45 Minute HIIT Home Workout with Weights – Total Body 45 Min HIIT Workout with Dumbbells – HASfit

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Queen July 29, 2019 - 3:32 pm

Enjoyed this workout ~ my why –because I'm worth it! Thanks HASfit!

Luciana Lage August 13, 2019 - 2:27 am

Me before this workout: Oh boy, I feel so tired today. Very low energy.

Me after this workout: Oh yes, I feel great. Let's party!

Minyou Kluivers December 9, 2019 - 10:11 am

great work-out, thanks

G December 23, 2019 - 5:49 pm

My reasons for working out are 1) i am close to depression and working out helps me keep emotions in balance 2) i have been struggling with loosing weight for the past 4 years and now slowly getting there 3) im not getting any younger, loosing weight is not enough, i want to firm my body and be more fit generally.
Thank You so much for keeping the workouts free! I purchased the torch program (which is super affordable for pretty much any income level in any country).

Mitkoncepcija March 24, 2020 - 9:20 am

great one…

John Wall April 10, 2020 - 3:45 pm

Thanks HASfit for helping us stay healthy during home isolation. I look forward to starting my mornings with Claudia and Coach. Cheers

Joe Taz April 16, 2020 - 4:33 pm

This isn't really HIIT though. HIIT includes intervals of rest but this is going from one exercise to the next, never letting the heart rate recover.

Wendy Trinh April 26, 2020 - 1:57 am

Thank you for another great work out, love that you have many the 40 -50 mimutes wok out. Always looking forward everyday to work with you.

Ritta Y May 5, 2020 - 8:26 am

This one is a killer! Really want to see your new release!

Erin Wallace May 27, 2020 - 11:55 am

Thank you

TinaAtene Jinadu July 6, 2020 - 10:51 am

Awesome!!!! Thank you both 🙏💕

TinaAtene Jinadu July 6, 2020 - 10:53 am

I’ve lost 5 kilos in 2 weeks doing your workout routine 4 times in a week! It also help eat less than I usually will even though I eat 4 times in a day! My abdominal muscles feel tighter! Thanks!!!!

Maria Peace Nwakor July 7, 2020 - 9:39 am

Nailed it .. Thank you Hasfit

Diane Kimokeo July 8, 2020 - 5:36 pm

I love these workouts!! They keep me strong and motivated at age 60. Thank you for what you do.

Aby K.R. July 15, 2020 - 4:27 pm

Transitioned from following the easier excersice to the harder variations for most videos. Today, I had to go slow and even do slightly easier than Claudia due to soreness and exhaustion. Still showed up, if I miss one day in the week I know I'll fall off the workout wagon. With you guys I never feel bad about having to take it easier so long as I show up and keep pushing. Thank you for helping me!

Anri Flickinger July 17, 2020 - 1:20 am

I love these workouts. We have a basic home gym setup and I don't always feel like planning out my workouts. For whatever I feel like, HASfit has a workout video for it. Thanks so much! You guys are legit.

Cindy Lopez August 5, 2020 - 7:18 pm

Just finished this workout and I love it… pushes me to keep going!!👍👍👍👍

T 1 August 7, 2020 - 1:37 pm

Greetings from Canada:

I stumbled across your workout series in the spring and have been using a different one daily ever since.:) I started with the older ones and have worked my way toward your newer workouts. In doing so, I have noticed and appreciated an evolution in the quality of your presentation over time. Here are just a few of the aspects of your sessions that I appreciate most: Focus on progress over perfection and emphasis on making small daily improvements over time-working at a pace that works for your body. Thank you for providing gentler and more intense adaptations of each exercise and pointing out how each benefits the body. I love the workout preview as it enables me to pick and choose the work out I need for any given day with greater efficiency. I also appreciate that you provide workouts of different lengths to fit into schedules which may also vary from day today. I've discovered that you have provided an assortment of workouts which also suit different energy levels. Whether the day has left me feeling energized and ready for a long hard workout or drained and ready for a gentler mood-enhancing session, I can find what my mind and body need in your menu of options. The boredom busters have also been fun and motivating. On busy and exhausting days, it can be hard to summon the self-discipline to go back to the beginning of a series of exercises and repeat the whole thing two more times! If anything is going to make someone want to turn off the screen I think it may be just that. So, it's nice to have a good variety of different and interesting exercises to work through as it makes the session pass quickly. Your website is set up beautifully and enables users to quickly find a series of workouts which helps to target specific needs. Another nice way to quickly and easily find your next workout without wasting time scrolling through endless options. Finally, I appreciate how both of you are knowledgable and share in providing instructional guidance and encouragement. Over time, I've noticed fewer motivational platitudes, which is nice , and more authentic, conversational encouragement. Many thanks for helping so many of us stay fit throughout the shelter in place period and beyond. I don't think I want to return to the gym now as I find this program works really well and fits into my schedule so conveniently. Commendable work 🙂

thuraya Albloshi August 9, 2020 - 7:35 pm

36 min

Jamie Shetz August 12, 2020 - 4:38 pm

My, “WHY,” is to be as healthy as I can be in order to be active with my students and I’d be lying if I didn’t mention…muscles make happy! 😊

Christine Ho August 19, 2020 - 5:12 pm

I have always follow your workout and I love them. I did this one yesterday and I have comments to make. I have no idea how long is each workout but it seems more than a minute which is too much, at least for me. I admire that you often let us know in advance how the workouts look. May I also suggest that you let us know time and rest for each workout. Also, this particular workout is less than 45 minutes which is a little disappointing. Last but not least, thank you for the free workouts. Much appreciated!

