5 Reasons You’re NOT Growing | STOP KILLING YOUR GAINS! – ScottHermanFitness

by YouTube Team

(3:23) –


What’s going on Nation! Today we’re going to expose the 5 fundamental muscle-building mistakes that are holding you back from maximizing your muscle gains!

And I am not talking about the people who are trying to maintain a certain look, I’m talking about the guys in the gym that’ve been lifting weights for years TRYING to make gains, but still look the same as the day they first walked through the door. So if this sounds like you and you want to start building some solid muscle then make sure YOU really pay attention and for those of you who MIGHT be seeing gains, but they’re slow.. you better pay attention too.

Let’s dive right into mistake number 1!

Mistake #1 – You THINK You’re Eating Enough
There’s no point EVEN TOUCHING on the next 4 mistakes if you do not fix this one first! Your training might be truly flawless with no weak points whatsoever, but you will not gain an ounce of muscle if you do not eat properly to support those gains.

And I’m not just talking about adding some protein shakes to your meal plan. Well, protein and amino acids in general, are the building blocks of muscle, but you need more than just adequate protein to reach your muscle-building potential. Here’s everything you need to know:

You Need To Be Consuming Enough Protein. How much? 1 gram of protein per pound of lean bodyweight should be enough, but if you want to be on the safe side, you could go even higher than that to about 1.5 1grams per pound of LEAN BODYWEIGHT and remember that LEAN BODYWEIGHT is your total weight minus your fat.

You Need To In A Caloric Surplus. Protein consumption alone means nothing if it’s not accompanied by a slight caloric surplus. Otherwise, protein is simply just used for your energy needs. Only after your body is getting enough energy, and only then, excess protein can be allocated toward building new muscle tissue. Now, I know some of you guys are going to bring up “Positive Nitrogen Balance” because there are some videos on YouTube explaining that you can build muscle without being in a surplus of calories.However I HIGHLY disagree and if you would like to see an in-depth video on that be sure to comment below and will make that video!

You Need To Be Consuming Enough Carbs. Why’s that important? Well, carbohydrates are your body’s preferred source of energy. If you do not provide your body with the fuel it needs, how can you expect to have the energy required to smash your workouts, break PRs and become stronger or bigger? The easy answer is…you can’t.

Your Meal Plan Needs To Be Clean. This simply means that the protein, carbs, fat and calories that you’re tracking are just numbers on your muscularstrength.com app. These numbers are just quantities of “how much” you ate, but you need to ensure that the QUALITY of your food sources is enough to maximize your muscle-building potential. Remember that getting your macronutrients from high-quality sources of food means you’re also getting indispensable micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals that play a VITAL role in muscle- building and your health in general. This is why when people say things like “protein is protein bro” and they eat shitty processed food all day, look ripped as hell, and claim IIFYM you should know by now they’re on drugs. Don’t fall for the gimmicks.

So now that you’ve got your meal plan in order and you’re adhering to it every single day with dedication, we can move on to the next mistake that’s killing your gains!

Mistake #2 – You’re Performing Too Many Exercises!
Guys, more is not always better. PERIOD. Performing 5, 6, 7, or even sometimes 8 exercises for one body part is the VERY DEFINITION of killing your gains. You go to the gym to STIMULATE, not ANNIHILATE your muscles. It seems that most of us have this image in our head that our workouts need to last 90 minutes and we need to just keep hammering out different exercises until the time is up.


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ScottHermanFitness October 31, 2017 - 5:11 pm

The funny thing is that if I never started training… I really think I would look like the photoshopped thumbnail image! haha

(3:23) – http://muscularstrength.com/mealplan
(8:23)- http://muscularstrength.com/Full-Workout-Programs
(9:51)- http://muscularstrength.com/article/Train-Your-Brain-For-Massive-Gains-Mind-Muscle-Connection
(10:47)- http://muscularstrength.com/Push-Pull-Legs

Article version of video – http://muscularstrength.com/article/Five-Reasons-You-Are-NOT-Growing

12 WEEK PUSH, PULL, LEGS PROGRAM!- BUILD MUSCLE & STRENGTH! – http://muscularstrength.com/Push-Pull-Legs

John Pirow October 11, 2019 - 9:23 pm

Thank you ♡

Valuable information..much appreciated

You are awesome

John Pirow October 11, 2019 - 9:26 pm

Hope you see this question

How about swimming? (..after strategic swimming I'm pretty buff) ..

