3 Unique Shoulder Workout Finishers | TARGET ALL 3 DELTOID HEADS – ScottHermanFitness

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When it comes to building big shoulders, you do NOT want to leave the gym, with energy left in the tank!

You want to RIP and SHRED your deltoids down to the last muscle fiber and today Colossus Fitness and I will show you exactly how to do that by demonstrating our favourite shoulder finishers!

Before we begin though, let’s make it crystal clear that you are going to choose only ONE of the following 3 finishers and the reason for that is because you need to focus 100% of your efforts on this finisher, rather than going through a lot of exercises without full awareness and concentration.

Finisher #1: Barbell Up & Over
For the purposes of this exercise, you will only need a 45lbs barbell without any weight on it. So leave your pride at the door, pick up that barbell and place it on your chest as if you were going to perform a normal Overhead Press (OHP). Press the barbell up, just enough to clear your head and bring it behind your neck as low as you can. Then press back up, again just to clear your head and return to the starting position.

This is essentially a combination of an OHP and a behind the head press and it might feel light at first but after 20 reps it’s going to create a serious burn, which you need to fight through. Give it 100% and try to go beyond failure.

By the time you’re done with this exercise, your shoulders will be on fire and you will have successfully targeted all 3 heads of the shoulders (anterior, lateral and posterior) and your traps as well.

Finisher #2: The Bus Driver
This exercise might look and feel a bit weird at first, but if done properly it can be extremely effective at exhausting your shoulders at the end of your workout.

Pick up a 45lbs plate and raise it until your arms are parallel to the floor. A common mistake people make with this exercise, is that they keep their arms lower than parallel which is a form of cheating. Once you’re at the starting position, perform a rotary motion and start twisting the plate left and right, using full range of motion.

This is going to work all 3 heads of the deltoids from angles that you might not have experienced before and cannot possibly experience from the “classic” shoulder exercises. Again, give it your 100%, go past the burn and squeeze out as many reps as you can. Remember to keep your glutes and core tight, keep a nice posture and leave everything out on the floor!

Finisher #3: Three-Way Fly
The last finisher is a devastating one! If you pick this one, I want you to stop only when you reach absolute failure and not a second before, because you will be doing only one set!

Before you begin however, make sure you are getting into the starting position properly. You most definitely DON’T want to just bend over and put your lower back at risk. What you want to do instead, is sit between your legs, so that your torso is almost resting on top of your thighs.

Once your stance is stable you are going to perform the Three-Way Fly utilizing two dumbbells. Begin with your palms facing forward and bring the dumbbells back as far as you can. Continue with your palms facing each other and bring the dumbbells out to the sides. The last part of the 3-Way Fly is done with your palms facing back and the dumbbells moving in the front of your body. So it’s like this:

Back as far as you can (palms facing forward)
To the sides (palms facing each other)
To the front (palms facing back)

That’s ONE rep! You are going to keep doing this until you cannot complete any more repetitions. Empty that tank and shred those delts until there’s nothing left!

I hope you enjoyed this article and that using these finishers in your workouts will result in some epic delt gains! Let me know if you have any questions in the comment section below and as always…more good stuff coming soon!

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baaspindakaas February 1, 2017 - 7:55 pm

many people say they don't have the confidence to do stuff like the bus driver at the gym. i am lucky i have most of my stuff at home.

Napoleon del Rosario February 1, 2017 - 8:39 pm

I'm loving this. totally going to try this. my shoulders are definitely lagging in terms of gains. thanks Scott and company

Gary Casper February 1, 2017 - 9:46 pm

That "Driving Miss Daisy" exercise is killer… 🙂

PK February 1, 2017 - 10:46 pm

I have that bus driver in my routine!

Joespn February 1, 2017 - 11:17 pm

Will definitely be trying those baarbeeellll up and overs!

Nit February 1, 2017 - 11:20 pm

Should I do one of these after working on mechanical tension?

Shaun McGregor February 1, 2017 - 11:27 pm

Three tips to get bigger shoulders from two small guy. Mediocre bodybuilders

capoman1 February 2, 2017 - 12:14 am

4:15 Scott is using too much range of motion for the deltoids on this move. If you're targeting delts, you shouldn't be moving so far that you retract your back muscles; this ends up engaging the back. Bent over raises (the first 2 variations of his 3 part movement) have a really short range of motion to target only delts.

Just a critique, not bashing.

Zen Razor February 2, 2017 - 1:07 am

I do the first two on shoulder almost every time. The driver one is pretty funny because it looks really easy but just a few reps of them and can't even lift your arms.

Avin R February 2, 2017 - 2:25 am

cool! trying these on my next shoulder day!!

up and over looks to be my favorite though all look pretty cool.

Leo February 2, 2017 - 4:54 am

This will def be a time saver for me

Luke Ball February 2, 2017 - 3:54 pm

Just when I needed new shoulder exercises. Perfect as it's shoulder day, today. 🙂

Inf7cted February 2, 2017 - 5:02 pm

Shoulders today, so I will try this out.

MrAlexJ February 2, 2017 - 7:07 pm

Hey Scott! So I've been trying to increase my lat strength so that I could do more pull ups. I'm a 225 lb guy with 26% body fat. I can go pretty heavy with lat pull down but when it comes to pull ups I can only do about 3 before I can't do anymore.. Any tips on how to be able to do more?

Richard Holtom February 2, 2017 - 9:41 pm

The first one I know as a Bradbury Press. Nice will use that tomorrow as that is shoulder day for me. 😉

I'm Wood V February 3, 2017 - 12:22 pm

"Leave your pride at the door". Guess you guys are either clients of Cam Lam or Fronk Yong Fitness subs, amirite?

AlkalineGamingHD February 3, 2017 - 3:59 pm

glad they actually refereed to the lateral delt as the lateral delt

King Krupt February 4, 2017 - 10:02 am


Paul Benish February 4, 2017 - 9:53 pm

did the bahbell up and over today to finish off. liked the way my delts looked all fired up in the mirror 😀 will be doing the driver next time. it made me think of holding a small 15 lb jackhammer above the shoulders for a short period. the pain!

bradleeregister February 7, 2017 - 5:53 am

If you're not supposed to shoulder press behind the head why would perform that exercise in a burnout?

Elec Tric February 8, 2017 - 11:02 am

1. I just have tried the bus driver exercise and I can also feel it mostly on my triceps, is that normal?
2. Is it alright to do this by set? 10 reps for max effort then rest for 1-2 secs then another ser of reps?

Lizardannet February 12, 2017 - 4:28 am

These guys have mediocre shoulders.

Keith Yu February 13, 2017 - 10:24 am

So for the 3-way fly, I'm wondering which part of delt does the first variation work on? I can tell the second definitely works on back delt and the 3rd the front delt and maybe a little bit of side, correct me if I'm wrong! thanks!

Symesy February 14, 2017 - 8:57 am

Seriously unmotivating when a chip ad plays right before the video

Caps March 27, 2017 - 12:48 am

The first guy burn out was the best to me the other two are snap city.

Abhishek Mahendru August 1, 2018 - 11:23 pm

Holy shit, I will try these tomorrow. So excited.

sychkid November 23, 2020 - 5:23 am

Hello. I have some questions:
1. For the first exercise, how far apart do I keep my hands when gripping the barbell? Once the barbell is behind me, how deep should it go (touching only the traps)?
2. How heavy should the plate be when I do the bus driver?
