18 Minute Low Impact Home Workout | The Body Coach – The Body Coach TV

by YouTube Team

3 rounds | 6 exercises | 40 seconds work | 20 seconds rest

Downward Dog with Slow Spider Climber
Narrow Press Up
Reverse Lunge Knee Driver (20 seconds each leg)
Single Leg Raises (20 seconds each leg)
Plank Glute Kickback with Knee to elbow (20 seconds each leg)
Plank Jack Thrusters with Press Up

Find my books here:
Lean in 15 The Shift Plan
Lean in 15 The Shape Plan
Lean in 15 The Sustain Plan
Cooking for Family & Friends
The Fat-Loss Plan (pre-order) Out 26th December 2017

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The Body Coach Workout
Lean In Fiteen Workouts

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Alfie GAMING October 29, 2017 - 9:26 pm


my family October 29, 2017 - 9:55 pm

Amazing .I need workout to born legs and thigh.thank you

Sarah Fisher October 30, 2017 - 7:09 am

Hi Joe. Great workout. I live in a second floor flat so I can't be jumping about and disturbing my neighbours but I love to work out at home on days I can't make it to the gym. Any chance of a hardcore workout which doesn't involve any jumping on my neighbours ceiling? Many thanks x

David Frosdick October 30, 2017 - 9:22 am

I actually enjoyed this after a long weekend off. Nice to not smash a HIIT everyday and mix things up. Cheers Joe!!

Tammy Covell October 30, 2017 - 1:44 pm

Loving the Low Impact workouts!!! Thank you 🙂

Lorraine Macleod October 30, 2017 - 3:21 pm

Thanks so much for these low impact videos… I'm in a flat so this is brilliant! I don't have to worry about disturbing neighbours!

druidboy76 October 30, 2017 - 7:33 pm

You lost me at manbun.

middleandlast October 30, 2017 - 8:15 pm

Did it, I hurt hahaa! But so glad I powered through when all I wanted to do was go to bed!! 🙌 more please! Xx

Sankul R. Mandavia November 1, 2017 - 5:51 pm

Nice. What app are you using for the timer?

THE HIIT COMPANY November 2, 2017 - 12:26 am

Hope you are having a great time 🙂

Poy NextDoor November 4, 2017 - 2:34 pm

Hi joe, can you include the name of the exercises in the description of your videos? Other than that, great vid. Keep it up.

Emi Verrecchia November 6, 2017 - 3:21 am

Love working out with your videos. So motivating. Thanks Joe!

Stara Baker November 6, 2017 - 1:39 pm

I always wondered if 15 to 20 mins of workout was enough? Maybe 4-5 times a week? To stay healthy? To create muscle definition? To improve cardio? Anyone with good knowledge please enlighten me! Thanks

jessbatt100 November 8, 2017 - 7:06 am

Great workout Joe, love the varied moves!! Nice change up!

Nbel Yusf November 8, 2017 - 8:33 am

يعطي الفكر لهو لل الاءجوبه لهو لل الكلام مع الشعب الوطن لهم ما هي يئتي الفكر لكى' ما هو يكون الجواب الى' الله حتى' الزرع الكلام الاءجوبه اءذا كانه من العدو الوطن اءذا كانه من العدو النساء الوطن لماذا نقول النساء الوطن يعتبر العدو هم النقط الضعف لل الشباب الوطن يزرع الفتن والنفاق اءذا كان الصحيحه اؤ الكذب هو هاذا العدو لل الشعب الوطن لكم 💕👑💕👈

Nbel Yusf November 8, 2017 - 8:40 am

اءنا كتبتو الموضوع لهو اءنهو الصداقه لل الشعب الوطن هو قال هاذا الصحيحه عن الطريق الماقشه مع الصحفين لهو 💕👑💕 كيف علمت لهو ومع من تكلم هو هو قرئه الموضوع لي لل لهو وصار الربط الفكر بيني وبينهو وهاذا العمل الخير لل الله هو خيرنا وحياتنا لل الله الاءب الخالقنا العظيم👑💕👈

Magdalena Perner November 8, 2017 - 4:17 pm

This is a wonderful Mummy & Baby workout!