John Pirow October 11, 2019 - 9:40 pm

Where is the video link to MIND MUSCLE CONNECTION

marko October 27, 2019 - 4:30 pm

your shirt is so fucking gay

Chad December 24, 2019 - 9:18 pm

Great advice,I didnt start seeing chest gains,until I took my shoulder out of the lift by doing the proper form,then bingo,its growing now.

Jamieson Lawrence December 27, 2019 - 7:52 am

is this dude from boston?

Abhinav January 17, 2020 - 1:18 pm

Does drinking water after each 3 sets of workout kill my gains

Alex Glase January 22, 2020 - 11:28 pm


Mike Skylark February 2, 2020 - 7:35 am

Genious video! I probably fail on all of those 5 points (even tho I'm an intermediate athlete). Gains are accumulating just way too slowly, regarding the work ethics I put into my routine…

Rhey Manuel Ocaya February 13, 2020 - 1:18 pm

I will subscribe because you use my fave anime Goku🤣 nice vid man!

Willim Guyt February 29, 2020 - 11:19 am

Not much into planning my meals so I didn't have much growth. I have to plan my meal a lot now. Thanks ScottHehhhhmanFitness.

polonium March 6, 2020 - 2:48 am

I don't know how to eat a cab

Beastmode March 6, 2020 - 11:04 am

Preferred source "carbs". If you fast 16/8 your body will adapt to using fat as angry reason why people get results. Most people can maintain fasting long term unlike "bro science diet".

Michal Fornalczyk March 11, 2020 - 9:59 pm

6:07 smaaaht not haaad

PistolLouie March 25, 2020 - 1:50 am

So should I be doing a high carb/protein intake on the days I lift or everyday?

Jamieson Lawrence April 5, 2020 - 9:57 pm

If I screenshot the workout I’m doing from home (gyms are closed for covid 19) does anyone want to critique it?

Mohammad Khalid April 10, 2020 - 4:09 am

What if … I had a high metabolism…. As well as digestion problem ( my body doesn't produce enough required enzymes to digest complx protine and fat….. Like which is present in milk..)……

G Man April 19, 2020 - 3:14 pm

Isn't it funny how alll the youtube knowledge out there on diet, suppliments and workout routines comes back around full circle to just keeping it simple.

Capitol Gaming June 8, 2020 - 9:01 pm

Protein 2 milion muscle building channels and each one says PROTIEN

Sam Crighton June 24, 2020 - 3:02 pm

I do 6 times in a week once a day ab workout, upper body, lower body, biceps, is that OK

5065ca June 25, 2020 - 2:12 am

I stopped growing years ago, I hit my genetic potential BUT I'm still hitting the weights hard like a noob

GoNewEnglandPats1 June 26, 2020 - 12:17 am

Love this guys accent

Kyle Heffernan July 12, 2020 - 10:06 am

Awesome video! I was wondering though, if you to have a caloric surplus, does this mean you cannot burn fat and build muscle?

I thought you needed to have a calorie defcit to burn fat?

Michele Conteduca July 30, 2020 - 3:41 am

Great video

Md. Monowar-ul Haq August 4, 2020 - 9:55 am

only when you mentioned goku, was i fully convinced! 😉
great vids, subbed!

93hothead August 6, 2020 - 2:42 pm

wait i genuinely have a serious question what if every week on monday i do chest then wednesday i focus on legs and may friday on arms etc.. will it affect my gains or should I stick with a body part a week??

rvz77 August 19, 2020 - 6:26 am

Point #1, make sure you have enough protein for growth.
I agree
BUT, how do prisoners build so much muscle with such a shitty diet???

The mass amount of reps vs what we do in the gym.
How does this work??

NorthStarCode August 23, 2020 - 4:19 pm

I did everything right, at least i think i did. I was eating like Hollywood stars when they train for their superhero roles (nothing fancy but with a solid plan for every week, i also calculated everything i intake). I trained consistently over two months, with a beginner full body program from muscleandstrength. I was sleeping 9 hours a day, every day. I meditated. I did yoga and walking on rest days. Zero sugar. Zero junk food. I somehow managed to lose 3% of my muscle mass and gain some fat. I mean, how? I know two months is a short period of time to make some visible progress, but to actually lose muscle? I thought i was finally on a good track, after many years of depression and bad habits. This failure is messing with my mind. I'm starting to think it's not worth it. I don't know what to do. I feel terrible.

