'd suggest including isolation exercise negatives achieved with a friend(like a dumbell lateral raise, once up, a friend can provide additional resistance when going down) because negatives when done with compounds and steroids will cause massive growth in the larger muscles and an unaesthetic look because recovery is so damn fast. Balance it out with isolations. Get creative. Steroid use is a choice and not a sin. I would definitely suggest to never use it unless you have a chronic muscle wasting disease.

Who shouldn't do this?
People who have a hard time eating enough. Fix that first.
People who cant sleep enough.
Athletes during game season.
People with other high intensity activity in life. Intensity here can mean time or load. marathon or sprint or weights.
People going through emotional turmoil in life. Fix that first.
People with digestive issues like poor digestive capabilities. Ayurvedically and Tradition Tibetian Medicinally(Creating words, yes) speaking- Such high intensities douse the digestive "fire".
and Beginners.
And, people with an annoying/toxic romantic partner. Dump them before this program.
As for the results on women, I am conducting a 6 week trial on 4 women of different lifestyle and builds. Shall know soon enough

P.S- yes, posting it on this video as well. Wanted to share with anybody who's interested.
As for the the gains, yes- Steroid will birth crazy gains. But a conditioned and healthy person NOT using roids will, as long as working within their recovery capacities, will experience amazing results. And if the individual has good genes and high levels of natural T, then the results gonna be monstrous.

Timo Hannemann December 3, 2019 - 1:06 pm

It seems soooo much too good to be true…,

that my thought is:

(50% muscle-memory-effect) + (50% "JUICE-USE")

Big Greets from Germany my Friends 💪😃✌

MegaWazzzz December 14, 2019 - 9:34 am

Come on 😂😂😂
It’s scientifically proven that you can only gain around 2-3 kg of muscle per year. That’s not even believable or close to be. What I would like to know is what steroids he was using to gain that kind of muscle that fast.

Harry Carrabott January 31, 2020 - 5:08 am

How come no gyms have the lat pull over machine today?

Molon Labe February 5, 2020 - 5:23 pm

Looks like a 1970’s attempt at photoshopping

Tom Kruze March 8, 2020 - 2:40 pm

Do a no fluids fast two days before first weigh in. Eat everything in site while 400mg of test, Tren A. And Anavar then drink a gallon of water before last weigh in. Sure. But 60+ lbs in 28 days of actual muscle. Impossible!

DONALD DUKE March 18, 2020 - 11:52 pm

Great video. This is my second reply in two years. I think Arthur missed a golden opportunity to advertise Nautilus after Ronald and Nancy Reagan were interviewed by Barbara Walters on her TV show. One of the comments Nancy made at that time was that President Reagan at his advanced age from working out on the Nautilus machines in the White House gym and had put on so much upper body muscle mass that she had to buy him a complete new wardrobe because he outgrew his old clothes.

William Kane March 19, 2020 - 10:18 am

Even if this were possible the difference between before and after does not look any where near a 63lb gain more like 15-20 at best and there is no way in hell that after photo is 2% body fat.

Andrew Hughes March 23, 2020 - 3:43 am

Mostly water weight

Marc Helmberger March 24, 2020 - 12:13 pm

Well even if you stay at the same body fat % you still gain fat because you're getting heavier as well

Marc Helmberger March 24, 2020 - 12:26 pm

At 7'1 I gained 385lbs of lean muscle mass in 3 hours because I did a Calisthenics workout. My diet consists of Almonds and Duck Eggs only, which allows me to stand at 0,5% body fat. I can deadlift the Empire State Building for reps. And I'm only 4 years old

CreativeFinga19 March 27, 2020 - 8:16 am

casey looks like brad castleberry

Raymond Poku March 28, 2020 - 1:47 am

Muscle Memory

Mark Clark March 28, 2020 - 2:43 pm

Arthur Jones was the man !

Mark Clark March 28, 2020 - 2:47 pm

Old nautilus machines are beautiful

Niles Minor March 28, 2020 - 3:56 pm

I think it's closer to 40lbs. They're bodyfat measurements are way off and that could skew the results the bodyfat looks the same in both

morrowind Boy March 28, 2020 - 5:56 pm

The only thing that is helping him is musical memory

Dalton Hannah March 29, 2020 - 1:49 pm

Here’s the truth first picture is taken farther back pre pump. Steroids were used Casey prolly gained 20 pounds of muscle tops and the second picture was closer and post pump possibly doctored complete BULLSHIT

Tanner Hewison April 1, 2020 - 12:28 am

The diet??

absolute757 April 1, 2020 - 8:50 am

Hell no

Goldface Pharaoh April 1, 2020 - 12:22 pm

I need more info, what exactly was the diet? What was the warm-up and stretching routine? What did he do on his rest days. I would need to know all the variables to really say what I think is possible, but then I would have to experiment with the plan myself…

Jake Gibbons April 1, 2020 - 4:18 pm

mike ohearn does this

ganirintiniano June 1, 2020 - 10:39 pm

You forgot to say that Arthur claimed that he didnt train legs and even that he gained that weight