Uma Godiyal August 23, 2020 - 5:25 am


Shelly M September 17, 2020 - 10:26 am

How come the workout is only 30 minutes?
My "why" is that I paid for it & am determined to get my moneys worth. Seeing as you'll no longer being doing new workouts I've cancelled my subscription 🙃

barbara garay November 4, 2020 - 3:54 pm

Love that there is no breaks in between exercises 😅

Michelle Lecarpentier November 9, 2020 - 6:49 pm

when I started this I didnt think i could do it but i did. Thanks for teaching how to think about working out.

Megan November 14, 2020 - 12:18 am

Wow wow wow.

My "why"? I've been overweight my entire life and during COVID-19 I have been dedicated to losing weight. I'm down 38 lbs so far and I fit into a size of pants I haven't been in since MIDDLE SCHOOL! (I'm 31 years old now).

Thanks for having amazing, crazy hard, but crazy great workouts.

DEBORAH MANN December 3, 2020 - 11:51 pm

I may or may not have forgotten to pause the video throughout one of my minute-long water breaks. Or two of them….. or fourty five….

lucymperez26 December 10, 2020 - 4:10 pm

oh my dear tripe guys, my why is my hip. I have pain every day and I was looking for some relief pain excises and I found your and I love it. Since that day I'm here every week at least 5 day and try to keep up with you guys. I'm 46 and my other reason is my 4 kids and my self. I feel alive after all your workouts and after this pandemic situation I stop going to the only local gym and the best think that happen to me was found you in here to now weak up every morning to see you here and do my best. LOVE YOU and thank you so much for all you do.

scarymb18 December 29, 2020 - 2:54 am

Thx coach for all your excellent workout I normally went to the gym but since I found your program and I am loving it,and I haven't been back to the gym because I find it so good follow your workout at home and I can see the result.
Keep up with the good work you guys are rock.
Mary from Australia.

Wanita Wells January 7, 2021 - 7:36 am

Great workout guys! Just completed on my deck in the sun. Beautiful way to end the afternoon! Thank you 🙂

Steve Filburn January 7, 2021 - 9:30 pm

I really love your workouts…the aerobic, weights and bands give me a good work out and I like to mix it up. I'm 64 with osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. And I do these workouts because I'm trying to keep as limber as possible. I also like that Coach and Claudia do the hard and slightly easier variations. That really helps me as I can do Coach's sometimes and Claudia's when I can't. Thanks for helping, you really make a difference for me.

Steve Filburn January 7, 2021 - 9:31 pm

I forgot to add that I appreciate the warm ups and the cool downs.

Shade Official February 15, 2021 - 8:32 pm

This workout was a torture but also my absolute favorite. Definitely Bookmarked!

Simone Delacool February 25, 2021 - 5:47 am

My why is so I can build a healthy habit while I'm still young (21 yo) in order to stay energized as I get older, also for the confidence it gives me, and so I can dance longer 💞

Marion Ooms February 27, 2021 - 4:37 pm

I am a 69 year old lady, and since the begin of the covid pandemic I have done faithfully 3 of your classes every week . You guys are an inspiration ! You saved me from becoming totally crazy with the pandemic lockout. I love the fact that there was a modified version done by Claudia that allowed me to still be able to do your workouts ! You were a God send for me !! Thank you so much for your classes. I love them !! Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! Love you guys !!

Gaelle Delaunay March 5, 2021 - 7:40 pm

Love these workouts and how effective they are. Just wish coach would talk less and it was more of an equal partnership with Claudia. She must be so bored with always doing the easiest versions 🙂

Sharon Glowa March 15, 2021 - 3:18 pm

My why is I just turned 70. I watch my 20 month & 5 yr old grandchildren plus take care of my 101 yr old mother! I’ve also exercised consistently since I was 18. It’s a big part of my life. Looking forward to the new videos ❤️

Tracy Kaplan March 16, 2021 - 5:58 pm

My mom gave me a book when I turned 40 called "Strong Women Stay Young" (that was long ago…), and that's been my mantra for years. I want to be strong for myself, my family — and maybe even some grandkids someday! I love your workouts for the efficiency, the variety, the superb explanations, and the focus on MY motivation. You guys are wonderful together and a "joy" to workout with (if workouts can be a "joy"). Keep it up!

Addy98 March 23, 2021 - 5:57 pm

Awesome workout!

Matthew J. Greenleaf April 10, 2021 - 12:31 am

My favorite trainers! I do your workout several times a week

braunmar7 May 19, 2021 - 12:53 am

Awesome workout as usual thank you!

Michelle Valdez June 3, 2021 - 5:30 pm

HASfit is changing my life! I come back because I feel too good to go back to the way I did before I started working out! I never want to feel that laziness and fatigue again.

Sahil Munjal June 12, 2021 - 1:46 am

This is no way a 480kcal workout. It should be much more. No rest at all between sets

jill July 24, 2021 - 5:48 pm

Love this workout to give me some energy for the day and to make me stronger for everyday life!

Ishwar Persad August 24, 2021 - 9:09 am

Moved to Oe-Cusse recently, a remote enclave in East Timor – no gym nor weights so made my own weights with water bottles and beach sand so I can continue my hasfit workouts!!

Ann Smith August 28, 2021 - 5:39 pm

Just completed this workout… why did I hit the play button? So I can’t keep my body fit, boost my immune system and fk the vaccine! Thank you!

CoCo DeLuXe August 31, 2021 - 8:08 pm

I just have to say thank you!!! Your strength training vidz totally transformed my bawdy!!!!😊😊😊

fuzzytale August 31, 2021 - 9:11 pm

Ouch. Good ouch, but ouch

Blake Swearingen November 8, 2021 - 8:54 pm

You two are amazing individuals, I think I am an in shape 39 year old…but my mind is blown every time I do one of your incredible workouts. I have no clue how you two talk during these workouts as well! Keep em coming!!!