Mikiee Miike September 1, 2020 - 6:09 pm

Two words: Shawn Baker

Chris September 2, 2020 - 9:58 am

1. I eat enough and track everything, i know that as i have excess weight
2. I lift to 10 reps which is near failure
3. I do the recommended 10-12 sets per muscle per week
4. I train twice a week and have tried three

If im doing all i can and am dedicated why am i still not growing? I cant lift anymore weight with good form. Im doing all i can. Havent seen gains in a year

Juan Ignacio Zapata September 5, 2020 - 12:57 am

I have a problem, i can't progress with weighs, i can't incres them

Eric Hebert October 13, 2020 - 12:59 pm

I know this is an old video but if I'm trying to loose 50-60lbs (I'm 5'8" and weigh 255lbs) then how I'm suppose to loose weight if I'm in a caloric surplus?? I'd just gain weight. I don't want to be big. I just want to be small and cut. Not a body builder figure.

Gecxid Rureel November 3, 2020 - 12:48 am

This is part of my problem. I did chemo. It left me weak as hello. After about five years I finally started doing something about it. But during the half a year for the chemo and four years after that I gained 70 lb. So all this info about eating enough so that your body can build muscle, I' feel like I'm between the rock and a hard place. I started at 274 and after about one and one half months I have lost 21 lbs. But I need to regulate how much I eat in order for that to happen. My goal is to be 175 lb so I still have about 85 lbs to go. So I guess I'll just go up in the amount of weight that I'm using till I can't add any more. But the reduction in body weight needs to be the priority.

Nicky Chops November 3, 2020 - 8:17 am

Jesus man just tell us an idea of how much…like if you weigh 120-160 you’ll need “this much” protein LOL

j j November 4, 2020 - 11:30 pm

U can build muscle in a deficit ask coach greg

Joshua Amador-Coppin November 5, 2020 - 8:46 am

awesome video! very helpful

SongsofThe Century November 23, 2020 - 6:16 pm

Still, you don't need more than 50G of carb per meal. Whey shakes & Eggs & Broccoli are enough if you are short of money. To build muscle & recover from illness & injuries the body Needs Protein. No matter which are needed all can be made with help from L-Glutamine. It possesses an extra Nitrogen atom which it readily offers for the synthesis of other amino acids. It behaves like a molecular Robin Hood that directs the distribution of our amino acid riches. Glutamine takes proteins from where it can be spared & delivers them to where they are most needed. It helps create other important nutrients glutathione(immunity), glucosamine(joint health) & Vitamin B3.

Bodybuilders benefit from the repair & preservation effect of L-Glutamine. Prolonged exercise causes microscopic injuries to the muscles & for as long as 2 weeks after a workout & lowers the body's glutamine stores. Taking a supplement feeds the need for & replenishes the glutamine stores. The extra N atom allows the body to build more lean tissue & helps fill glycogen reserves. With enough glycogen, less muscle is broken down for energy.

L-Glutamine also promotes the release of HGH(Growth Hormone) which can spur muscle growth. 5G is a good dose but to stimulate the immune system 5-20G & 3G for alcohol urges.

Jesse Skeens December 14, 2020 - 1:56 pm

Body pot.

Sameer Khan February 14, 2021 - 4:03 pm

Lmao, the DBZ reference 😂😂

yochonon paley February 24, 2021 - 6:15 pm

ya ill work on my caaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbs

Mang Kanor March 20, 2021 - 7:06 pm

2. You need to be consuming enough calves.

Wait.. what the fvck?

Rummi Loo April 16, 2021 - 12:21 pm

Is it possible to workout and on the second day of my rest day I do it all over again? Been doing that and it seems I’m not gaining anything.

Pedro Rodriguez May 5, 2021 - 11:10 am


DevilMan May 9, 2021 - 3:43 pm

1. Too much myostatin

2. See number 1

3. Fuck myostatin. All my homies hate myostatin.

DARZ - iDaleVlogs May 23, 2021 - 6:35 am

jeff cavaliere after seeing the title: "watching this video is KILLING your gains"

Runeshire Moonskrull September 29, 2021 - 10:53 pm

Sold me at the dbz reference honestly

Maximus Panin December 12, 2021 - 10:40 pm

Ahaha, this is all about me! )))