Pam Hanna November 11, 2017 - 1:59 pm

How about a low impact with weights and my true wish is a little longer. Thank you!!!!!!!!!

Candice Ortega November 12, 2017 - 4:39 am

You are brilliant Joe!! I’m always looking forward to your next video ❤️

Louise Barby November 19, 2017 - 12:16 pm

fab yoga-esque workout, Love it! 🙂

Sarah Cayanne November 22, 2017 - 7:38 pm

This targeted all the parts I struggle with in yoga, shoulders for shoulder stands etc. Had to substitute the stomach crunch for dead bug due to to much impact on my back and neck.

oli Zub November 29, 2017 - 5:19 pm


Tamarah Bush December 8, 2017 - 1:43 am

Thank you for the low impact home and "quiet" workouts. I love your HIIT sessions but have sometimes steered away because of apartment living.

Amita Verma February 15, 2018 - 11:13 pm

Too many inversions without warm up or cool down of shoulders. Wish it were more balanced.

ॐ Jordan Gould March 9, 2018 - 9:27 am

Thank you

Yiannis September 22, 2019 - 6:33 pm

Love these low impact workouts that work the upper body as well. Had back surgery last year and these help bring up the intensity without injury.

msnola915 October 17, 2019 - 3:00 pm

Low Impact Day 4 done….a Good sweat Thank you! Praying blessings on your day !!! 🙏🙌🕊✝️👑😃

Victoria V March 30, 2020 - 11:06 am

Thanks Joe 💪🥳👍🏻🤩😃

Robin Spangler July 4, 2020 - 4:12 pm

Joe, I was a flight attendant for years and did "in the hotel room, no excuse workouts!" I would hear other flight attendants say "there wasn't a gym" or "I didn't like the gym equipment" I always got my workout! I like this workout! It still comes in handy when I travel! Thank you!

June Daniel August 5, 2020 - 7:11 am

That was harder than it looked!

Jane Wardani August 10, 2020 - 7:01 am

loving that beeper!

Christian Nero September 17, 2020 - 11:33 am

Christian N 🇮🇹🇨🇦🙏🏽

Kelly Lodge October 18, 2020 - 9:06 am

Taking it slowly easing my bad knee back in – smashed it xxxx

Kelly Lodge November 9, 2020 - 6:31 am

Oooffff the shoulders …… x thanks as always x

D T November 10, 2020 - 5:56 pm

Hi how

D T November 10, 2020 - 5:57 pm

Hi joe wiks

Charmaine Gibson November 16, 2020 - 11:29 pm

Tough, but worth it! Thank you!

OMS December 11, 2020 - 10:02 am

got a sweat on, good workout for me with my dodgy golfers elbow

Kelly Lodge December 30, 2020 - 9:10 am

The bad knee is back – now the left one 😰😰😰😰 struggling !!

Purple Crayon February 15, 2021 - 7:37 am

I chose a low impact workout after having a terrible nights sleep. This was tougher than I thought it would be! Great workout, thanks Joe x

Helen Jerry February 18, 2021 - 6:42 pm

Did this today after yesterday doing pilates and this used all my pilates muscles again, but x100. Aching!!

Nazmin Chowdhury February 26, 2021 - 3:43 pm

my mom sucks so bad this is better then my stupid mom

bmxer4ever March 25, 2021 - 10:42 am

March 2021 – that was waaay harder than it looked! Upper body madness! Ooft! Session 76 for 2021….

Purple Crayon April 26, 2021 - 6:27 am

I came back to this one again on a Monday morning. I got a good sweat on and that last one was tough! Thank you Joe x

Purple Crayon October 14, 2021 - 6:22 am

Wow! It’s tough getting through the last round. I think I’ll be aching later. Great workout Joe, thank you x

James Kearny October 21, 2021 - 1:17 pm

low impact? This was a secret toughie. Here in Vancouver in a hotel. thanks Joe.

Emily Moss December 4, 2021 - 7:19 pm

Would argue that the last jumping move of the sequence is not low impact… !
