39 Minute EMOM Blast with Weights: Dumbbell or kettlebell home exercises for strength & cardio – BodyFit By Amy

by YouTube Team

Join me for this 39-minute EMOM Blast workout with weights. EMOM stands for Every Minute On the Minute. You can use either a set of dumbbells, a kettlebell, or both. Modifications given for all fitness levels. Are you ready? Let’s do it!

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Workout Mat:
Top: Hope Fitness
Leggings: Lululemon
Shoes: APL
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For an additional warm up start here:
For some extra cool down go here:
For some extended stretching (cause we all need it) check this out:

Thanks for showing up today! Great job everybody!!


Please consult with your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk.


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Laura Monfrooe Hoffmann August 10, 2021 - 10:26 pm

I really enjoyed this! I felt like it pushed me but that I could still do it! I managed all the exercises and it's an hour later and my muscles are telling me they worked hard (and healthy.) I'll do this one again and look forward to more! Thanks Amy!

Carol Rossi August 11, 2021 - 4:03 pm

Really like the format. Don't be deceived by the four-rep beginning of the set. These are challenging rounds!

beth christenson August 11, 2021 - 8:31 pm

My legs were so sore the next day! Great leg workout!

Liz McKay August 12, 2021 - 10:21 am

This was a really good one! The build up was good, and also left room to do more reps if finishing early. Thanks again Amy!

Tricia Kaysea August 12, 2021 - 4:38 pm

As noted, great format – I appreciate that the lower reps helped give time to get the form correct

Colleen Williams August 13, 2021 - 7:43 am

Feeling so good after this workout! Thank you!

Natasha Davey August 13, 2021 - 8:22 am

You know it’s tough workout when the swing is considered a ‘rest’ 😂 fabulous as always though Amy!

Leonie Maslen August 13, 2021 - 9:08 am

Love this format Amy. Thank you so much

Annette Hansen August 13, 2021 - 10:33 am

This was really intense!:-)) I was just getting tired as you said "Everything else is down on the mat", YES!:-)) And next: my tris are killing me!:-)) But this was such great fun and I am feeling fantastic as always working out with you!:-)) Lots of love Amy!:-))

Suzanne Thibault August 13, 2021 - 12:39 pm

What a challenging format! I loved it! Thank you so much for helping me stay in shape.

Eyicel Bazan August 13, 2021 - 2:29 pm

I really like this one!

Gerre Ward August 13, 2021 - 10:33 pm

Really like these style W/Os… Great for reducing boredom!

Josie J August 14, 2021 - 11:34 pm

Loved it!

kj smith August 15, 2021 - 5:36 pm

I love that you have added the "squat, curl, press" text on the video!! Much easier to follow!

Melissa Lupisella-Kaplan August 16, 2021 - 10:51 am

Hard time sleeping last night and just wanted to sleep in, but I knew this workout was waiting for me and so happy I woke up anyway. It was great!

M K August 20, 2021 - 7:38 pm

Amy, a major reason I’ve done your workouts 3 days per week for years is that I never get injured! I have a few problem joints, but I’ve been able to do all of your workouts while challenging myself and getting progressively fitter and stronger without a single flare up. Thank you for your expertise!

Jo Pain August 22, 2021 - 9:09 pm

Thanks so much for these workouts absolutely love them and the way you lead 😍🙌🤸🏼‍♀️

Jackie Podesta August 24, 2021 - 9:15 am

Loved it great workout 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Tereza Vogeltanzová August 25, 2021 - 8:38 pm

A great workout, thank you, Amy. I do love this format – it is challenging but allowing to focus on the form 🔥💜!

Joanne Conway August 26, 2021 - 8:29 am

Loved this format of building on movement and can get them down safely first. Went so fast! Brill, thank you Amy!

laurafitzsimonssinger August 26, 2021 - 8:48 am

Loved this workout. Thanks again Amy.

DS September 4, 2021 - 7:54 pm

This format is brilliant, because I can get the rounds done in my own pace ☺️🙏👍. And I really liked the basic rounds before doing the combo moves. 👏 I hope I will look and be nearly half as fit as you after my pregnancy 😌🤗

cellodemon34 September 5, 2021 - 3:35 am

I'm a little over 9 months postpartum and still trying to get back the energy I used to have for working out. When Amy said "I'm proud of you," I teared up a little. It really felt like she meant it and I needed that. 💚

Maria Tyrrell October 28, 2021 - 1:04 am

Really liked the emom format and the options to switch between kettlebell and dumbbells! Thank you for the challenge Amy!!!
