36 Minute Yoga Cardio Fusion Workout – BodyFit By Amy

by YouTube Team

Join me for this 36 minute Yoga Cardio Fusion Workout. This is a good mix of yoga and barre inspired moves with some flexibility and mobility work to get your heart rate up and strengthen and stretch your muscles. Options for all fitness levels – listen to your body and be where you are today. All you need for this workout is a mat, and a little space to move. Are you ready?
Let’s do it!

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For an additional warm up start here:
For some extra cool down go here:
For some extended stretching (cause we all need it) check this out:

Thanks for showing up today! Great job everybody!!

Please consult with your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk.


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Cara Wohlgenannt April 28, 2021 - 5:57 pm

Great yoga workout! My body felt really tight and I also felt more tired today. This is exactly what I needed. Also, I am with everybody else who commented here, I am not huge on yoga, but this workout I really enjoyed! Would love more of these too for active recovery! You are amazing!

Klára Pastrňáková May 1, 2021 - 6:45 pm

Perfect ! Thank You Amy, I really needed this today ☺️.

Jacquelyn Antonelli May 7, 2021 - 10:31 am

You need to give more direction than just "take it here". I had to continually stop to see where "here" was. It disrupted every move.

Chrissy Kaleugher May 9, 2021 - 10:56 am

This was great for my active recovery day. I loved how it flowed quickly but was gentle. I felt like I was moving the whole time but in a restorative way. I have a hard time taking rest days so this was a perfect workout to give my body a break but still feel like I was active. Thank you!

Lemity_don May 13, 2021 - 5:54 pm

Workout completed 💪 I can feel a difference in my strength after just 1 week back. Not usually a yoga fan but I did this today after feeling really tired all day. I wanted a slow workout and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Will do more of these! x

Delia Daniela May 18, 2021 - 5:30 pm

Thank you Amy! It was just a workout that I needed for my tired muscles! 🍀👍

Janna Thompson May 21, 2021 - 11:01 pm

This was just what I needed today! Thank you Amy 👏🏼👏🏼

Annette Hansen May 22, 2021 - 11:41 am

This is such a nice active recovery workout!:-)) Amy could we please get some more of this, it is awesome to do between the heavier workouts!:-))

Clare Clarke June 27, 2021 - 2:04 pm

Medicine for my muscles after a hard week of workouts 💜

Erin Hart July 1, 2021 - 9:55 am

I don't usually do yoga in the early morning because I am not very flexible first thing, but after a warm-up run, my muscles were ready for this. This workout was just what I needed this week, as I am sore from some other weight-oriented sessions. Thank you!

Tanya Willis July 1, 2021 - 2:04 pm

Most excellent! Loved it💗

Tanya Willis July 1, 2021 - 2:05 pm

Thanks for the “move forward” tip. Really helped my abs feel it more and that’s the area I struggle so much with.

Annemarie de Waard July 1, 2021 - 2:39 pm

Great workout!!

Joni Wobbrock July 2, 2021 - 2:11 am

This work was amazing, especially after a hard workout! Thank you so much!!!!

Tanith Algeo July 2, 2021 - 4:37 am

Amy this was incredible! Thank u so much. I’m LOVING your workouts

Dalhia Spencer July 2, 2021 - 7:00 am

An amazing workout as always🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍you're the BEST Amy🥰🥰🥰🥰

Stephanie Pellegrino July 2, 2021 - 4:04 pm

Yet another great workout with Amy! Love the fusion. A perfect balance. Thank you Amy.

Marilyn Cheah July 6, 2021 - 4:35 am

This was a perfect in between workout, I was feeling really drowsy from meds but really needed a workout. This workout wasn’t overly demanding and hard to keep up but at the same time perked me up. Thanks for all the workout videos youve posted. 🙂

Delia Daniela July 6, 2021 - 6:37 pm

I love this workout Amy!❤️🙏🏽

Stephanie Kyriacou July 11, 2021 - 10:43 am

Did this in first trimester with minor adjustments. Worked perfectly and feel good after it despite the nausea! Thank u! ❤️

Adriene Haskins July 17, 2021 - 4:31 pm

Woke up feeling stiff and sore so I decided to try this one. I loved it! It was exactly what I needed! Thanks Amy!

C. S.T. July 21, 2021 - 3:57 pm

This was so good for me now. Thanks, Amy!

Sabrina Dawkins July 27, 2021 - 5:57 pm

Really appreciate these yoga and barre fusion videos!

Kim Skowronek July 29, 2021 - 11:49 am

This was very enjoyable! I really liked the variety and I do feel energized and relaxed! Thanks Amy!!

rutrut11 July 29, 2021 - 3:49 pm

Super workout!!! Thank you 😀

Ness Stephanie August 13, 2021 - 8:07 am

I don’t like traditional yoga workouts even if I did them for decades. This is yoga for geeks😅 no incense but plenty of momentum, yes!

Mariela Cabezas August 16, 2021 - 6:41 pm

I did this today and you really saved me!! I was feeling so low energy and even a little depressed, but after doing this workout I feel completely different. Thanks so much!! Loved it!

Maria Fernanda Carvajal-Navia August 20, 2021 - 6:50 am

This was perfect to push through a migraine. Thank you!

Corina Santoro September 1, 2021 - 11:10 am

this was a nice change from my traditional yoga

Ольга Афанасьева November 12, 2021 - 5:16 pm

Одна из лучших вариаций кардио йоги! 😍 я вспотела, я полна энергии, чувствую себя просто замечательно.

Anne-Marie Helwaser November 14, 2021 - 1:19 am

Love this mix of yoga and cardio .I was wondering if you could you create one similar, but maybe more beginner focus… II am afraid my cardio moves weren’t always correct, back shape wise, and maybe speed wise…but still enjoyed it a lot and I feel so much better now after the classs….

Jacqueline Gallipoli November 14, 2021 - 4:29 pm

Thank you for being so level headed and encouraging us not worry about what it looks like.

Justin Rachel De Jong January 16, 2022 - 4:58 am

This was lovely! Perfect for just getting a little warm and limber on cold, tight days.

Samantha Geis February 8, 2022 - 12:21 pm

35 weeks pregnant and this was a wonderful movement workout!
