10 DAYS OUT | ARNOLD 2018 | Nerves Kick In – DanaLinnBailey

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Dawn Bailey February 23, 2018 - 4:57 pm

You got this DLB!!

Don Anspach February 23, 2018 - 5:42 pm

Go back to BodyBuilding B4 u injure urself….. It's not about being the strongest….Do high reps & high sets all angles Stay Sexy…. High Protein Low Carbs (Vince Gironda way) ❤

Jared February 23, 2018 - 6:02 pm

Dianabol Slin Bailey

Into the shadow February 23, 2018 - 6:21 pm

You need a sports psyc to give u some methods to handle the pressure. Example manchester city i leading in the premier league with 16 points ( thats a lot ) the following 4 top teams do not se Manchester city games, do not look at man city lead on the bord. The players are being learned to focus on the task and that is to win as many games as possible before the season ends

MichelleFouche1 February 23, 2018 - 6:43 pm

Dana, just give it your best shot. Show the world who the f#!% you are 😉

Jessica February 23, 2018 - 7:18 pm

yesss fucking LOVE YOU DANA!!! you are, by far, the ONE person on this Earth who continues to inspire me to stay in the gym and keep adding weight, to LEAVE my comfort zone and be a better version of myself!! I'm so excited for you, YOU GOT THIS!!!!

1975COREY February 24, 2018 - 4:23 am

Hey Dana you're looking jacked, keep on putting that work in, in the gym I'm proud of you.

Giovanna M February 24, 2018 - 7:42 am

I am excited for you. thanks for sharing this. Be confident in you! This competition is you battling you. I remember when my brother did his first competition. Nerve racking, anxious confused but in the end he had fun. Give it your best as you always do IYMFS!!!

ed inferno1977 February 24, 2018 - 9:02 am

You are the best i have ever seen. No matter what happens you are still my number one female bodybulldier/crossftitter/powerlifter there has ever been. Love you with all my heart dana 😘

MampoerCrypto February 24, 2018 - 9:03 am

You can do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!

Woodrow Hurley February 24, 2018 - 2:56 pm

You’re going to be amazing!!!! Hit a solid opener and the get out of your own way. Do it girl!!! Have some fun

Arslan Saitov February 24, 2018 - 6:35 pm

Good Luck love, you can do it ! Same is usual 🙂

Darko Fit Coach February 24, 2018 - 8:33 pm

ok so dana realized she cant beat malacarne and the top 3 so she switched sports. her quads were never ripped enough. although she does look ok for a female lifting weights and using hgh

Anitha February 24, 2018 - 8:56 pm

Go get it Dana. You know who you are

Kev Wheatley February 25, 2018 - 12:22 am

You be ok girl thats only natural to feel like that after your first lift its on

Krista Brown February 25, 2018 - 12:56 am

You got this!! You're gonna kick ass!

Tren Snowden February 25, 2018 - 3:54 am


Keaton Tso February 25, 2018 - 5:58 am

Youll be just fine. Do work.

Tara Wolf February 25, 2018 - 6:28 am

Don’t overthink! Focus on yourself!

S S February 25, 2018 - 5:48 pm

I love you Dana 🖤

ケネディチャールズ February 25, 2018 - 6:31 pm

Deadlifts on point

Alyssa Ritchey February 25, 2018 - 6:38 pm

I feel like crap to. I am weightlifting so YES you are right on track girl! Excited to watch you lift!

C February 25, 2018 - 7:00 pm

Being nervous means you're about to do something you care about🙃
Enjoy the process🏋️

Buhle Sylvia Mhlongo February 25, 2018 - 10:09 pm

You got this Mami!!!!!

Trail RunR February 26, 2018 - 12:16 am

You got this girl!

Marycel Calabria February 26, 2018 - 1:10 am

❤❤DLB ❤❤

Charles Gadt February 26, 2018 - 3:28 am

Focus on you gorgeous you got this,rob backing you that's awesome in itself

Steven B February 26, 2018 - 8:16 am

Hope you quit those roids I would be nervous too lol

Amar janu with Sanu and Panu February 26, 2018 - 11:58 am

<3 Dana <3

T-Laws Fitness February 26, 2018 - 1:11 pm

how did i miss that you are powerlifting not bodybuilding anymore? Did you get bored with the olympia? Good luck.

danger_ZL1 February 26, 2018 - 1:37 pm

who cares about everyone else . DO You and DO it for you , in the end if your happy with your self , no body else matters, do it for you.

Arial Black February 26, 2018 - 6:45 pm

I totally understand the freaking out because you care so much!!! I really do! You can do it girl! You got strength and heart most of dream about. You got this!

T Jay February 26, 2018 - 9:13 pm

This is where all the hard work pays off you'll be fine

drchico40 February 27, 2018 - 8:45 pm

I like seeing the "person" Dana vs. the "personality" Dana.

211for11 February 28, 2018 - 5:36 am

Hell Yeah !!! congrats get it !!!!

Marc Holohan April 28, 2018 - 6:19 am

Dana you have a hot body and awesome attitude. I believe that more you doubt yourself Dana you will turned around to positive energy when you compete and you will smash your goals. Good luck Dana kick arse.

marisia sullivan July 6, 2018 - 5:45 am

Good luck from your New Zealand fan
You got this Dana ☝️👌🏽
